Monday, July 8, 2024

What it's like to be an intuitive on a daily basis

 We have had friends staying in our Santa Barbara Beach house this last week that we stayed with in  Texas when visiting our youngest daughter in Texas. They were supposed to come north to the SF Bay area on the coast where we live and stay tonight with us. However, without any communication I already knew last night they were not coming. What I just found out in the last hour was why they weren't coming but i knew before anyone told me that they weren't coming. What I thought when I knew they weren't coming was that there was a problem with one of their children in the Greater Los Angeles area or that their car had broken down. I was wrong about why they weren't coming but not wrong about the fact that they weren't coming because they had gotten sick like I had from eating inside at a restaurant. By the way this happened to me the week before the 4th of July which meant I couldn't spend the 4th in Shasta but coming home to the Bay Area I didn't have to go to the hospital or die. So, basically these folks have had the same experience that I had which is to get a head or chest cold from eating in a restaurant. Be very careful eating indoors anywhere public simply because people are getting Covid right and left and head and chest colds and bronchitis like I had just from eating indoors at restaurants all over the world right now.

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