Sunday, July 14, 2024

We are all intuitives by nature. it's whether we are allowed to develop our intuitions or whether we allow our intuitions to develop

 One of the most fascinating things I learned about being an intuitive was during a Vision quest on the Trinity River in 1983 I believe. I would have been 35 years old then.

The first two days without water or food my mind kept screaming at me: "You are going to die not drinking any water or eating any food. (by the way I had already done by then several 7 day water fasts with Lemon juice and maple syrup to cut the toxicity of fasting down to a minimum. I could do that then.

But, my mind could not accept that I could survive without water too. We have all been brainwashed in this way (either fortunately or unfortunately).

However, I was still young and healthy enough to survive all this both physically and psychologically.

However, I was not prepared for my visions to be MORE REAL than normal reality. I think no one is really prepared for this. Not really.

It reminds me of both Jesus and Buddha Fasting and all their visionary experiences from doing this. I think both of them fasted for 40 days each I believe. This was also how Buddha Attained enlightenment too. 

And these experiences change one forever too.

But, you can speed up the process (if you have the mental and physical health to do this) to 4 days without water or food. (If you are brave enough and you have the mental and physical stamina to do this.

So, imagine 4 days of no water or food is comparable in many ways to a 40 day water fast.

IT's fairly easy to come up with 4 days for most people to retreat into the wilderness to do this. However, the weather has to accommodate you too. You don't want to cook or freeze or blow away in a hurricane or tornado while trying to do a vision quest.

For me, my most amazing vision was becoming a Great Golden Dragon as big as a house and breathing out fire on everyone. I was terrified people were going to burn up. However, instead they became enlightened and smiled in happiness and bliss. I was very surprised. However,  this was God sharing with me my future because that's what a vision quest is. So, whether you are Buddha or Jesus or just a normal human like you and me God can speak to you through a vision quest if you aren't eating food or drinking water for 4 days and nights.

But, you need to be praying all the time so this works and also you need to be remote away from where any people are too in order for this to work right some place you feel good about where no one will bother you. 

By God's Grace

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