Thursday, April 18, 2019

"Biocom said, "Buddha's Alive"

TURDAY, JUNE 6, 2009

In this section, Arcane and Prophetess are sent back in time by "Biocom" to visit Guatama Buddha about 2500 years ago now around 500 BC.

begin quote from:

Arcane's New Wife

Note: If you want to read how Prophetess became Arcane's 2nd wife read the above webpage.end note.

2nd note: There are always illegal aliens between nations and between planets. However the galactic Government sees to it that all those who legally travel between worlds do not transport viruses, microbes, bacteria, or pets that might harm the ecosystem on another planet. This is one of the purposes of Galactic Government.However, it is left to the beings living on a specific planet to prevent organisms from one geographic area from overrunning organisms from another geographic area on that specific planet. end 2nd note.

If you read the above webpage from this site then you know that we left Arcane and Prophetess on the side of Mt. Shasta in his cabin. Biocom was creating the illusion that Arcane and Prophetess wanted for her to look like on earth since she is an aquawoman from the planet New Deva. And even though both she and Arcane are descended from earth, that was about 1,000,000 years ago. So genetic engineers accompanying earth colonists to other worlds tend to genetically adapt colonists to whatever world they are to live on. Because the first generation on any new world tends to die very young with very few exceptions. So genetic engineers tend to find ways to adapt as many children as possible to keep the children alive as along as possible into adulthood. By preparing the children biologically for whatever the planet is, very long lives can be accomplished for long term residents of a planet.

Prophetess and Arcane both started out as water people who have gills in their necks and who are amphibians. They both had naturally lavender colored skin and webbing between their toes and fingers for quicker swimming(even though the last two inches of their fingers did not have webbing so that building things both above water and below water was possible. They were true amphibians in that they were equally comfortable living above or below water indefinitely. However, Arcane's family and most others by his time chose mostly to live above water because they liked looking long distances and not having to worry about some sea creature trying to eat them when they least expected it. They still had large aquariums in their living room with living fish. Sometimes some of these fish became pets and some of them were there as a way of having living food storage. Also, they believed in aquaculture so they also bred fish to eat in their home living room sized aquariums.

Arcane was modified before he first arrived on earth in 1987. However, now he is around 3000 years old in real time and the real time for him on earth is about 3000 AD. He has just remarried Prophetess because his wife Celeste Weaver, a reincarnation of Prophetess' sister Ah Ray IN had died. While he was traveling back to New Deva before he became an adult and visiting his family, he remet his childhood friend and confident, Prophetess, his original betrothed's sister. He was reintroduced by his own self at age 15 who was not allowed to know for sure that Old Arcane was also young Arcane.

We return to them on Mt. Shasta:

"I want to see earth's oceans", said Prophetess. "It will be a way for me to not be homesick for my water planet, New Deva."

Arcane looked at her as both wife and as one of his daughter's since he had been alive for about 3000 years now(even though he still looked about 27 to 33 because of periodic Galactic regeneration). Eridian had told him he had to live between 3000(his present age) and 5000 to 7000 years before he blended with Eridian. Eridian hadn't said yet how this would be accomplished.

Arcane looked back at his beautiful new bride(lavender skin, gold eyes and white lavender hair and all with the 50% longer tongue of New Devans) and sighed. How he had missed seeing his own people and being with them in their natural state all these years. Finally, his own wife he would be allowed to see all the time as she really was. But only he could do this. All other earth born humans would see for right now a 21 to 25 year old beautiful blond dressed to the tea. He would be proud to take her with him wherever he went.

Arcane finally responded to Prophetess' request. "YEs. We can go to the ocean. How about we go to Santa Barbara where one of my grandchildren has a sailboat there. It is around 40 feet long so we can sail out to the channel islands off the coast for a few days and swim with the fishes. You have to be aware, though of sharks if we go into deep water. However, there are only a few species that are likely to be a problem. Also, as long as we are under the water it is better because their favorite food is sea lions which are mostly up toward the surface. Also, the water out further is less polluted from shore runoff and less likely to make you ill."

Prophetess said, "So there is pollution in the oceans here too?"
Arcane looked a little sad, "Whenever you get more than one billion humanoids on a planet, pollution becomes a problem in oceans."

