Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Truth was always very important to me

I found that this wasn't true of most people as I grew up. Truth was a luxury for most people I knew growing up if they wanted to stay alive.

Even in my own life I didn't share a lot of what happened to me. If my life was threatened by anyone in any way often I wouldn't share this with my father or mother or else they would have considered me weak in the 1950s. So, if I felt threatened even at age 8 or 9 I might consider using my .22 rifle on people if they were going to threaten me with knives and things like this. Being threatened to be killed by a knife was pretty common in the 1950s. Bullies often took knives to people's throats and told them they were going to cut someone's head off. In junior high school smaller boys would have their heads put into toilets with poop in them and rolled down hills in trash cans while they screamed and cried.

Whenever I could I tried to protect these people because I was usually a head taller than most people my age and i was very strong and capable of defending myself. But, if you are facing a gang of people with knives who are scary you have to choose whether you are willing to die to face them or not too.

So, unlike most people likely because my father was valedictorian of his high school Class I was taught that truth was very important in life unlike many or most children I grew up with.

The rationale for not believing in truth when I spoke to other children about this was just basic survival. People didn't tell the truth much then to anyone because they didn't feel that they could survive that then much. So, sharing the truth with your parents was not something most people did in the 1950s for this reason.

However, having people you can share your truths with I have found is very important in life whether it be your children or your significant other in your life. Everyone needs people that they can share their truths with in order to stay functional and sane throughout their lives.

This is my experience.

By God's Grace 

Note: So one of the reasons I have been able to maintain sanity unlike most people is that I have always shared my deepest truths whenever possible with my friends and family that I have loved and trusted always. I have fostered in my children and my spouse and closest friends now this truth and trusted kind of relationship always whenever possible.

By God's Grace

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