Thursday, September 5, 2013

Americans Try to Disappear from Internet as Security Anxiety Grow


Americans Try to Disappear from Internet as Security Anxiety Grows

In a movement that could hurt online ad and e-commerce sales, while adding to the personal privacy and security of many people who use the Internet, Americans have started to mask their identities. According ...
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Americans Try to Disappear from Internet as Security Anxiety Grows


In a movement that could hurt online ad and e-commerce sales, while adding to the personal privacy and security of many people who use the Internet, Americans have started to mask their identities.
According to a new survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project:
86% of internet users have taken steps online to remove or mask their digital footprints -- ranging from clearing cookies to encrypting their email.
55% of internet users have taken steps to avoid observation by specific people, organizations, or the government.
Americans have some reasons to be wary about their security. First among those are identity theft and widely reported news that the National Security Agency tracks some people's activities. The NSA and large Internet firms like Google Inc. (GOOG) and Facebook Inc. (FB) say that this tracking is not done at the individual person level. However, whether rightly or wrongly, many people do not believe that.
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Also, not a day goes by without news of some new hacking by hidden menaces, many of which are located in North Korea, China, Syria or even the United States. Banks and media companies have been the target of some of these efforts. Often these "hacks" have as their goal the theft of personal data, including financial information. Those who worry that their identities could be stolen or their bank accounts could be cleared out might appear paranoid, but with each new incident of a breakdown in security, they seem less and less so.
To some extent, the Pew data supports the anxiety of Americans:
21% of internet users have had an email or social networking account compromised or taken over by someone else without permission.
12% have been stalked or harassed online.
11% have had important personal information stolen such as their Social Security Number, credit card, or bank account information.
6% have been the victim of an online scam and lost money.
6% have had their reputation damaged because of something that happened online.
4% have been led into physical danger because of something that happened online.
Gathering data is at the heart of whether e-commerce and media companies can make money online. Some amount of information gathering is necessary to target products and marketing messages to consumers. The period when that can be done readily may be over. The anxiety about access to person data has a stronger and stronger foundation because of how badly online security has eroded.
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Americans Try to Disappear from Internet as Security Anxiety Grows

Good luck with this. Even if you don't have internet, TV, CEll phone or IPad, or Computer likely the Governments of the world know whether you sit or stand to pee, what foods you like and don't like, and what sexual position you prefer and who all your friends are. It's the world we live in now. It's in some ways like it has always been.

A commentator was talking recently about how the public was upset about how the U.S. is spying on both friend and enemy countries around the world. But then, someone in the intelligence community said, "All Countries have always done this, it is just they don't expect this kind of thing to be in the public eye." So, All countries have always spied on each other always. Thinking something else is going on is to be naive. If one country knows everything about you, every country knows everything about you. This is a given. You are much better served knowing this than not knowing this.


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