Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ethics for Intuitives?

I have come across many quandaries as an intuitive. Often intuitives (actually very often) intuitives are faced with little to no choices in what good they can do. For example, you might know that someone is on the edge of suicide or you might also know that if someone goes to the wrong physical place in the next day or two that something awful might happen.

But, most of the time the people you see this happening to you might not even know personally, it's just something you pick up as they pass by.  So, the best you can do is just pray for these people. Other times, (like today) I came upon a large family with maybe 5 or more children from about 4 years old through high school while entering a restaurant. But, as I entered the restaurant foyer the mother and the children left because it wasn't a good place for children to be acting out. But, I later realized that just my walking in prevented things breaking and kids harming each other. So, I was grateful that my 64 year old 6 foot 5 inch grandfatherly presence helped stabilize the situation. And then I thought later about it and realized that some of the kids there were very spiritually developed and it was good I passed by for that reason too.

But, more lately I think about the long term consequences of being an intuitive. If you look at our government here in the U.S., it's biggest weakness is that it is often too short sighted. In other words you cannot expect a great nation to continue to be great if the leaders only think in terms of 4 year terms and no further. Because in order for a great nation to stay great it has to start thinking more in terms of 1, 5, 10 and 25 and yes even 100 year terms of what goals we are heading towards? 4 years of planning just isn't going to work in the future.

However, another way to look at this is Global Warming. So, if the world climate is really changing as fast as scientists think, then what is the plan for civilization (any civilization at all to survive this?)

As soon as you begin talking about atmospheric Rivers dumping 15 Mississippi Rivers on someplace like California over 2 or 3 months it makes Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Katrina silly in comparsison to 1/4 or more of the homes in California gone and potentially  5 to 10 million people homeless as a result.

And California, like the East Coast of the U.S. with Sandy is better prepared than 80 to 90% of the locations on earth where something like this could actually hit. How many dead are we talking potentially in California let alone if something like this happened somewhere else (like it also did last week in England and Wales?)

And, like, for example, I knew when the Loma Prieta Quake hit the week that it was going to hit and went to Hana, Maui and watched the whole thing happen on TV. But, I wasn't emotionally prepared for how that affected me either. And this one experience really changed me a lot about how I dealt with being an Intuitive. I think that one event was sort of like getting a Doctorate in being an Intuitive in some ways. I realized most people (including me at that time) just cannot emotionally deal with this kind of information if they are responsible people with a conscience.

So, it is not just being an Intuitive that is important. No. What is really important is can you emotionally deal with knowing stuff that is going to happen and still try to help people in the most mature way you can to survive their lives?

Unfortunately, the answer for most intuitives is: "No."

So, all of us can only do the best we can in any given moment and "pray"  and meditate if that helps us stay calmer and more focused and level headed about everything we see and experience. In the end extremism isn't usually helpful. So, learning to calmly and rationally deal with things is usually best.

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