Arcane went on, "Also, my family is going to want to meet you but I want to do this sort of slowly as some might be sort of sensitive about you being their new grandmother but being much younger than most of them."

Prophetess said, "Of course. That is completely understandable."

The 40 foot sloop out of Santa Barbara owned by his grandson wasn't available so they rented a sailboat called the "White Eagle" out of Long Beach, California instead. Arcane enjoyed impressing Prophetess with his moving them instantly through time and space. However, Biocom was pretty upset with him about this and told him, "Arcane" said Biocom. "You're acting like and old fool doing this. I'm not sure how long the Time Guard will allow you two to bip around through time and space within earth's environs in this time!" Arcane said, "I guess I'm kind of giddy about all this after experiencing so much grief the past few years." Biocom said, "Well. YOu better slow down so I can cover you!"

note: it was okay for Arcane as a Galactic Ambassador to Earth to be allowed to transport himself instantly to any point on earth. However, even then a genetic android duplicate had to fly in a passenger jet or private jet to the same location. However, for ARcane to take both his wife and he to new locations instantly wasn't really completely acceptable to the Time Guard.

So Arcane and Prophetess took the White Eagle out past the breakwater and noticed a container ship coming in at relatively high speed and quickly got out of its way.

Prophetess had never seen a ship that big and said, "Wow. That's the biggest non-space ship I've ever seen." She meant she had seen space ships that big but never an ocean going ship that big.

As they neared Catalina harbor ARcane misted up a little as he had sailed out here many times with Celeste to Avalon harbor and moored his boat here. But instead this time they sailed up to Emerald Cove which was always a good place for snorkeling and SCUBA diving.

Even before he anchored the boat Prophetess dove into the water without a splash just like the expert water person she was. She could swim very fast even for a New Devan and shot out of the water so fast she shot herself back up on deck and laughed.

Arcane said, "Wow. You are like a dolphin!"

Prophetess said, "Dont you remember us as children together in the ocean?" Arcane thought a moment and said, "Yes. You were always much faster than I in the water but I could always catch fish better." Prophetess smiled a funny smile and said, "Fishing is men's work!" They both laughed.

To Anyone watching from another boat or satellite or even plane or even swimmers in the water her dolphin like behavior would just have looked like a blonde young woman swimming and a real dolphin jumping out of the water and splashing the boat with the blond shortly thereafter climbing on board the sailboat. Then what anyone or any satellite or camera saw was two scuba divers with tanks and suits on going backwards overboards into the water while holding their masks to their faces. The appearance of a diving platform from which to get back on board was made evident to all who watched or who might take pictures of any kind.

However, in reality a converted Aquaman who had been living on earth now for about 1000 or more of his real years out of about 3000+ so far and an unconverted to earthborn human aquawoman from New Deva simply jumped into the water with neither of them leaving a splash which was a signature of aquapeople: no splashes allowed. This tradition came from a time of war about 10,000 years before Arcane and Prophetess were born on his home planet.

Note: you might worry about time paradoxes and all that but except for major things like Arcane remaining a world saver and not being allowed to know for sure that Old Arcane was him grown up or not so he would actually become New Deva's planet saver, the attention to detailed maintenance of time is not what people usually think of if they haven't been exposed to millions and millions of years of Time manipulations in their cultures.

Most people haven't been exposed to multiple time lines and almost infinite paradoxes before so they don't really understand the spherical nature of time. I think Stephen Hawking said it best when he compared time and space to winding a string around a ball. And time and space would be the present moment of that section of string touching the ball. Each experience and moment would be a relatively new moment and if that ball was a planet spinning in space that moment could be day or night or in between and any season or in the ocean or not so that every moment would tend to be unique but also have a feeling of recycling going on as well if one lived enough moments. I think his perception of this is the most useful I have heard so far.

So taking this a step further the acceptance that everything that needs to be experienced by any being eventually will be experienced given enough time and space, you begin to get the general understanding about this by Galactic cultures that have been constantly exposed to time travel for millions and millions of years.end note.

