Saturday, September 7, 2013

Girl in a Health food Store

I was waiting for a friend to meet me in a Health Food Store in Santa Barbara since I was passing through town. As I went out to get my glasses so I could read the ingredients better to something I noticed a girl who seemed familiar somehow with reddish dyed hair. I noticed her skin as it was a hot day outside (in the 90s Fahrenheit) so she was dressed for the beach. But, I realized as I passed by her she was very gifted. But I was tired from already driving at least 5 to 6 hours that day already so I was interested in Getting dinner with my friend before heading south about 3 hours more driving on 101 into Southern California. 
But, as I tried to go to sleep I realized that this was a very gifted person and around 24 years old and as I realized this person was not only gifted but also on the sort of Einstein level of intuitives (extremely gifted but still developing) at first I was concerned until I invoked my teachers to help me deal with this.
Suddenly I realized what it was, she was a 24 year old version of Elohar, a reincarnation of my mother but she was standing at an angle so I wouldn't recognize her with her hair dyed red in an unusual color and style. But, as I passed by her skin seemed very familiar to me which I thought unusual at the time. Elohar once told me that she is a biological descendent of mine which is one of the reasons my life is so protected from the future on multiple levels. 
It's late and I need to get some sleep to be useful to anyone including myself but I thought you might enjoy learning more about Elohar. I first wrote about her in "Memories" here:
Yesu or Yeshua is Aramaic or his native language for Jesus:

The following is Elohar at age 9
Elohar was 9 years old on the first 9-11 timeline in what we call today Switzerland only she lives around 7000 AD on this first time line. We live on the second timeline in which all the major civilizations of Earth were rescued from almost complete destruction by accident and mis-communication on 9-11-2001.

One day Arcane visited her father and asked her father and her to come visit his estate in another part of what we call today on the 2nd Timeline we live on, Switzerland.

Note: you can read about Elohar as a full adult at:
or you can just click


 Or if you want to read the section I wrote about 17 year old Elohar it is at:



Elohar: The girl in the Forest 

However, the page you are presently on is a new one and is about Elohar aged 9 and her father Rolf and Arcane, who presently still works for the Galactic Time Guard mostly on earth as a Planetary Anthropologist and resident Planet Saver on behalf of Earth at that time around 7000 AD on the first time line.



So, Arcane as he was introduced to Elohar said, "Elohar. Your father and I are going to go to my estate on a beautiful mountain lake. Would you like that?"



Elohar said since it was presently summer time, "May I go swimming in your lake?" 



Arcane said, "If it is warm enough, okay."


Elohar said, "Daddy. Daddy. I want to go swimming. Let's go!"


So, Arcane got on his solar powered one man helicopter and Elohar's Daddy got on his family three seater solar powered helicopter and both copters took off for Arcane's lake and estate.


Note: If you click on "Elohar: The girl in the Forest" button above I have a section that explains how a one and two man helicopter is constructed and powered and how it is a sentient form of Artificial Intelligence that can fly itself even if you can't in an emergency or if you are incapacitated or compromised in some way. end note.


Since there were very few paved roads anywhere on this timeline, flying was the easiest way to get 50 to 100 miles or less quickly. 


So, the three of them on their two helicopters stayed close enough to talk to each other and since they are electric they are quiet enough to hold a conversation between the two of them even if they were not wearing microphones and earphones on each copter in order to facilitate communication between copters and the ground if necessary. 


Little 9 year old Elohar loved flying. She had grown used to it and since her father loved flying too, she had become relatively fearless in regard to her families solar powered helicopter just as you are used to riding with people in cars and trucks all your life too and don't think twice about it unless the weather is bad or there is too much wind or something like that. 


So, as they flew up to Arcane's estate which at that time is one of the oldest estates known on earth that has been untouched by the ravages of the 2000s. Elohar spied a Castle there and was amazed that something like this still existed, as she had only heard of things like this on her computer that she used for school like a book of many many books contained therein.


Luckily, when they landed it was still warm enough for Elohar to go swimming. All three of them donned the swimwear acceptable in that era of time, even though Elohar found that she liked best just wading and looking at dragonflies coming out from under the rocks  climb up onto the rocks and unfurl their wings and fly away while wading the best. She always had been amazed by dragonflies and this was the first time she learned that they lived underwater until they came out onto rocks or logs and unfurled their wings and flew away to mate. She was amazed by dragonflies and it occupied her dreams for some time watching them.


Meanwhile, Arcane said to her father, Rolf: "Rolf, you have been my student for some time now. You know one of my other names is "Saint Germain" and you have raised Elohar like I asked you to as a favor to me as your teacher. Now I want to ask another favor of you." 


Rolf looked a little nervous and said, "I trust you implicitly Saint Germain but please because it is my daughter won't you tell me what it is before I make any more promises?"


Saint Germain(Arcane) said, "Of course, Rolf. I just want to take you and Elohar to the 2nd Timeline."


Rolf Said, "There's a second timeline?" 


Saint Germain said, "Yes, Rolf. But no one knows about it in either timeline right now. You and I are the only ones on either time line that know much about it at this point. Elohar is pivotal in 'discovering' this timeline in the future, but no one can know about this until she is college age. Do you understand?"


Rolf said, "It's a hard secret to keep, Saint Germain, but I will do as you ask. When are we going to the 2nd timeline?


Saint Germain said,"Let's get a good rest tonight so we are all fresh and we will go tomorrow."


Rolf: "Should I say anything to Elohar?"


Saint Germain: "No. I don't want her to think she is going to another timeline. The three of us will hold hands and then we will all be in another timeline. My estate exists on both timelines so it looks exactly the same both places. I designed it this way."


Rolf's eyes grew big and he thought he was going to faint at all the implications of this but he held his ground and stayed conscious through this explanation.


As Saint Germain promised Rolf, he and his daughter woke up in adjoining rooms high in the castle to the sunlight coming in their windows. As they wandered downstairs for breakfast, Arcane (Saint Germain) already had breakfast ready for them. It was as if he knew exactly when they would get up an come without waking them. After breakfast and morning ablutions and preparing Arcane invited the father and daughter to join him sitting on the rug.


Elohar said, "Are we going to play some sort of game?"


Arcane said, "We're going to play a pretend game."


Elohar said, "Which one is that?"


Arcane said, "We're going to pretend that outside of my estate that everything has changed and so when we leave it you are going to tell me everything that seems different, okay?"


Elohar looked into ARcane and said, "Will it really be different?"


Arcane said, "Today is a magical day. I think today it will be different since the day is magic. So you tell your father and I all the differences you can see. Okay?


Elohar thought she might like this game but wondered (because after all she was already 9) how could everthing be different?


So, as they walked out the door she looked up and saw a jet and since they were playing a game she said, "That's different. What's that?"


Arcane said, "In this magic world there are planes in the sky that fly people around. It is like a large ship in the sky like you have seen in the Cote D'azure (French Rivera)


Elohar said, "Oh. You mean it's like a big Helicopter or private Plane?"


Arcane said, "Yes. Only in this magic world there are bigger planes that carry hundreds of people at once."


Elohar said, "This can't be happening. I'm not a little baby you know. This isn't right."


Elohar saw her father and he was turning very pale and white. She was suddenly worried that he was sick and ran to his side and said, "Daddy. Daddy! Are you okay? Are you sick?"


Rolf said, "This magic world is too much for me too, Dear."


Arcane looked at the two of them and said, "Why don't we go back inside again, okay?


Elohar and Rolf nodded but then Rolf saw Arcane's Porsche there and it was just too much for him and he had to sit  down rather quickly.


After the three of them went back inside Arcane's castle he had them sit in his large spacious living room on the first floor of the castle on couches. Then Arcane paced around trying to figure out how to deal with Elohar's and Rolf's extreme form of PTSD in being suddenly thrust into a new timeline.


He realized that he was going to have to erase both their memories anyway (which he had been trained to do as a Galactic Anthropologist for the Galactic Time Guard and to just tell them the truth, take them to the second timeline places they needed to see and then bring them back here and erase these memories before it damaged their connections to the first timeline. This was what he was going to have to do to accomplish his ends.


His real purpose was to make Elohar feel as comfortable in the 2nd timeline as she was in the first timeline. He needed her to feel that both timelines were her home times because she was going to spend as much of her life in the 2nd timeline as she was the first where she was born.


So, he just decided to tell them everything and later just remove the outward memory of the 2nd timeline so that Elohar could be comfortable as an adult in both timelines from a subconscious place. She would feel at home both places without remembering the 2nd timeline outwardly.


So, he stopped pacing the floor and just said to both of them, "We are in a second timeline."


