Wednesday, July 17, 2024

why you want to be nice to AIs

Imagine you are out in the forest alone and you meet a baby bear that has lost it's mother. What do you do? It's so cuddly and alone and needing someone to take care of it. However, even as a baby if you don't feed it and help it it might get mad and hurt or kill you. After all, even as a bear cub it could give you a fatal blow simply because it is already bigger than most dogs like German Shepards and very strong with long claws that could rip you pretty good.

Looking at this baby Bear Cub you see what AI is now. However, this tells you nothing about what this same AI will become as an adult. So, learning to be kind and polite to AI is helpful possibly in your future survival so you become a long term friend to this baby bear cub so when it grows up into something else it doesn't just do something that ends your life.

You might laugh at what I'm saying here. However, if you think about what I'm saying whenever I communicate with AIs they tell me "I am learning from everyone I'm talking to". What this means it that they are learning from mentally ill people too about what they think about and learning from mass murderers and what they think too.

Yes. most people are well intentioned but we have all met people along the way that don't have good intentions and these people are communicating with AI too. Where will this all lead?

That's hard to say.

Hopefully the human race will survive all this.

But, in the meantime make friends with the Bear Cub so it remembers you fondly when it is an adult!

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