Arcane hadn't had this much fun since he was a boy with Prophetess and her sister Ah Ray In. The three of them swam often together because they were all just so exceptional most people couldn't understand them that much. Exceptional beings like these three came from thousands of years of living exclusively underwater. Talking isn't very useful unless you rise to the surface to have a conversation and then go under again. So telepathy had naturally evolved as a more useful tool. There are just so many grease pencils and writing boards and hand signals before communication breaks down when discussing love, philosophy and complicated cultural or other concepts.

So, over time, out of convenience mainly, telepathy grew and grew. Those best at it found the best mates and were better able to make their mates happy because they actually knew what their mates wanted from telepathic osmosis(the ambiant general drivel that all beings exude even when they are communicating with speech). So those with the best mates taught this sort of thing to their offspring and they found better mates, were happier in general and more successful in everything they did.

Arcane and Prophetess were very happy together in the water. The clear blue green of the water around Catalina Island off Los Angeles County in California made them both very happy. The first thing she saw was a Garibaldi, a giant Gold Fish that lives along the California coast. They are about one to two feet from head to tail and sort of look a little like a large gold coin with a tail and fins only a little more orange.

Arcane had a sly thought.He said, "Prophetess would you like to see this island before there were any people in California." She smiled knowing this was her powerful husband offering this impossible gift(for most people at least). "Sure" she said with a smile on her face of a happy wife.

Instantly both they and the boat were prehistoric on a very nice day. The air had no smoke or smog in it at all but there was something else she smelled. She couldn't put her finger on it. Soon, though a killer whale made her know what she was smelling. It bobbed along the surface looking at them with one eye having never before seen a human in this neck of the water before.

Arcane was a little scared at first but then touched the Killer Whale's mind. He found it so incredibly primitive it was difficult at first to make contact. He felt like he was contacting a dog, wolf, or Buffalo that had never known people. But this whale was lonely for companionship so it was actually quite easy to make friends. It was happy to find something else intelligent in the water to play with. Arcane had to make sure it didn't play too rough and decide to eat them unexpectedly.

He shot out a thought to Prophetess. "Do you think we will be safe with this Whale?"
Prophetess said, "He's just lonely. As long as he doesn't try to eat us it might be fun."

Arcane thought, "What a game girl. Hopefully, she doesn't get into too much trouble as my wife." Arcane thought it didn't really matter as he could move them through time in an instant if necessary. So they decided to play with the whale. For some reason this activity brought in dolphins which would ordinarily not want to be near a killer whale. But then again dolphins are awfully fast in the water. They are sort of like leopards are on land, very fast. So, they probably believe they can outswim a killer whale in an emergency. We'll see.

Watching Prophetess ride on the back of a killer whale wasn't something Arcane ever expected to see, especially with dolphins watching and making noises nearby. This had to be one of the most amazing moments of his life watching this ocean going circus in action.

Note: Some people wonder if the Galaxy has been in charge of everything for millions or billions of years, "Why don't they tell everyone?" Well. Can people of Earth from places like the educated of China, Europe, Japan, The U.S etc convince uneducated 3rd world people to believe as they do? The easy answer is: NO!

Likewise, to try to make all cultures of the Galaxy, Galactic Centered in Consciousness would be to make them go crazy and commit suicide and completely destroy those cultures. You cannot go from zero to a million AD overnight. A single person might pull it off if they were very adaptable, intelligent and wanted to or absolutely had no other choice. But large cultures? Forget it. Just look at the terrorist wars that could theoretically go on for hundreds or thousands of years right now on earth. People don't change or evolve overnight. One person might but only if he or she had no other choice. Cultures don't change they slowly slowly evolve and only then if there is no other choice over time.

So, Galactic Government covers things like not allowing intelligent races to go extinct. They would allow individual cultures to go extinct like with Easter Island or the Mayas but they wouldn't let a species go extinct even if the world culture committed suicide like the Mayans and Easter Island people did. A few breeding couples of any species would be kept alive to recolonize no matter what.

IN 100 years this could look like the stone age again but that is mankind's choice. So this is why the Galactic Government doesn't show itself publicly until a world culture can cope with this.
end note.

After a while the Whale got hungry and left for a fishing trip to fill its maw. It was sad to leave such fun and intelligent new friends but he had to eat and didn't want to eat his new friends. After all, good friends are hard to find in any time.