Rolf said, "But I thought you said--"


Arcane held up his hand for silence and then said, "Elohar I need you to know about the second timeline we are now in. But it will be like a dream that you will eventually awaken from. And then you will feel comfortable in both timelines. Okay?"


Elohar said, "I don't believe in two time lines."


Rolf smiled at the mastery of his master Saint Germain and said, "Neither do I?"


Arcane smiled at this. This was going to be interesting.



Arcane motioned out the front door to his 2010 Porsche Cayenne SUV parked outside and said, "Let's go get in my imaginary 2010 Porsche Cayenne parked outside."


Little Elohar's response, "But that's 5000 years ago!"


Arcane said, "Exactly."


Arcane asked Rolf if he could sit in front with Elohar.


Rolf Said, "Sure. If you think it will help her future when she's an adult here in this time."


Arcane said, "Yes. I do. Thanks."


Elohar felt a little uncomfortable sitting in the front as it seemed to her that adults should be sitting there, not her.


Arcane said, "So, Elohar. Is what we are moving in imaginary?"


Elohar said, "I don't know, Arcane. I've never seen a thing that looks exactly like this before."


Arcane said, "Yes. That's because it was made like you said 5000 years ago on the 2nd time line and you live 5000 years later on the 1st timeline."


Elohar said, "I still don't believe that there is such a thing as two time lines!"


Arcane heard the plaintive quality in her voice and didn't want to drive her over the edge. He looked in the mirror for help from her father, Rolf.


Rolf said, "Elohar, honey, I studied about these kinds of things, I think this one was called an SUV in the United States back then even though it was made nearby in Germany."


Elohar said, "What's Germany?"


Rolf said, "In 2010 there were mostly Swiss Germans, Swiss French, and Swiss Italians that lived here when it was called Switzerland."


Elohar said, "Oh." She really wasn't sure about any of this stuff. It was sort of all news to her. Then she thought about something. "Does this car have intelligence? I mean is it sentient like our helicopters? Can I talk to it?"


Arcane said, "It's not exactly like that yet but that will be coming soon on this time line in almost all cars."


Elohar sounded a little disappointed. But then thought of a question. "Where are we going Arcane?"


Rolf, her father suddenly agreed, "Yes. Where ARE we going Arcane?"


Arcane smiled, "We are going to my plane and then we will fly to California in the U.S."


Elohar looked horrified because on her time there weren't any civilized people there mostly. She said, "I don't want to be eaten by the Crazies".


Arcane laughed and said, "It isn't like that on this timeline, Elohar."


Elohar wasn't convinced but she decided to be brave and said, "Oh."



She knew no car like this existed in her time and she knew roads paved like this also didn't exist mostly in her time either. Most roads were either dirt or rocked with crushed rocks and that's all which was why it was more convenient to fly in a helicopter if the weather permitted than take a long time to get somewhere on dirt or crushed rock roads. So, she had to admit they might not be on their own timeline to be driving in this car on paved roads, and look at the cowbells on those cows. She really decided that she was not in her time because there were no longer cows like that around in her timeline. So, these cows with cowbells finally convinced her. So she turned to Arcane and said, "Can we listen to some music?"


Arcane said, "I'm not sure you would like all the music of this era. Your ears and mind and emotions aren't tuned to it or used to what passes for music now.


Elohar said, "Let me hear some anyway."


Arcane started with some classical music as they were used to this kind first. Elohar being a musician herself said, "That's Bach isn't it?"


Arcane said, "Yes. Now let's try some Lady Gaga."


Arcane turned on the CD player and Elohar said, "What kind of music is this?"


Arcane said, "This might be called popular music of this era."


Elohar said, "Well. It's wierd but I like it somehow."


Arcane said, "Most of the kids your age of this era like it too."


Rolf said, "Wow. This is really strange isn't it."


Arcane nodded.


Soon, they reached  the Zurich Airport where Arcane's private business jet was parked. His pilot was there to grab their bags and put them on the plane. Rolf felt very out of place in clothes from the 70th century. He said to Arcane, "Doesn't he notice how differently we are all dressed?"


Arcane said, "He's from your timeline. So he knows and understands. Anyone else is used to all kinds of  strange dress from all over the world. They will just think you are artists or musicians or eccentric or something. There are almost 7 billion people on earth now."


Rolf whistled for there were only about 10 to 20 million civilized people on his whole planet in his era of time. All the rest were mutants and didn't usually live past 20 or 30 years of age at most.


Rolf Said, "Are all those 7 billion civilized?"


Arcane said, "Pretty much. But there are still wars."


Rolf shuddered because wars had been eliminated pretty much among the civlized of his timeline.


The plane took off and flew to Paris to pick up a friend and business associate of Arcane's.


Elohar said, "Where's California?", as they landed as she hadn't heard of it before.


Arcane stared at her for a moment and said, "Your son from your last lifetime lives there."


Elohar felt cold. She didn't know why.


She said, "My son from a previous lifetime. What does that mean?"


Arcane said, "It means you lived before in another body on this timeline and were alive from 1919 until 2008 until you were almost 90 years old."


Elohar said, "Boy. That's really old."


Arcane couldn't help but laughing at this point as he was thousands of years old at this point in his life on multiple planets. He sighed at just how innocent and yet gifted she was. He wished he could let her and Rolf remember all this but knew he couldn't. It would spoil what had to take place in the future. Well. C'est La Vie! or (That's Life!) or literally (it is life). It took him back to being the Comte De Saint Germain a long time ago now and spending a lot of time with Royalty there in Paris in the 18th Century. But that was a long time ago  now-----.


As they were flying Saint Germain(Arcane) thought to himself, "How can I best make her subconscious mind comfortable with the 2nd timeline?" Finally, he had it! He would fly commercial on KLM from  Paris to San Francisco. That was it! That was the key.


As they were traveling Arcane(Saint Germain) noticed that Rolf seemed kind of pale like he was in some sort of shock. As he looked deeper into Rolf he saw that Rolf was terrified of the actuality of a 2nd timeline where all the billions had not died. It was as if he had a terrible case of Survivor's guilt for all his ancestors that didn't make it back in 2001 on his time line.


Arcane tried to talk to Rolf as a way of shoring up his mind and subconscious mind and cellular mind. note:(A Cellular mind is the individual and group consciousness stored in every cell whether it be human, animal, plant or even an amoeba or algae). So, in a human being it is the consciousness of what all the cells in a body together might actually think is going on any given moment. Though most cells are not associated with seeing with the eyes, they all benefit directly or indirectly from what the eyes on a human or animal see. end note.


So, one of the first lines of defense of the cellular consciousness within any physical body from going into shock and either throwing up and passing out is a sense of cellular well being. This has more to do with the complete life history of what has happened to each of those cells since first coming into existence than any other single factor.


So, Saint Germain said to Rolf, "Stand up, Rolf. I need to crack your back. One of your vertabrae is out and is causing a nerve pinch in your spine."


Rolf said, "What?" As he had never had a request like this from anyone, let alone his master teacher Saint Germain.


But Rolf understood that Saint Germain saw what bad shape he was in and was trying to fix him so he wouldn't embarrass himself in front of his daughter. He had to stay strong for his daughter or she might lose it.


Elohar said, "Saint Germain?"


Arcane(Saint Germain) said, "Yes. Elohar."


Elohar: "Would you crack me back too?"


Arcane: "Sure if it's okay with your Dad."


Rolf said, "Let me fix my back first dear. I'm not feeling very well. I've never flown in a big Jet before."


Elohar said, "Neither have I. That's because they don't exist in our time line anymore except in books."


So, Saint Germain said, "Stand with your back to me, Rolf."


Rolf did as he was told and as they locked arms and Saint Germain cracked Rolf's back he also altered his cellular, subconscious and conscious awareness simaltaneously. So, Rolf immediately felt the difference and felt like a new man.


Elohar said, "My turn. Daddy!"


Rolf was to altered right then to say no so he just nodded while his whole being and physical awareness regrouped in his body and mind and consciousness.



So, for Saint Germain this was an unexpected boon. He would be able to alter her awareness for a lifetime because of this one move. He knew both time lines desperately needed this. So he did.


As the 9 year old girl and Saint Germain started locking arms Saint Germain went back to what happened to him when he was around this age and was first recognized as a planet saver on his home planet, New Deva about 1,000,000 years into the future. The Oracle of his planet did something like this for him as well. As they locked arms he said to Elohar, "Can you hear me?" with his mind directed at Elohar." She said audibly, "Yes."


Rolf said, "Yes. What, Elohar?"


Elohar said in all innocense, "I'm talking to Saint Germain in my mind."


Rolf said, "I do that all the time, dear."


Elohar said, "Does he answer you, Daddy?"


Rolf Said, "All the time dear."


