Thursday, April 25, 2019

The biggest previous defection of Republicans to Democrats was in the 1970s

Hillary Clinton was raised a Republican but Nixon Changed her into a Democrat. Now is the 2nd largest change from Republicans to Democrats.

Ethical Conservative Republicans are the most likely now to switch to moderate to conservative Democrats right now.

Then in 1970s it was also Conservatives like I was raised to be who were ethical who left the Republican party then because of Nixon never to return. Hillary Clinton was one of these too.

I still have mostly Libertarian points of view which is a point of view the founding fathers also shared.

The best way I can describe what Libertarianism is is that it is neither Republican or Democratic by nature but rather believes that everyone should be free to do whatever they want to as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

What people get upset about is that a Libertarian believes a person should be able to (if they are an adult:

To do whatever they want to as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

So, they should be free NOT to wear seat belts.
They should be free to be Drunk every day of their adult lives.
They should be free to use any substance they want.

But, here's the catch. A lot of people would die if this were true today.

And it was just as true in the 1700s and 1800s and 1900s when a lot of people did whatever they wanted and died very often.

But, if you have tried saving people's lives like I have during my life a lot, you are going to find that if someone really wants to kill themselves no one is eventually going to be able to stop them.

So, whether they do it fast or slow they are going to do it and thinking anything else is a fools errand.

People can only in the end save themselves.

But, people today don't seem to get this one truth.

You can bring a horse (or a human to water) but you cannot make them drink.

Even if they are dying of thirst at the time.

I had to decide to stay alive during my 20s because I couldn't do that to my parents, friends or relatives.

So, in the end it is about personal responsibility. You either have it or you are soon dead anyway.

OR someone else will be taking care of you the rest of your lives.

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