Thursday, July 18, 2024

Trump's Party is now the "White Christian Nationalist Party". It's no longer the Republican party of Reagan anymore

For example, JD Vance's position on Ukraine is that we should get out of there completely and let Russia have all of Europe. This is why Trump Chose him because both Trump and Vance are a part of the Russian Oligarchy. Understanding this you get why the Republican party is now the "White Christian Nationalist Party and a part of Putin's oligarchy to overthrow all democracies on earth! 

There are NO real Republican Conservatives in this party either and the people Trump put in the Supreme Court are NOT  Republican Conservatives either. They support White Christian Nationalist objectives instead.

Also, White Christian Nationalists do not believe in Democracy unless it is democracy that ONLY covers White Straight men and that's all!

That's why it's easy for me to say that in today's world to be this racist you cannot be democratic too because you eliminate the human rights of all women and minorities of any kind worldwide in all your decisions at the very least.

From this point of view a White Christian Nationalist is as Fascist as Hitler and Trump.

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