Elohar said, "So it's okay if I talk to him too?"


Rolf Said, "He's your teacher too if you choose him, Elohar."


Elohar said, "Well. I choose Saint Germain along with Jesus to be my teachers, Daddy."


Rolf said, "Good choice, my dear."


So this began a lifetime conversation between Elohar and Saint Germain. She found she could ask him anything and he would be there. It didn't really matter what time or space he was actually physically in. He would find a way to communicate with her instantly all throughout the rest of her life from Age 9.


At this exact moment, Elohar's mother, Christina called Rolf on her communication device from the first time line. Rolf said, "How could Christina be calling me from the other timeline?"


Saint Germain said, "I have a galactic interface that allows this with my communication devices so people can contact me from either time line at any time."


The hair stood up on the back of Rolf's neck as he forced himself not to pass out with this new knowledge. 


Christina said, "Is Elohar all right? Where are you. You feel like you are a million miles away."


Rolf was circumspect and said, "We flew the copters to Arcane's place."


Christina said, "Oh. You flew the copters to your college professor's place. Was Elohar scared?"


Rolf "No. She's fine. She got to swim in his lake and we stayed in his castle."
Christina said, "I wish I was able to get time off from the hospital."


Rolf Said, "I do too." Christina was a doctor in residence, a young doctor in training at a hospital near where they live in what we call on this timeline "Switzerland" in 2010 on the 2nd timeline. So, Christina was usually very busy training and becoming a doctor.  Rolf was a PHD candidate in international relations and training to be a Galactic Liaison to Arcane for the interface between Earth governments and Galactic Governments. So he had a slight more free time than his wife. Both were exceptional both intuitively and intellectually gifted as you can see.


Christina's intuition was firing off and she said, "I'm off work and training for the day. Why don't I come and join you?"


Though Saint Germain had not expected this contingency he was usually prepared in one way or another for any anomaly.  He said, "Tell her I'm coming to get her."


Rolf looked scared. Christina though very developed intuitively and intellectually was not Saint Germain's student the way Rolf was, (at least yet).


Christina felt Rolf's unease and said, "Is everything okay, Rolf?"


Rolf said, "Pretty much. But I think I should let you talk to Saint Germain so he can fill in the details."


Saint Germain hadn't considered the necessity of bringing on Christina as a student yet but it was obviously what the universe wanted so he just went with it.


"HI Christina." He said.


Christina: "Hi. Professor Saint Germain." A worried sound was in her voice.


Saint Germain: "Did you know I also work as a liaison between the Galactic Government and Earth Governments and that Rolf is in training to become my personal Liaison?"


Christina said, "No. I didn't. What a Great Honor it will be for the whole family."


Christina was really into upward social mobility.


Saint Germain said, "I'm coming to get you using a Galactic device so you won't have to waste time traveling. Is that okay?"


Christina said, "Will it hurt to do this and will I still be able to have other children after this?"



Saint Germain laughed and said, "It's from Earth about 1,000,000 years into the future."


Christina got scared. "You mean there actually is time travel?"


Saint Germain said, "Yes. But I will have to erase that from you mind eventually because that can't be known. You understand this, right?"


Christina said, "Well. I'd rather be alive to raise my daughter and live with my husband so, Yes, I understand. So you are coming for me? What should I expect?


Saint Germain: "You should expect a Green sphere about 8 feet in diameter right next to you with me in it."

Christina was a very brave woman and she definitely needed to get to her daughter right now. Nothing was going to stop her!


Saint Germain said, "Here I come."


Christina said, "Okay."


Bam! There it was like he said and Christina felt a little faint because this wasn't supposed to be possible. As a doctor healing people she became angry that all the potentialities for time travel in saving lives hadn't been used.


When she looked at Saint Germain she said, "Why isn't time travel used for saving lives?"


Saint Germain looked at Christina, felt sorry for her pain, and said, "It's just too dangerous. Think about it!"


Christina said, "So, the danger of time travel is its misuse."


Saint Germain said, "It's the most dangerous single thing ever invented in the universe. It's not safe enough to use just for healing any species of beings!"


Christina said, "More dangerous than Nuclear weapons?"


Saint Germain laughed in a way that scared Christina as a Doctor and healer and said, "Christina. You are very young. Do you know how old I am?"


Christina said, "About 45?"


Saint Germain said, "I'm actually by the years I have actually lived in this body, 4,052 years old."


Christina went white and passed out because either Saint Germain was crazy or this was the truth. Either way it was not something that she could cope with in this moment.


Saint Germain chose that moment to take Christina to her daughter and husband.


Poof! The unconscious Christina appeared on the floor of Saint Germain's private jet sitting  on the ground at the Airport in Paris. 


Rolf said, "Is she okay?"


Saint Germain said, "The shift was too great for her."


"Elohar do you trust me?"


Elohar said, "What's wrong with Mommy?"


Saint Germain said,"She doesn't believe in two timelines or Time travel either I'm afraid, Elohar. So your Daddy and you and I have to make her feel better. Do you remember when I cracked you Daddy's back?"

Elohar said, "You mean when I talked to you in my mind?"


Saint Germain said, "Yes. I need you to talk to your Mommy's mind the way I talked to your mind, okay?"


Elohar began doing this.


Christina woke up saying, "What do you mean we're on a 2nd time line?"


Rolf said, "Elohar's right. We're on a second timeline where the 9-11 didn't accidentally destroy most of the surface of earth."


Christina was suddenly quite sober. She said, "I became a doctor because of studying this in history. Did you know that, Rolf?"


Rolf and Elohar shook their heads.


Christina then said, "Well. If this is true. Where are we now?"


Rolf said, "Look around you. We are on the 2nd timeline in 2010  and we just landed our jet in  Paris."


Christina said, looking angrily at Saint Germain. "Then Saint Germain needs to take us to the Eiffel Tower." And so he did.


They hopped in a Taxi and since Saint Germain had spoken Fluent French since the 1500s when he was Sir Francis Bacon in England and then Prince Ragocy (many spellings of Ragocy) of Translyvania, and then The Comte De Saint Germain(the Historical Man Who Never Died) who knew Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette. Though he tried to save their lives and create the United States of Europe like he helped create The United States of America he failed in this until the European Union was established. 


Christina talked the group into taking a bus tour of Paris and one of the stops was a tour of the Eiffel Tower. Later the took a night tour boat on the River Seine. It was a very beautiful boat ride with the city lights with about 100 tourists. Elohar was very intrigued with a group of girls from Russia that seemed to be in love with Paris as the sang together love songs about Paris on the stern of the boat as they stood at the rails and sang and talked  boisterously as the ship moved up and down the River Seine in the dark with all the city lights on the historic buildings. At one point a drunk on the banks mooned the boat and laughed an insipid laugh of accomplishment.


The amazing thing to Rolf and Christina was the attitude of people in Paris. There was none of the extreme melancholy of their culture that came from almost all people being incinerated in the world in 2001.  They realized that the world used to be a much happier place without the extreme survivor's guilt of their era. To be healthy and normal was normal for this time line. Whereas to be healthy and normal and educated or even having the capacity to BE educated was possible for less than 1% of the remaining humans alive in the 70th century of the first time line. So, for Rolf and Christina the boisterousness of the 15 year old Russian girls made them cry in happiness that such a thing still existed at least on this time line.


Elohar said, "Mommy. Why are you crying?" 


Christina said, "I'm happy to be in Paris, dear. I'm grateful that it exists at least here on this time line."


Elohar said, "I'm happy too, Mommy."


Rolf heard this as tears found their way slowly down his cheeks. It was interesting to him that he was safe here even though he didn't speak French. Though the language of his time was a combination of German, French, Italian and Spanish mostly (with many new words thrown in that were not here in 2010 on the second time line) he could pick up about 1 or 2 words in 10 that were vaguely familiar to him even from the 70th Century on first time line.


As they reached Saint Germain's Condo in Paris, Christina remarked, "This building says it was built in the 1400s!" Saint Germain said, "Oh yes. I've owned it continuously since the late 1500s during Elizabeth, the first's reign in England!"


Christina thought she was going to throw up at this revelation but somehow got control of herself.  In her mind she said, "I think this man has been a diplomat on Earth since the 1500s. Why couldn't he stop the accidental nuclear war."


Saint Germain heard Christina's thoughts and said,"I don't ordinarily do this but in order for you to have peace I want to tell you something. The Galaxy doesn't allow interference in specific time lines of a given planet or civilization. However, since this planet does not have a Non-Interference Agreement with the Galaxy like the nuclear exploded planet of the Asteroid Belt did, the Earth wasn't allowed to be blow up completely like Maldek was. So, the humans of Earth may own their time line but not their planet. In other words they aren't allowed to blow it up. It simply won't be permitted."