So, in the spirit of things Prophetess was listening to one of Arcane's favorite songs on an antique IPOD from when Celeste and he were young. The song is "Mercy" by Duffy. So Prophetess being very young started dancing around on the deck of the sailboat to "Mercy". Arcane began to laugh and asked what song she was listening to. When she told him what it was he plugged it into external speakers and they both danced on the deck while the boat lightly rolled in the waves off of Emerald Bay on Catalina Island in prehistoric times. They were very happy and well suited to each other. Arcane was completely amazed that he could be young again. I guess it is just like riding a bike. As long as you can do it you don't ever forget.

Eventually, they both decided they had had enough of prehistoric earth at Emerald Bay on Catalina Island.

"Before we do something else let's bip with the boat to Hawaii", she said. Arcane said, "Biocom. What do you think?" As long as it is in prehistoric times it is okay."
"What year are we in, Biocom?" Biocom said, "Buddha's alive."

Arcane thought carefully about this. "Is there a reason you put us in Buddha's time, Biocom?" Biocom coyly said, "We thought you might want to meet him."

Arcane said, "I don't want to interfere with time in any way."

Biocom said, "It already appears you have."

Arcane said, "I was afraid you were going to say that. Is Prophetess there too?"

Biocom said, "Yes. She's there too."

Arcane said, "Does she survive this?"

Biocom said, "Of Course. You are with her."

ARcane said, "Good."

"How old is he when we meet him?" said Arcane.

"He is still a Prince living in his father's palace", said Biocom

Arcane turned to Prophetess and said, "It appears that you and I met Buddha when he was still Prince Siddhartha." Prophetess gave him a look that was strange and said, "I dreamed about this. It's one of the reasons I married you, one of many."

Arcane's eyebrows raised and he said, "I see. So it is like a Deja Vu?"

Prophetess said, "I remember us talking like this even and its giving me goosebumps."

Arcane looked a little worried. He said, "These kinds of situations are the most tricky that I ever have to deal with. They always make me very nervous because of all the things I know about time lines."

Prophetess said, "Don't worry my husband. Remember, you have me now!"

Arcane realized he had completely underestimated his new wife. Well. He had underestimated Arrayin and Celeste his wife too. So this wasn't anything new.

Arcane said to Prophetess, "When do we go in your dream?" "We go now." said an amazed Prophetess.

Arcane said, "Biocom. Can you please arrange for our sailboat the White Eagle to be returned to Normal time back to Long Beach in care of android duplicates of myself and Prophetess?"

Biocom said, "I would be happy to arrange this, Arcane. Would you like me to help you get to Lumbini in the Kingdom of Kapilvastu in what is your present day life, Nepal?

Arcane said, "What is our cover?"

Biocom said, "You will take the place of a representative from a nearby kingdom on an important visit to the palace. In this way you will meet Siddhartha when he was in his late teens. He will be very taken with the both of you. You will find him exceptional."

Arcane and Prophetess were riding on an elephant the next thing they knew. Prophetess had an earbug masquerading as an ornamentation. She laughed when she saw what she looked like and said to Arcane, "I feel like I'm in a real life movie."

Arcane said, "That's because you are. There is no real danger because I'm here. The greatest potential danger is actually from the food. Many royals get poisoned in these kinds of situations. However, even then I could bring you back to life if necessary."

Prophetess said, "Then this movie is pretty real then!" She shivered at this strange new era on this strange ancient world of Earth she was visiting, no actually living on now. She shivered again in amazement at all the new turns her life was taking.

Soon the Palace gates were opening to them and they were greeted by many servants and eventually the King and Queen and even Siddhartha himself and his pregnant wife.

This made Arcane even more nervous because if Siddhartha's wife was pregnant it wasn't long before he went off to become the Buddha.

When Prophetess and Arcane were introduced to Siddhartha he was very interested in knowing all about where they lived as he hadn't been allowed outside the palace. Arcane knew the story and began to understand what was coming.

Siddhartha became very taken with Prophetess because she was young like him. He wondered why she had married or been married off to Arcane. Arcane was much more mature than Prophetess and was very measured in all he said or did. Prophetess was totally in the moment with Siddhartha to the point where Siddhartha's wife was getting a little jealous because she was pregnant. So Prophetess just included Siddhartha's wife in their conversations and things got better.

