Monday, July 1, 2024

Top Biden allies say he's still the best bet to win against Trump in November

If you study what actually happened to the Democratic party in 1924 because of the ku klux klan and in 1968 because of the Viet Nam War you begin to understand why democrats might keep biden as the presidential candidate.

The Republican party has always been more monolithic WASPS(in other words ONLY white anglo Saxon protestants who are racist) against all other races on earth whereas the Democratic party is a Big Tent Party so anything but monolithic with thousands of divisions on various issues including who is going to run against Trump in this election. IF you let that chaos lose now it could be worse than the Chaos of re-electing Biden. But, not worse than the END of the Human Race on earth and the end of Democracy on earth that Trump would bring.

So, on this level it's a toss up. In another election where the other candidate believed in the Constitution and swore to uphold it and not to lie constantly to himself and to the people it might be different. But allowing Biden to remain the candidate will likely mean the end of Democracy on EArth! At least at this point in the race!

However, if Trump goes to jail and is sentenced to jail on July 11th this might all change pretty drastically too!


begin quote from:

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