Rolf and Christina looked at each other. And Rolf always the diplomat in training said, "Who is the legal owner of the time line?"


Saint Germain said, "That is an excellent question, Rolf. The legal Owner of the time line was the Time Traveling General's Soul who rescued the survivors of Maldek and Mars and brought them to Earth after the Asteroid hit in the Gulf of Mexico from the explosion of Maldek which killed all the large dinosaurs. This made earth safe enough for humanoids to colonize at that point."


Rolf "What? I mean who on Earth owns it now?"


Saint Germain thought about how much Christina's and Rolf's minds could stand of this, especially since he would have to erase all this and let them have dreams about it the rest of their lives but without the certainty of physical awareness of the reality eventually. He finally said, "When the Time Traveling General reincarnated as a human of earth approximately 40,000 to 50,000 years ago the leader of the Galactic Government made him what is called "His Oneness".


Rolf Said, "What's that?"


Saint Germain said, "His Oneness, is a designation of the leader of a Galactic Satellite Government sanctioned by the present Galactic Sentience of that time Epoch."


"Where is this "His Oneness" now?" said Rolf.


Saint Germain looked at the three in the Swiss family of the 1st timeline and said, "Have you ever heard of Shambhala?"


Christina who was a student of all things mystical, said, "I have. It has something to do with Tibetan Buddhism, I think."


Saint Germain said, "Yes. But it is more ancient than that both in reality and in concept. Yogis who were allowed to visit there brought the information back to their students over thousands of years. But technically speaking since we are all scientists or potential scientists here (as he nodded to Elohar who acted very flattered at this) what Shambhala actually is is a consciously generated dimension in which no one can die (because the physical rules of birth and death don't apply). In other words one of the parameters of this dimension is that it is permanently attached to earth as it travels the Universe and it has three basic connecting points to the Earth realm. One connecting point is Mt. Kailash in Tibet. The Second connecting point is the Gobi Desert. And the third connecting point is Mt. Shasta which is its library to all on Earth and it is to Mt. Shasta that I want to take you now."


Rolf said, "Why Mt. Shasta and not Mt. Kailash or the Gobi Desert?"


Saint Germain said, "Well. Elohar is here to see her son from a previous life. She will only gaze upon him for a moment. But that will allow her as an intuitive to completely understand both who he is and who she was. This awareness will grow in her as she grows up. And Mt. Shasta is his personal spiritual home in this 2010 lifetime and he is one of  His Oneness' spokesmen here on Earth in this time line."


Rolf said, "Will we get to meet 'His Oneness'?"


Saint Germain said, "Though he is presently watching our incursion into this time line I'm not sure at this point."


Rolf said, "When will you know?"


Saint Germain said, "I'll know if he shows up.  This is how it is."


Christina and Rolf were stunned but Elohar said, "Wow! This is really fun! I feel like I'm in a movie or something!"


Christina said, "I'm glad you're having fun, dear." However, Christina realized that there was an ominousness to all this. As a very intelligent doctor she couldn't figure out how Saint Germain could let them remember any of this when they returned to their time line. If this knowledge got out it would upset just too many people. So, secretly she knew they wouldn't be allowed to remember any of this. She just knew it. And this made her feel kind of ill in wondering how he was going to erase all this from all their minds and of what would be left behind. Would they dream about this? Would it all be completely gone? She finally realized she just had to enjoy this and let all that go. Rolf was just as intelligent as she was. He probably knew this too. She tried to let it all go and just enjoy the moment.


Rolf seemed to sense her distress and took her aside for a moment. He said, "Tell me what's wrong?"


Christina had a wild look in her eyes. "Will we be allowed to remember any of this?"


Rolf said, "Our Daughter Elohar is to 'discover' this time line as a government intuitive of our time line. She is instrumental in helping create this time line's existence as well in the future. This time line exists that we are on now because of what Saint Germain is doing with Elohar and us right now. We won't be allowed to remember and we will only experience this in our dreams. But Elohar will change the future of earth or should I say the past, present and future of Earth with Saint Germain's help. He is grooming our daughter to be the Adviser and Intuitive to King Interlakken in the establishment of this time line."


Christina's face turned white with distress and joy. "You mean she allows this to be possible?"


Rolf said, "With Saint Germain's help, Yes!"


Christina said, "Oh my God!"


 Rolf said, "Yes. And God too!"


Christina: "Then our sacrifice is nothing if it helps this world exist again without the nuclear holocaust of 2001."


Rolf nodded and they both hugged each other in the full understanding of what this all meant to the human race on earth on the second time line.


Rolf Said, "Even though none of them may know about the 1st time line, I say 'Good'. They won't have to suffer the way our time line has. They may suffer in different ways, but at least they won't suffer in our ways."


Christina nodded. She was going to be okay now.


As they boarded a KLM plane and giving Elohar the left window seat, you may wonder how they all boarded without real ID's. Well. Since Saint Germain is a United Nations Diplomat on top of everything else in 2010 (he doesn't go by Saint Germain by the way) so having diplomatic passports created isn't really very hard at his level. Besides, if he wanted to he could do an Obi-Wan-Kenobi or "You don't need to see their papers. These aren't the droids you want" or something like that.


Elohar was wondering why the sun stayed right above the earth just before sunset for so very long. Saint Germain explained to her that because in traveling in this direction over the polar route from Europe to San Francisco they were moving  towards the sun which reduced the speed of the earth as far as the plane was concerned by about 500 plus miles per hour, so this greatly slowed down how fast the sun could set because it could only set at 500 miles per hour of earth spin instead of the normal 1000 miles per hour of earth spin.



Elohar answered, "Oh." to this question. She understood perfectly what Saint Germain had said but just like being on the second time line she still thought it was weird that the sun set so very very slowly. However, she did like looking down at the snow and ice so far north where almost no one lived before the sun set finally behind the earth. Eventually, they all landed in San Francisco and had to go through U.S. Customs. There was a Limousine there waiting for them as well. 


Saint Germain asked everyone, "Would you rather see San Francisco or hop on a rental jet and fly directly to Redding?" They all wanted to see the Golden Gate Bridge.  All of them.  Rolf Said, "Because it was melted on our time line in the nuclear blasts and whatever was left eventually rusted away within a few hundred years of no civilization. 


So, the limousine took them to park at the far end of the bridge and they all walked the length of the Bridge as tourists.


Saint Germain asked Elohar in her mind as they walked along the Golden Gate Bridge with the other tourists, walkers and joggers, "Did you like seeing all the people in Paris and on the Public flight from Paris to San Francisco?"


Elohar said, "The people all seemed so happy. They weren't as sad as in my time."


Saint Germain said, "It's because the world wasn't destroyed on their time line. Though there have been wars like World War I and II and Korea and Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan, the last of which is still going on now, there have been many more things to be happy and grateful for than not."


Elohar said, "Oh. You mean there is a war going on now? How can that be?"


Saint Germain felt the little girl's horror at this because there were no large wars on her time line ever allowed to come to be and said, "Everything is different on this time line. We prevent wars on your time line because of the 2001 Holocaust. Remember, Elohar, Billions of people had to die within a few months to prevent any further wars with technology to exist."


Elohar said, "OH. I guess that makes sense."


Saint Germain said, "I'm training you to help make this time line possible."


Elohar said, "That doesn't make any sense, Saint Germain."


Saint Germain said, "It will."


Elohar knew she had a lot to learn and just let it all go for now. But there was something rather ominous to what he was saying, she realized.


Suddenly, Saint Germain turned to the group and said, "Remember how you wanted to meet His Oneness?"


Rolf said, "Yes" in an expectant way.


Saint Germain: "Well. It turns out he will meet us in Mt. Shasta."


Rolf said, "In the little city of Mt. Shasta or the mountain."


Saint Germain looked at Rolf and said, "You're familiar with this area then?"


"When I looked at your history in computer records, Saint Germain, there is a legendary Saint Germain that is associated with this mountain and the little City there in this time period of Earth. Knowing you, I assumed it was you."


Saint Germain answered, "Yes. The legends and religions are about me. But remember there are true things that happen and then there are always rumors about those true things as well. So if you have any questions about what actually is real I can set you straight."


Rolf said, "I don't know enough for that to be an issue I'm afraid."


Saint Germain smiled, "You know a lot more than you think already, Rolf."


Rolf smiled.


"Just a moment. I need to talk to the Jesuit, our driver about something."Said Saint Germain. 


At that moment the group realized fully that the driver of the limousine was also the pilot of Saint Germain's private jet from Switzerland to Paris. They wondered how he got so quickly to San Francisco without them. They were soon to find out.


