Wednesday, December 19, 2012

36 Hours

In approximately 36 hours it will be December 21st 2012 at midnight. I laughingly told the story of my daughter watching "Glee" with two of the blondes from Glee getting married "so they wouldn't die alone on December 21st at the end of the world". And then I told the story of another friend who was dyslexic who thought 12-12-12 was "end of the world" day and was very relieved it wasn't bad at all.

The friend that my wife and I were out to dinner with looked at me strangely and said, "Well. I'm not paying any of my bills until at least the 22nd just in case."

So, though I was surprised at his reaction it also told me that since I was visiting southern California mayb a lot more people are spooked in the South of California than the folks I know in the Northern part of the state.

However, for the most part I feel that other than a day for people who planned to commit suicide that will actually do it that day as opposed to any other day during the Christmas season it is my hope that really bad things don't happen by people who want the apocalypse so bad they aren't above helping it along a little. So, hopefully, for the most part this date as well as January 1st with the Fiscal Cliff won't end too many lives. It is my hope that these days bring no deaths or mayhem at all. So, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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