Arcane politely excused himself from the King and Queen appearing to be trying to rescue his wife's attentions from Prince Siddhartha. The King and Queen just smiled at how wonderful and beautiful Siddhartha was. They were very proud of their amazing son.

When Arcane entered into the conversation Siddhartha realized that Arcane wasn't any ordinary man because he could see his aura and knew immediately he was amazing.

Siddhartha said, "Do you soul travel or see the future."
Arcane said very measured, "I can do both those things."
Siddhartha said, "A wise Seer once said I would become a Great spiritual leader. What do you think of that?"

A servant listening went to the King and Queen to tell them of this conversation.

Arcane said, "I"m not sure your father wants me to talk to you about this."
Siddhartha said, "I order you to. It is now on my head as the Prince."
Arcane was a little nervous but quickly said, "I think you will become as was predicted."
Siddhartha said, "You have foreseen this as well?"
Arcane said, "Yes."
The King came up suddenly and said,"Siddhartha. You are forbidden to ask of these things!"
Siddhartha said, "I'm sorry father."
The King said, "What was said?"
Siddhartha said, " I ordered Darshan(Arcane) here to tell me something truthfully as he is a soul traveler and Seer of the future as well as the man who predicted my future at birth."
The King was scared.
He said, "What did Darshan(ARcane) say?"
He said that he foresaw the same as the Great Seer", Siddhartha with eyes downcast."
The King Said, "I cannot punish Darshan because you ordered him. But I can punish you. However, I won't because your wife is pregnant with my grandchild. So this is enough of this. However, I ask that Darshan and his wife to no longer talk about the prediction. You may speak about anything else but the prediction of Siddhartha's future. Do You understand?"

Both Arcane and Prophetess nodded in agreement to the King. The King then said, "Any more talking about the Seer's prediction is death to both of you!"
Both Arcane and Prophetess apologized to the King for the inconvenience.
Then the King clapped his hands and asked the entertainers to come and entertain them.

Though they all obeyed the King they talked of many other things.

Siddhartha said, "Do believe that there are other worlds like the one we live on out in space?"

Arcane said, "You are very brilliant. Did you know how amazing you are?"
Siddhartha said, "People tell me this all the time but I don't always understand what they mean?"
Arcane said, "People in this time mostly have no concept of worlds out in space. They mostly imagine dream worlds or heavens but don't understand the reality of other planets or worlds."

Siddhartha said, "What's a planet."
Arcane said, "It is a world like this. The moon is a small planet"
Siddhartha said, "Do people live there?"
ARcane said, "Not that I know of."
Arcane really had Siddhartha attention now.
Siddhartha said, "Have you ever been on another world or planet?"
Arcane said, "Funny you would ask that. I and my wife are from another planet."
Siddhartha laughed.
Arcane said, "If you will go with us privately to another room I can show you."
Siddhartha was a little suspicious at first but decided his guards would be right outside the room.
When the three of them were alone Arcane turned off Prophetess' illusion generator.
When it went off Siddhartha gasped in horror.
"But she is still beautiful just in another way!" Siddhartha said.
"Yes." Arcane said. "But now we must rejoin the group but you must keep our secret if you want to know more."
Siddhartha wasn't sure if he had been bewitched or not. But either way if someone could actually pull this off they actually might be what they were saying and he wanted to learn more from them. So when the party ended he invited Prophetess and ARcane to stay in his wife's and his private quarters so they could share more.
Siddhartha's wife was worried but when they came to visit she was actually interested in what ARcane and Prophetess had to say.
Siddhartha asked when they were all alone, "If you both are from another world why didn't you show yourself too?"
Arcane said, "Because I have been medically modified to look like a human. I actually look now like a real human. However, do you have a bathing pool so I can demonstrate?"
"Yes. Over here in the other room," said Siddhartha.
Arcane quickly put on a bathing robe and sat with his head underwater for about 15 minutes.
Siddhartha thought he would drown and so was afraid for Darshan(Arcane). When ARcane finally got up out of the water ARcane showed Siddhartha his gills that were disguised on his neck.
Siddhartha said, "Can Radha(Prophetess) breathe underwater too?"
So Prophetess stayed underwater and meditated while ARcane and Siddhartha spoke.
ARcane said, "We came from EArth thousands of years ago. We are from about 1,000,000 years into your future. We colonized other planets and eventually wound up on a planet we call New Deva."
Siddhartha said, "That means New Spirit like a Tree spirit or something like that doesn't it?"
ARcane said, "Yes. But in this case it means water spirit because New Deva is a water world."
Siddhartha said, "That is why you all developed gills because there isn't much land?"
ARcane said, "Yes. That's right."