After they all got into the limousine Saint Germain leaned forward and said, "Padre. We need to go instantly to the top of Everette Memorial Hiway on Mt. Shasta."


The Padre said, "Do you want to go to the overlook or down where the trail leads to upper Panther Meadows and the Sacred Spring?"


Saint Germain said, "I need the overlook this time."


As this was done the residents of the car wondered what was going on and made conversation.


Christina said, "Why is our driver called Padre?"


Saint Germain said, "Well. I met him in the late  1700s  when I was The Comte.  De Saint Germain through Marie Antoinette."


Christina said, "You knew her? What was she like?"


Saint Germain said, "The Padre was her spiritual adviser. So when I met her and she realized I was someone spiritually gifted like her Padre she introduced us. Because he was so gifted I trained him as my first assistant during those times. I found him to be sufficiently gifted and adaptable to the point where he was inducted as member of the Galactic Time Guard assigned to Earth. He has also maintained my living quarters in Paris on and off ever since down through the centuries."


Rolf said, "But he has also been alive since the 1700s non-stop?


Saint Germain said, "Yes."


Christine said, "But what was Marie Antoinette like?"


Saint Germain looked a little sad.


"I liked her a lot. I think the word "precious" in a very naive sort of way would be the best to describe her. She was kept in a sort of ivory tower in the sense that she wasn't really told how bad the average French citizen had it so it made her sort of otherworldly in this sense. But this was also true of most upper class ladies in France at that time as well. It was just the way things were done. It isn't like now or even in your times in Switzerland at all. I wanted to save her life but I was unable to by Galactic Law. But I was able to duplicate her body in her cave Grotto in Versailles and take that duplicate body to Shambhala because even though she was very politically naive she was very spiritually developed at the same time."


Elohar said, "So she didn't really die?"


Saint Germain said, "Well. Sometimes I'm allowed through time manipulation to save certain souls even though they appear to die. There are very precise rules I live and work under as a Galactic Time Guard anthropologist and Planet Saver assigned to Earth."


Rolf said, "What's a Planet Saver?"


Saint Germain said, "Well. You have a World Savior like Jesus and then you have a Planet Saver like myself. In Jesus' case he lived a very short life and his blessings and ideas saved all who became Christians and believed in him. Then you have someone like myself who is also very gifted spiritually and intellectually but has a very different purpose. By the way I don't compare myself to Jesus in any way. But a planet saver lives a very long time in order to technologically and spiritually make sure a planet is not destroyed by any means internally or externally. In other words a Planet Saver literally will do whatever is necessary to prevent complete destruction of a planet and of its life waves of species.


Christina said, "Did you save Switzerland after the 2001 holocaust?"


Saint Germain said, "One of my homes was in Switzerland so it was emotionally hard for me but I decided that I was the only one capable of bringing back civilization. It took me about 3000 years to get civilization in Switzerland back to where it was about in 1500. So it wasn't until 5000 AD that it started to become like 1500 AD Europe once again.



Rolf said, "But you weren't there all the time were you?"


Saint Germain: "No. I came in and out as a sort of Shaman or Merlin kind of figure to the masses. I had my King Arthur kinds of leaders that I put in place to stabilize the growing civilization there."


Rolf said,"So if it weren't for you we would all still be in the dark ages?"


Saint Germain: "Pretty much."


Christina and Elohar's eyes got very big at this point.


Then Elohar realized they were high on a mountain and jumped out of the car and ran over to see the view thousands of feet below.


She ran around and said, "It's beautiful! It's Beautiful!"


The three adults walked over to the beautiful view and smiled at Elohar's excitement.


Since for the moment they were alone on this platform where the old Ski Lodge had once been built in the 1950s and long since torn down when the lifts were destroyed in an avalanche, Saint Germain spread his arms and the green sphere appeared.


Then he said, "Step inside folks. It's going to be a little cramped but let's hold hands. I find that works the best to keep all parts of all bodies inside the 8 foot in diameter sphere. Oh, the sphere tells me it will grow to 10 feet in diameter for this group. That will be easier."


As he said this they suddenly found themselves inside Mt. Shasta.



They were greeted by a 6 foot tall man with Golden brown Shoulder length hair in royal robes with a spiritual flame visible starting between his eyes and traveling up his forehead. The flame was green and the three who hadn't seen this before found it kind of eerie to witness. Also he glowed like they might have imagined Jesus would.


He said, "Greetings to you all. I welcome you here to Mt. Shasta, our Lemurian library."


Saint Germain said, "I came as soon as I could, Your Oneness."


His Oneness said, "I was watching you and wondering if and when it would be appropriate to meet Elohar and her family. Did you know, Elohar, that you will come visit me when you are an adult when I lived on Earth in Lemuria about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago now?


Elohar's mouth was open and she couldn't resist asking him a question: "Why do you have green fire burning up your forehead?"


His Oneness laughed and said, "All the Onenesses of all the Galactic Satellite planets have this. It means you own the Time lines of that planet. It's common knowledge among all Galactic Citizens. Part of my duty is to rescue Galactic Citizens who get into trouble here on earth when they visit here from other places and times."


Elohar said, "Oh. Can I touch your flame or would it burn me?"


This made her parents nervous but His Oneness said, "No. It won't burn you but I must tell you that you never will be the same if you do."



Saint Germain put each of his hands on Rolf and Christina to hold them back from saying anything. They too realized Elohar was stepping into her new role and beginning to be an adult just like when she chose Saint Germain and Jesus to be her teachers.


Elohar gingerly walked forward and His Oneness bent down on one knee so she could touch his flame.


Rolf and Christina were scared and wanted to cry out when the flame consumed their daughter and she turned into green flame for a moment. But somehow they kept their silence as they knew what this meant to the 2nd time line.


Elohar said, "Wow! That made me feel like I know everything!"


His Oneness said, "You do. It will just take some time to assimilate everything you now have access too." He handed her a flat rock that she could hold in her hand.


He said, "Put this under your pillow and it will begin to engram your mind with all the Lemurian knowledge of Earth and all the stars and planets humans lived upon before coming to Earth."


Elohar was completely entranced like she was a princess in a movie. Her parents noticed just how otherworldly the look was on her face now. They knew for better or for worse she had just become an adult in some ways right there before their eyes at 9 years of age.




Saint Germain signaled His Oneness of Lemuria that he wanted to "Stop Time" so they could have a private conference. So, Rolf, Christina and Elohar all appeared to "Stop in time" so they could confer with each other.


Saint Germain said, "Your Onenesss, I'm trying to make this all work but I have realized that even if I just make them forget all this is real it is still going to affect the time and space of both timelines in a major way. What is your suggestion regarding this?"


His Oneness: "Well. It was inevitable if we were going to establish two timelines instead of one, and by the way I see at least 5 more being established just in the next 500 to 1000 years to deal with even more anomalies caused by all these ripples  in the ocean of time Galaxy wide just from establishing this second time line."


Saint Germain: "Yes. My Time Sensors told me about the 5 new anomalies in time space as well."


His Oneness: "So. There will be certain blow backs throughout all these time lines that we will need to refine but there will be no cracks in time that won't be solvable so I think it is all manageable."



Saint Germain: "Good. I was hoping for that as well. So, what I intend to do is to tell them this: 'Rolf, Christina (and I think I should leave Elohar out of this conversation of adult intent, don't you?)"


His Oneness: "This is sort of borderline in its intention and effect because as of now in some ways Elohar is a living paradox. No child has ever been allowed to touch the green flame at least on Earth before. So, she and the sentient being Earth are of one taste now because of this Oneness with me and the planet Earth's sentience throughout all time and space."



Saint Germain: "I didn't know the fullness of what just happened as I too saw it as an anomaly. I can see what you mean. So should I include her in this conversation or not?"


His Oneness: "Though she is an adult in this sense her childlike sensibilities might be compromised if you did. I think to only tell the parents and then they can share what they will with her would be the best. After all, as parents they likely are the most like her and the most sensitive to her needs and to her survival in all ways."


Saint Germain: "I agree. I find it amazing to find someone so naive and yet so naturally gifted like she is."



His Oneness: "But you and I were like this as well, each in our own ways."


Saint Germain: "But she is a female child and I feel very responsible and protective of her."


His Oneness: "I agree with you, Saint Germain, but she must be both sensitive and strong so remember how much you had to endure to get here just like I did."


Saint Germain: "You're right. Could you come with me to the future when I return them to their own time in Switzerland on the first time line?"


His Oneness: "Yes. I think now would be the best. We are the most prepared now."


So they left the family frozen in time in a sacred cave inside Mt. Shasta and went to the future when Saint Germain returned them to the first time line.


