Saturday, November 11, 2017

How Trump saved the U.S. stock market by losing the whole world to China

The title shares what actually has been happening this first year of Trump's presidency. Everything good that Bush I, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama have accomplished (except for raising the stock market) has been viciously destroyed by Trump.

There really is no argument to this. all you have to do is to look at the state department and you see the complete international disaster for U.S. policy since World War II has been since he took office.

So, though the stock market is rising based upon what U.S. and world deaths do to Global Warming and pollution alone the rich stock market storck holders cannot believe their eyes as stocks go up and up and up but paid for in the blood of all those who will be killed by forest fires and hurricanes worldwide and other weather catastrophes worldwide from now on.

Outside of the stock market the only really good news from Trump is no major wars have started yet with millions of people dying. However, don't hold your breath because Saudi Arabia likely will be sending missiles into Iran pretty soon and vice versa the way things are going.

For Russia and the U.S. and Europe this likely will be the largest proxy war Since Syria and Iraq and Kuwait with millions of people dying within the next year or so the way this presently looks.

Of course missiles dropping on Hezbollah in Lebanon from Saudi Arabia is likely the first thing you are going to see if this happens.


Because Hezbollah in Lebanon is killing the ISIS army and the ISIS army is funded by rich Sunnis (especially Wahabi Sunnis in places like Saudi Arabia and others.) This doesn't mean the Saudi Government supports ISIS (at least not directly) because ISIS wants to overthrow the Saudi government and kill the entire Saudi Royal Family and run Saudi Arabia itself. So, to accuse the Saudi Government of collusion with ISIS doesn't make any sense (at least directly).

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