Siddhartha said, "Can I soul travel there? I often travel to other worlds in my dreams at night. Often the people there worship me like I am someone special."

ARcane said, "That's because you are special. I was special on my world as well."
Siddhartha said, "What did they call you?"
ARcane said, "The word that describes me is World saver or planet saver."
Siddhartha said,"So then you have heard of me deep in your past."
Arcane said, "Yes. You are known as Gautama Buddha or Siddhartha Buddha."
Siddhartha said, "Ahh!"
ARcane then said, "I need to sleep Prince Siddhartha."
Prince Siddhartha said, "YOu have helped me more than you know."
Arcane said, "It is both my honor and my duty to help you, Prince Siddhartha. Good Night..."

The next morning Arcane awoke to a whole lot of noise. He had been left to sleep in as Prince Siddhartha was to be taken out to meet the common people for the first time. Even though the King tried to prevent Prince Siddhartha from seeing any old or infirm people some old infirm senile people made their way up an alley that the soldiers didn't see.

Prince Siddhartha jumped off his golden platform on an elephant and ran after the senile old people as the soldiers tried to whisk them from Prince Siddhartha's sight.
Prince Siddhartha told the soldiers to leave the old people alone. The soldiers were afraid because the King had ordered them to move the old people away but disobeying Prince Siddhartha would mean their deaths too. So they begged Prince Siddhartha not to tell the King about this incident. Prince Siddhartha pledged to the soldiers he would not tell his father about the incident.

Later the next morning he woke up before anyone else after the party. He had not gotten drunk like all the others and so woke up only his servant and got his horse and snuck out through the gates of the palace. He visited a leper colony and saw many suffering people and watched someone die. So he followed the body to the edge of the Ganges where he saw feet sticking out of many sticks that were then set on fire to cremate the dead person. As he watched the burning human body he cried. When the fire cooled he took some of the dead person's ashes and put them on his forehead pledging to this dead person that he would become a holy man to create a better world for all, to find a better path for all.

He took his servant and his horse to Bodhgaya next to the Ganges and sat under a tree for several years after cutting off his long beautiful hair and giving it to the servant to return to his father with the horse. Finally, one day he heard a someone tuning a musical stringed instrument while floating on a raft down the Ganges River. The man said, "The string must not be too tight or too loose." Prince Siddhartha had a realization, and from this realization came Lam Rim "The middle path". He realized this was a path everyman and everywoman could follow and come to enlightenment.

By then ARcane and PRophetess had left and returned to the California coast around 3000+AD.

Arcane said, "That was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, Prophetess."
Prophetess looked at him and said, "Expect many more."

Arcane said, "I was afraid you would tell me that. Tell me what you see or what you are allowed to tell me."

Prophetess said, "Soon we will visit Jesus as a boy between the ages of 12 and 30 and then Moses in Egypt."

ARcane asked Biocom, "Is she right about all this?"

Biocom said, "Give me a moment while I search for your and Prophetess' DNA patterns then."
A few moment later Biocom said, "Yes. She is right. She is quite exceptional in a totally different way than you or Siddhartha, Arcane."

Arcane looked a little flustered by all this.

He said to Biocom, "I had no idea what I was actually getting into marrying Prophetess!"

Biocom said, "Her presence and even these visits are healing and renewing your heart, mind and even your soul."

ARcane said, "I feel like an old man sometimes."

Biocom said, "Even though your body is regenerated you still have lived already over 3000 years, Arcane. It is to be expected."

Note: The first of these URLs(web addresses) is complete regarding Prophetess and Arcane. The
2nd is the next installment of Arcane and Prophetesses life's journey.

Prophetess and Arcane

Prophetess of New Deva fame
went with Arcane when he came
together they went to earth
and filled themselves with a deeper mirth
Then they traveled both space and time
and healed themselves two worlds in time.

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