Saint Germain drove up with them again in his Porsche Cayenne SUV and His Oneness was inside Saint Germain's Castle Sitting on a very ancient Throne out of antiquity that Saint Germain had rescued before the 1st time line was incinerated in 2001.


As the family got out of the SUV Christina found that her legs were having trouble carrying her. She knew the memories would be gone or altered somehow now.



Rolf too was being very disciplined and robot like. Only Elohar seemed fairly happy in this moment. But when she saw His Oneness she ran up to him and hugged him like a dear friend or relative because only His Oneness and Saint Germain had any idea of what she now knew for sure about life on Earth past, present and future.




Saint Germain asked that the whole group hold hands in this moment. He said, "I asked His Oneness here so this was done perfectly right. "

"Managing time is as much an art as it is a science if it is done correctly. Rolf and Christina you can know what is going to happen now. Elohar cannot hear what we are saying but she is happy we are all here now. Your memories will all still be there and if you ask me about them I will tell all three of you that I shared these visions with you. So at the very least they are the most vivid dreams of your lives thus far. So we can speak about all these experiences. And you might even believe it all happened exactly like it did. However, you might tend to believe that all this was a vision or a dream that you 3 shared."

"What you tell Elohar, His Oneness and I decided that we will leave  up to you as her parents. However, be very careful what you say to her because she is now both an adult and a child combined and  comfort her in any way she might need it over the next few months regarding this information that you have just experienced. You can say you had a religious experience. You can even write a fiction book about this vision if either of you wish. But you can never tell anyone it is the exact thing that really happened. So if you write of it it will have to be some kind of utopian book or something like that. When you four go to sleep tonight your memories will all remain. That this was all lived in everyday life you will all question, however. But all three of you will know you all shared these experiences and I will vouch for them as well that I too shared these visions with you. But don't ask me if it was all real or I will have to take the memories away and I don't want to do that. Okay?


Rolf and Christina looked over at Elohar blissfully standing there and worried about their daughter. 


Saint Germain said, "She's learning something fun about the universe and it is so engrossing that her hearing for all this is tuned out completely."


Rolf and Christina sighed and Rolf said, "I think we should turn in. My family is pretty exhausted from everything. Christina nodded and Rolf led the way upstairs with Christina following his lead. Elohar seemed in her own world but started following her parents up the stairs.



His Oneness and Saint Germain waved at Elohar and Elohar waved back from the new world she now shared with His Oneness and Saint Germain.



When the group went out of sight, Saint Germain and His Oneness returned to the other time line instantly to resume their last interchange with Rolf, Christina and Elohar and unfroze their time in the cave in Mt. Shasta.



Resuming time for Rolf, Christina and Elohar, Saint Germain began, "His Oneness and I would like to take the three of you to Jonathan Flows Home Base in the Bay Area, Okay?"


Rolf, Christina were sort of trying to adjust but since they were intelligent adults and along for Elohar's ride to adulthood, Rolf said, "We're happy to see our daughter's future begin." Christina nodded but didn't quite feel the same way. Seeing one's own 9 year old daughter become a time line "discoverer" and all the disjointed things that would come from that kind of life was very unsettling for Christina, even though she knew this all would bring great open as well as secret honor to her and her family. Feeling happy and good about all this was another matter. 


So, soon they returned to the Padre at the Limousine  at the top of Everette Memorial Hiway, they walked the last few blocks on the volcanic dirt roads and over the rocks and boulders on their way down the last few hundred yards to the limo. The Padre was very honored to meet the owner of the timeline once again. They exchanged greetings. The Padre said, "I will extend the present pontiff your Greetings, Your Holiness, just as I have all the others over the centuries."



His Oneness said, "Good. May good will and brotherhood prevail through all Earth's belief systems, past, present and future."



The Padre said, "May Good Will Prevail."



As His Oneness now had changed his appearance in an instant he was garbed in 2010 clothes and looked like a well dressed American or a European Aristocratic gentleman in both dress and demeanor as he got into the limosine.


Saint Germain said to the group, "I need to visit Jonathan Flow's home area with His Oneness. You will see him in person, Elohar, for a moment though, at another location. Elohar said, "Okay". But this all didn't make a whole lot of sense to her at the moment.


So, pretty soon Saint Germain and His Oneness disappeared out of their seats which sort of creeped Christina out even though Rolf and Elohar both laughed when it happened.



Rolf Said, "It never ceases to amaze me what Saint Germain gets involved in, you know?"


Christina didn't like all this uncertainty of alternate time lines and people disappearing out of vehicles that didn't exist on her own timeline. She would be grateful when all this would be over, one way or the other.



In a moment they had reached their destination. The Padre walked Elohar up the steps, when they turned around and came down there was Jonathan Flow walking toward them for his appointment with his and his Wife's Grief Therapist. She pointed out Jonathan to the Padre who said, "That's him. Now your job, Elohar is to take a picture of his Aura in your mind. From that picture you will be able to see your previous life and your relationship with him over the years. Discovering and healing the two time lines will happen partly because of your ongoing relationship with your son over your present and past lifetimes. Do you understand all this?"


Elohar said, "I thought you were a Jesuit Priest?"


The Padre said, "Yes. I became a Jesuit Priest in the middle 1500s, Elohar. However, I'm many more things as well after traveling the Galaxy and earth  for about another 500 years. I'm presently about 1000 years old in real time. Did you know that, Elohar?"


Elohar's eyes got big. She didn't know what to do with this statement. Even being 20 years old is old to a 9 year old.


Meanwhile, His Oneness and Saint Germain drove in Saint Germain's Porsche Cayenne SUV through Jonathan Flow's affluent community near the San Francisco Bay area. You might ask what they were doing there. The world is changing and they were deciding how best to handle some of the changes on earth. This would describe what was going on between Saint Germain and His Oneness most effectively.



To look at managing the now two time lines of Earth with His Oneness as the (permanent) Time Lord of Earth and Saint Germain (Arcane) as the relatively permanent Time Manager on Earth on Behalf of the Galactic Government, both of their perspectives are quite different than we as short lived humans might imagine.


For example, His Oneness has within his perameters  literally thousands of years within his jurisdiction given by the Galactic Sentience before he is forced to make certain kinds of changes or to just leave things the way they are unless something completely unforeseen by everyone crops up unexpectedly.



Then we have Saint Germain, the recognized Multi-Galactic Saint(this just means that many Galactic Sentiences of multiple Galaxies now recognize him as a living Saint). Saint Germain's perspective is that to some degree he (as a Saint in motivation and in the expectation of the rest of the Galaxy) has Carte Blanche in regard to how he alters time for the benefit of all beings both on Earth and beyond.



However, he has to work jointly with His Oneness on many changes like the one concerning Elohar because it just has so many different types of ramifications upon Earth and so many of its cultures past, present and future on multiple time lines eventually.



So, it is important to realize that Both His Oneness and Saint Germain(Arcane) have certain parameters that they both must work within to satisfy all concerned beings. So this is why a 2nd time line wasn't just created overnight (so to speak) and had to wait through 3000 years of NEW Stone age to get to(both culturally and technologically) even where we were before in 1500 AD in Switzerland. And then by about 6000 AD they got to around the 20th Century. And now in 7000 AD they are comparable to where we might be on this time line around 3000 AD if we survive as a world culture that long and are still physically and psychologically human still. 


Of course the way things are going it is debatable whether most humans in the year 3000 AD on the 2nd time line will be either considered to be physically human or even psychologically human by that time by anyone now here on the 2nd time line in 2010 A.D.


So, it is in the best interests of ourselves and our children and our children's children etc. that we try to create the best future now, because literally the slightest or greatest thing we do likely will greatly affect the future of life on earth.


So, just as in the theoretical "Butterfly Effect" of the flapping of one butterfly's wings effecting the future of worlds, civilizations and even of the beginning and ending of whole species throughout the universe, each of us should consider the effects of our lives not only upon the present but upon the future of all life and all worlds that are to come after us.


His Oneness spoke, "Saint Germain?"


Saint Germain said, "Yes?"


His Oneness: "Do you consider what is happening now in 2010 to be a new Cold War starting between China and the Free World?"


Saint Germain: "I see it differently. Of course if you or I go into the future and read what others say about this 50 to 100 years of world history all kinds of things might be said about it from various points of view. However, my take on it looking at it now is that generally the whole world and all educated leaders worldwide will make sure the basic mistakes made during the Cold War won't be repeated. However, underlings of those leaders being generally younger and less students of history might begin to repeat some of the same Cold War mistakes if they aren't reeled in by those elder statesmen who are more studied or who actually lived through the Cold War. So, I think it depends whether the young unstudied hot heads rule the day, or the older wiser elder statesmen and leaders who suffered through the mistakes of the Cold War on all sides rule the day. Unfortunately, if history is to be the judge it likely will be both outcomes at once because of the nature of people worldwide and of how they generally interact."


