Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The world is changing: but not necessarily in a good way

I think we can trace populism back to Arab Spring in the Middle East. Overpopulation there with not enough jobs or food brought Arab Spring which created hope but also disaster for the whole middle East, especially in Syria. This brought millions of Sunni refugees into Europe which created populism and protectionist policies to keep the migrators out of Europe.

A similar thing happened in the Americas. Dysfunctional governments in Central America bred Gangs like MS-13. This then created problems to the point where people in order to survive Central American Countries had to try to migrate to America not to die where they were from Gangs. This created what we are now experiencing in the U.S. of unheard of numbers of people risking death to get to the U.S. anyway they can. This then created Populist protectionist responses especially in Republican voters of the kind voting for Trump. Though all this horrifies the Democrats they don't seem to actually be able to deal with the full reality of the situation either and find themselves in metaphorical circular firing squads most of the time.

In the end neither party can solve the problem, because the problems cause is Global Warming combined with overpopulation combined with a lack of birth control in 3rd world countries.

So, until global Warming and Global Climate change and birth control are realistically dealt with, all this can only get much much worse and not better.

But, most people cannot think in macro ways to understand all this or to implement plans to solve any of these problems.

If you just try to deal with the effects of these problems rather than the causes this can only get progressively worse over time and neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have a plan to actually deal with the causes in any rational way. So, this can only get worse over time at present.

So, one way to look at this is that migration is a problem. But, the cause of this problem is Global Warming and Global Climate change and a lack of birth control available in third world countries especially Catholic and Muslim Countries worldwide.

Until this problem is addressed you are going to see much worse than Trump type dictators taking away the human rights of the poor more and more worldwide.

The problems are systemic and deep but until you address both global warming and population control all this is going to get a thousand times worse this century and the next.

One of the responses I believe is to move away from elevations on the coast below 10 to 20 feet elevation. In fact, I would move to elevations of 50 to 100 feet or more or put your home on stilts as a start to try to survive the changes now inevitably coming already.  For example, Miami and Venice likely won't be there by 2100. (At least the first floor of any buildings there will be underwater.)

Because most people cannot fully comprehend how to solve any of these problems the most logical response is to just try to save your own family and friends from disaster any way you can in the moment. And that is what most people are doing for now worldwide.

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