Monday, February 3, 2020

What do people who make it through near death experiences seem to have in common?

They don't panic. For example, my wife thought I was going to die last fall and if I was short sighted I did too. But then, I asked my angels what was going on and they would always say something like: "Oh. This is temporary. You will get over this and still live a very long time." I had always listened to my angels before and they had always been right, especially when I thought I was going to die in 1998 when I got a heart virus and they came to me then too. In 1998 many of them that were white light surrounded me and said in unison to the cells in my body: "You aren't going to die. Your Life will get better now!" And 8 months later my life did get better and has been getting better ever since.

So, what do people I have met who survived multiple near death experiences have in common. They don't panic because they can ask their angels what's going to happen next. Often people aren't fated to die right then they just panic and that panic kills them and it's all over.

Most of the time in my experience you die to self. What does this mean? It means you die and sort of become someone new. In other words you die to God and God causes you to be born again so you aren't quite the same any more.

Allowing yourself to die to God and angels can extend your life over and over again. The first time this happened with me I was 2 years old and dying of whooping cough when the angels came to me and saved my life.

So, dying to self is something I had to learn really really young. But, once you learn this and you learn to listen to the angels your life can go on and on and on. This is what I have found.

So, at the very least you have to learn never to panic when you are over 40 or 50 because you will check out if you do this almost for sure.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't be afraid if there is good reason. It just means that after you react in some useful way to your fear (like a bus bearing down on you where you jump out of the way) you need to give up any fear you feel right then and move on with your life.

Just sitting around and believing you are going to die soon isn't very useful. Ask your angels what to do. They will tell you and then you can get on with your life.

For me, it was as simple as having the courage to take entresto for Congestive Heart Failure. This was very very hard for me because lisinopril and spironolactone had already gone sideways for me in the last 5 years and I was spooked by side effects of medicines. But, Lasix (furosemide) and entresto saved me and I have my life back.

By God's Grace

But, you have to have the courage to try new things and then sometimes getting on the right dose is important too. Like when I took a higher dose of Entresto I couldn't think, walk or drive a car and realized immediately I had to be on the lowest dose to do things like drive a car and ski and ride my motorcycle and hike deep into the forest by myself still.

And sometimes people tell you you can't do anything but lay in bed and wait to die. I don't listen to them because they don't live in my body. I do. So, I live with the angels and know I live only by God's Grace and that's all.

If people don't live in my body they really can't tell me what to do so I live with the angels and by God's Grace and I might even be alive at 100 or more. Because that's just how life really IS.

By God's Grace

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