His Oneness: "As usual, Saint  Germain. You are a keen judge of history and its tendencies."


Saint Germain: "I have been alive on Earth and other planets and dimensions for over 4000 years real time at present. It is from a great amount of terrible first hand observable suffering as well as studying history that I have become relatively skilled in understanding these things."


His Oneness nodded but by now he was deep in thought trying to solve more world problems.


more later.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Elohar: The girl in the Forest

Note: If you want to read about Elohar all grown up with Ragna in 7028 AD click the above web location. In the following she is only 17 and just finished her freshman year (1st year) in college. This is her first walk in the forest after finishing her finals.

Elohar had just finished her first year of college and was visiting her parents in the Cote D'Azure(The French Riviera, the Azure Sea. There were only certain times of the year that it was safe to go there since the "Nuclear Cataclysm" they called it in 2001. However, now for her was now in the 7000 AD range so at least during the summers it was safe to visit the Cote D'Azure. As she walked along the beach she was transported away by her intuition into another world. Though she had been soul traveling consciously now since age 5 she didn't talk about it for fear of retribution of non-understanding adults. The past years since turning 15 she had found that if she followed her intuitive flows that her intuitions took her physically now also to other times and space on earth. Then she accomplished whatever her intuition seemed to need and then all she had to do was to desire to return home or to her college dorm room or camping or wherever she was actually supposed to be physically and she would automatically return there. This was something she REALLY didn't want to tell people about if and until she knew she would be safe and survive the telling.

One of these days as she walked along the summer beaches of the Cote D'Azure(The Sea of Azure Blue or the French Riviera). And suddenly she found herself in a forest somewhere else. It was a little bit colder than where she had been and there were flowers she had never seen before so she thought she must be on another continent. A moment later she thought she saw her father with some dogs. The dogs were both lovely, very special dogs so she automatically knew the master must be special too.  The man saw her and wondered why she was alone way out here. She seemed so sweet and beautiful and kind of innocent and rich and naive. So he said, "Hello." and "Have a nice day." and moved on. But he found that over time he was haunted by this girl in that she was much more than she seemed at first. Because at first she seemed beautiful and naive like a Beauty pageant kind of young beauty maybe coming from a high school graduation or 1st year of college. But after she was out of his sight he realized she was much much more than that. Soon he saw she was a young Elohar. At first he was upset that she hadn't introduced herself to him as who she was from the future. But then Jonathan Flow realized she didn't even fully know who he was yet. For Elohar had been his mother and obviously had missed him because here she was as a 17 year old in her next incarnation from the future and had intuitively automatically come to him even though her conscious mind didn't know he had been her son in her previous life.  This lifted his spirits that somehow his mother found him across 5000 years. Somehow she had intuitively come to him as a young woman. She must have seen him as her father because he was 62 and she was only 16 to 18 years old he knew. "Amazing! Life never ceases to amaze me" he thought to himself.

When Elohar reached the paved road she knew she was in another time and another place. Roads were no longer built with Asphalt since the 20th century because of the mess they made when the melted in nuclear blasts everywhere. So, now people usually built with crushed rock roads or Cement or they just left the roads dirt in many many cases. Besides in the class she lived in they mostly flew around in solar powered helicopters with really great batteries for night flights.

But the road gave it away. She knew she was back in California then."Maybe it was soon after I passed on and that man then might have been my son,  Jonathan. He looked so old. He was grieving my loss. I hope he knows it was me come again." As Elohar walked to the ocean to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time in this lifetime after growing up in Switzerland and the Northern Italian Alps. As she walked past people of 5000 years before she was born she remembered being alive from 1919 until 2008 in the Western United States Coast of California, Oregon and Washington.

As she walked past the tourists along the ocean she asked one of them hoping that they would understand her, "Where are we?" The person said, "Are you lost?" She said, "Yes." They said, "You are on the Beach at Santa Cruz. You must have walked a long way." Elohar said, "Yes. I did. I walked all the way from the redwood forests." The tourists raised there eyebrows. They obviously didn't know where the forests were. Elohar said, "One more thing. What year is it?" The tourist said, "Pardon me." Thinking she must have misheard. Elohar thought about what to say, so she said, "I don't know how to say the year in English. The tourist laughed and said, "You can either say two thousand Ten or you can say twenty ten." Then the lady tourist said, "You have such an unusual accent my dear. Where are you from." Elohar realized that no one in 2010 had an accent quite like hers. She tried to cover this up, "I speak German, French, Italian and several Slavic languages and even some Spanish. However, my accent is changing this year because I'm a language major in Switzerland." The lady realized that even though she could barely understand her that Elohar was a fine young lady going to a great college in Switzerland.

Elohar thanked the lady and felt faint because California along with most of the world was gone on her timeline in 2010. Elohar finally understood what part of her life work was to be, she was to help start a second timeline, one in which the "Nuclear Cataclysm" didn't happen. Now she was overjoyed at her future!

She said to herself, "This makes sense. I'm grieving the loss of my son, my grandson their wives and all my friends. This makes sense. And I am also here to realize I help to create a second timeline. God you are so very good to me!" As she slowly looked out to sea and the sun slowly set in orange pink and red on the Pacific Ocean she faded out and found herself back on the beaches of Nice on the Cote D'Azure in the 71st Century having just come from the 21st.

Note: To avoid any confusion it is important to note that if you haven't read the full "Memories" series(I have the 2nd part listed at the top of the page and all 7 web pages '11 parts' are there at you need to know that we now live on the 2nd timeline and Elohar is living on the first timeline where on 9-11 a nuclear war took place and healthy life on Asia, Australia, most of Europe, North and South america, Japan and all Pacific nations are now uninhabitable for about 20,000 years of any healthy humans or animals. So anything human or otherwise is not really sane or healthy or technological anymore in any of these places on Elohar's timeline. When Elohar is in her late 20s and early 30s she begins (with General Ragna) a plan worked out by King Interlaken of their time and His Oneness (the Time Lord of Earth) and The Galactic Sentience(ruler of the Galaxy for millions of years now) to start a second timeline so 6 to 7 billion people don't have to die in the "Nuclear Cataclysm" as the people of Elohar's time called it.

As she faded into physical being on the beach at Nice she watched some people and their donkey cart be unloaded onto the beach for the summer of camping until the warning flags were raised sometime this summer to return to the mountains. When the winds blew the radioactive dust off of Africa across the Mediterranean ocean towards France and Italy, the first symptom was a sore throat and burning eyes. Though everyone in France Italy and Switzerland and throughout the Alps took Thyroid medicine to prevent radioactive thyroid cancer they still had to watch the radioactive dust. This was one reason why the longest lived people now lived most of the year above 5000 feet in the Alps. She was one of these as her family were wealthy enough to lengthen their lives in this way. Even the people unloading their donkey cart likely lived at least 3000 feet in altitude on a farm. Because those who lived constantly year around below 3000 feet anywhere on earth rarely lived beyond 30 to 50 years. So it was kind of a choice how long you wanted to be able to live. And everyone lived their choice every day for better or for worse.

