Friday, April 26, 2019

Time and Space doesn't exist in Dark Matter

If you understand this as a scientist maybe you can better understand it. The matter rules of physics have no meaning in Dark or Unknown matter which composes 96% of the universe.

It is my theory that a matter galaxy and a polar opposite Anti-matter galaxy are what happen when you separate Timeless and spaceless dark matter and separate it into a matter galaxy (like the Milky way Galaxy we reside in (which has time and space) and through the Black Hole is dimensionally an anti-matter universe. Does an anti-matter universe have time and space as we know it. Maybe. It's an unknown at present unless you send something through the Black hole in the center of our galaxy and are able to get messages back from your robotic device.

This is my present theory after experiencing the Galaxy and others through Soul Travel since around 1970.

However, at this point 1970 is almost 50 years ago next year. So, my present point of view at age 70 is that that all of us are are everywhere. However, most people might not realize this unless they have experienced what I have.

Why are we everywhere and Every when?

Because the physical universe only exists in the mind of God and isn't physically real like we think it is.

Therefore, a new science based upon new rules likely will have to be developed to understand all these things better. Because until we are able to experiment with non-time and non-space science: "How can we understand Dark or Unknown matter which doesn't exist in a time and space Galaxy?"
OR might exist in a way we don't presently recognize using time and space rules?
Even if it does compose 96% of the known universe we cannot understand things that come from a different science than exists in a time and space paradigm.

So, a different kind of science that exists outside of time and space must be designed or experimented with in order to understand Dark Or Unknown matter or Anti-matter Galaxies through Black holes in the center of galaxies which are the polar opposites of the Matter galaxies like the one we live in: The Milky Way Galaxy.

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