Saturday, December 1, 2012

Strange Times

I was looking at the number of blogs I have been publishing at my site and noticed that until September it was between about 120 to 170 a month. However, starting in September it has been over 200 a month and I was wondering about that. My thinking is that I think I'm a little spooked about December and January(December 2012 and January 2013). Most of the world may not be and be ignorant or uncaring about this time on earth. But, I can't help but be concerned for a variety of reasons.

As an intuitive I wrote and article telling how I saw December as being Gray and January as being Black and February being Gray. But then after I published the article people must have altered the future because of it after reading my blog because then December became better and January became Gray.

One of the funny things about being an intuitive and precognitive psychic is that I have found that when you talk about what is going to happen in the future or write about it, it often changes the future. So, if there is something bad I don't want to happen and I write about it, often having written about it people pray and uncreate the bad thing in time before it happens and I can see it changed as soon as I do this.

But, if I see something really good coming I won't write about it simply because if you write about
something good before it happens often the good doesn't happen either. So, I have learned not to write about good things that I see coming because I want them to happen and by not writing about them they do happen.

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