Sunday, July 14, 2024

What is Soul Travel?

One might say that "Perception is reality". I would say this differently which is:

"You are where you think you are."

This might not seem logical to people but what you are aware of may or may not be attached to any one place.

For example, I woke up this morning wanting to write about Arcane on Mars. After I woke up I wondered what I was thinking. But, of course I wasn't thinking in my waking mind only in my dream mind which could be thinking anything because it exists mostly for us to make sense of our lives here on earth when nothing makes sense to us.

It is precisely where we have to start to make sense of what we are as human beings.

What are we?

I once asked someone who had studied Quantum Mechanics and who had taught this at a very prestigious military university for Officers.

I said to him: "How would you represent earth in a Quantum Mechanics way?"

He said, "How would you define earth since you are asking the question?"

I said, "I think through Quantum mechanics one would view earth a little like a TV Station or Radio Station traveling through space as a part of the Solar system and sun.

But, it wouldn't have a physical value maybe beyond being waves and particles in a radio station or TV Station."

He said something like: "This makes some sense to me to view earth like this as a nexus point like a radio frequency or a TV frequency broadcaster."

So, the way we view our planet is not how it could be perceived on a quantum level which is different than our more common sense approach which some could say is an old wive's tale to begin with.

In other words we aren't taught how to perceive what we experience bu college professors or Quantum Physics we are usually taught to see the world in a common sense way by our mothers or grandmothers or aunts who might never have been to college in the first place (This was also true of me). My Cousins and I were the first in the family to go to college except for my two aunts (my father's sisters). And they were only sent to college to meet a college guy to marry not for anything really serious for them to do other than get married (my aunts). Both my aunts were born between 2020 and 2025.

So, then, what is soul travel?

For me, it is realizing ultimately that we are already everywhere and every when.

What I have learned is we all live in the mind of God and so time and space are basically meaningless unless you are playing some kind of game like pretending you are a human being here on earth.

This might upset some people but then again I'm trying to be truthful here which to me at least is important.

By God's Grace


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