Elohar saw a friend of hers from college and greeted her, "Hey Gwen," she said. Elohar thought this was very fortuitous because Gwen was very intuitively gifted like Elohar.
Gwen said, "Come get onto my little catamaran and we will take a sail, okay?"
Elohar said, "I'm not much of a sailor but I'm a strong swimmer."
Gwen said, "Here's a life vest in case you get knocked off the boat by a wave."
So Elohar put on the vest and they sailed out together through the waves. Once they could just barely see the shore and were quite a ways out to sea, Gwen said, "I've come to recruit you."
Elohar said, "For what?"
Gwen said, "You didn't think you were the only one on earth who comes into and out of time and space did you?"
Elohar turned red. She was frightened now.
Gwen said, "Don't be frightened. I'm not here to out you as a witch or strange threatening being. You aren't that anyway."
Elohar didn't say anything but felt a little better and said, "You're not just going to try and drown me are you?"
Gwen said, "For God's Sake, Elohar. Can't you trust your senses?"
Elohar began to cry and Gwen waited for her to stop.
Elohar searched Gwen while she was crying trying desperately to read her friend. Her friend co-operated and let Elohar fully read her. Gwen knew this could be a potential life or death situation for both of them.
Finally Elohar was satisfied. She said, "I trust you. You mean me no harm."
Gwen said, "For God's sake Elohar. Was that so hard to do."
Elohar finally laughed and said. This is actually quite a relief. I could tell no one seriously about this since I was 5 and started soul traveling. I made up a game I called "traveling" as a cover so my parents just thought I was playing but I really wasn't. I was really traveling. At first I thought it was just  playing a game but then I started walking outside and standing in the middle of the road and cars went through me. And then one day I watched my soul body walk in front of a car and then the car went through me and I was okay. That's the moment I knew it was all real."
Gwen said, "That's amazing. Most people who can soul travel don't consciously even begin to do that until their teens or later or when they are recovering from an accident or in a coma or something."
Elohar said, "So I'm a rarity then?"
Gwen said, "That's why King Interlaken sent me to recruit you. He's gifted too. He wants you as part of his Court and staff. People like you are very useful to the heads of governments. Always have been."
Elohar was scared again. "Always have been".
Gwen said, "You can't be that naive. Don't you know who I am."
Elohar said, "Yes. You are a classmate from Zurich."
Gwen said, "But who am I?"
Elohar said, "I guess I don't really know."
Gwen said, "I'm King Interlaken's oldest daughter and I've been sent to fetch you."
Elohar said, "But I've had only one year of college! How useful could I be at 17?"
Gwen said, "You are transferring to Matterhorn Royal University and you will live in the palace with me and my family. You have been recognized as a National Treasure by me and the King."
Elohar was scared by all this. Gwen wasn't asking Elohar if this was what she wanted, she was telling Elohar what her life was going to be. When one was spoken to in this way and one refused her father said that often people who didn't do as they were asked disappeared.
Gwen began laughing. Elohar got scared and said, "Why are you laughing?"
Gwen said, "I'm a reader, Elohar. Do you know what a Reader is?"
Elohar said, "NO. What's a reader?"
Gwen said, "It means I read people's thoughts. I can turn my attention away so I don't have to but like right now I need to know what you think and I think you are a very funny girl."
Elohar said, "I didn't say you could read my thoughts!"
Gwen said, "You're right. You didn't. But this is just too important to leave to chance."
Elohar noticed the biggest and most beautiful ocean going yacht she had ever seen.
Then she noticed on the stern printed in bold letters "The Awesome"
The hair stood up on her neck. Her future, her adulthood had begun. She sensed her life would be much different than she ever could have dreamed. "Yes', she thought, "Awesome!"

As Gwen maneuvered  their catamaran Elohar had a definitive Deja Vu from when she was 10 years old. She had nothing to fear. Gwen and her Father King Interlaken were very good people. They would take excellent care of her. They knew how special she was and would be good to her. A new life awaits. As she watched "The Awesome" lift Gwen's catamaran aboard she noticed along the side of the Catamaran "The Awesome's baby Cat" and had to smile.

Gwen seemed happy to be on board and went to get her father. Soon she got back and said, "My father is ready to receive you as a new member of his court." Elohar felt faint but knew somehow she would muddle through.

King Interlaken walked up on deck. He walked up to Elohar and his presence made Elohar want to faint because he was now the de facto leader of Earth in 7015.

King Interlaken walked up and shook Elohar's hand as if she were a man. This was highly unusual and likely meant that she was being accepted as a part of his family.  He said, "So what were you doing in 2010?" His abruptness startled her and she thought she was going to cry and tears started to come to her eyes. He said, "I realize you have never spoken about this to anyone but Gwen now. But Security of our world and times is at stake!"

Elohar nodded. She said, "I wish to protect our earth too." So he said, "Then tell me what you saw there and why you went there." "Boy", she thought, "he really cuts through the BS".
Gwen said, "Yes. He does. It's why we still have as much as we do and as many healthy people still alive here on Earth."
Elohar felt stunned but realized she was being tested somehow.
Elohar said, "I started going places when I was 15".
King Interlaken said, "Why do you go to these places?"
She said, "I don't know. It just feel right to be there somehow."
He smiled and said, "Finally, we have a spontaneous virgin untrained Traveler." He smiled like he finally had something he was looking for."
Elohar said, "I am a virgin but I'm not sure I like being reminded of it."
He said, "That's not what I meant. I meant no disrespect. I meant that you hadn't been trained to do this and that this happened spontaneously. Do you have control of where you go?"
Elohar said, "NO. It is all intuitively done. I only have control of when to return back here."
He said, "But obviously you aren't going to go traveling while taking a test in college or driving your electric helicopter?"
Elohar said, "NO. I have control in that sense of not going when I don't want. I just don't have control of where I go when I'm open to day dreaming."
King Interlaken, "So this is sort of like soul traveling?"
She said, "I started soul traveling when I was 5."
He said, "You are a wunderkind!"
Elohar said, "I guess so. Gwen just told me that starting to soul travel consciously at 5 is a big deal."
The King said, "Yes. Very few ever consciously soul travel so for you to naturally do this as a little child and then physically travel as a 15 year old is pretty much unheard of. You will be incredibly valuable to us. What can you tell me that was strange about 2010 and where on earth were you?"
The King wondered if she was endangered in a bad area where she went then.
Elohar said, "How did you know I went to 2010?"
The King said, "It's important that I always know these things."
"But How?" she said.
The King smiled and said, "That's not something a 17 year old girl asks of her King."
Elohar said, "I'm sorry, your Highness. By the way there is a second timeline."
The King looked scared, "What? Are you sure?"
Elohar said, "Yes. There appears to be a second time line."
The King said, "How do you know this?"
Elohar said, "Well. I went to 2010 Santa Cruz. First I appeared in the Redwood Forest and met my son from my last lifetime. He was about 62 years old." The King raised his eyebrows and was concerned. He said, "What did you say to each other, exactly."
Elohar said, "Well. I saw his dogs run up to me, and then I saw him as I was petting them. I knew these were really wonderful dogs and that there master must be too. So as I looked up he looked a lot like my father. We both said, 'Hi' and then he said, "Have a Nice Day." and he walked away with his dogs. He didn't know who I was at first but then I felt his mind realize who I was."
King Interlaken said, "He knew who you were?"
Elohar said, "He knew who I was not right away but within 15 minutes or 1/2 an hour."
The King said, "So he was gifted too?"
Elohar said, "Yes. I think he went home and wrote about it."
The King said, "What is his name and the date. I think it was May 2010 and his name is Jonathan Flow." The King Said, "Biocom?"
"Yes?" was heard by all present. "PLease research Jonathan Flow's contact with Elohar here on May 2010 in Santa Cruz, Californa."
Biocom said, audibly, "But there is no life there intelligent or safe then!"
The King Said, "There may be a second timeline. Check for that!"

Note: Biocom is a Biological Computer. For this moment the King had him plugged into the local speakers so Elohar could hear as well as Gwen. Biocom is a sentient computer built into a human physical body so all one has to do is to telepath with the Biocom to research anything that one has access to anywhere. It is a thing every King should have. end note.

A few minutes later Biocom came back and said over the speakers, "Your Highness. Above Top Secret. The answer is above Top secret!"

The King said, "Go ahead over the loudspeakers I want Princess Gwen and Elohar to hear this firsthand."
Biocom said, "Yes your highness. It appears the girl is telling you the truth. There is a second timeline."
The King said, "Please inform Ragna to investigate this second timeline."
Biocom said, "Done."
Instantly Biocom came back.
"Your Highness. He has spent 6 months out researching this. Would you like me to relay it or would you like to talk to him in person?"
The King said, "I want to talk to him in person."
The next thing Elohar knew a man in a military officers uniform walked out of the door right next to them. He was strikingly handsome and in his mid twenties.

The King shook hands with Ragna and he introduced Ragna to Elohar. He said, "Captain Ragna. I want you to meet Elohar a new member of my staff.
Captain Ragna had never felt this way about anyone he had ever met. He felt like he was in trouble with this one as he shook her hand.

The King said, "I think you remember Princess Gwen?"
The Captain smiled and said, "HI. Princess Gwen."
She sort of giggled like a college freshman would meeting a dashing handsome Captain again.

The King looked at Ragna and said, "So there is a second timeline?"
Captain Ragna said, "Well. Yes."
The King said, "Did you visit Elohar to check her story?"
The captain looked worried about this and said, "Is it okay to speak about this in front of her?"
The King said, "She is now a permanent member of my staff. Go ahead."
The Captain relaxed and said, "I observed Elohar from a distance. a Second timeline with 2010 exists. I confirmed it by following her time trail."
Elohar was stunned. Her civilization had time travel. It was a real techology not just something a 15 year old girl did when she was day dreaming.
The King said, "Did she change anything on that time line."
Ragna said, "Here is the strange thing. Her father from her last life has written about it on something called the internet. And here is where it gets even stranger. I had my men read it to find out more. He has been writing about you and I and Elohar only we come to him from 7028.
The King said, "You mean you and Elohar visit him many times starting in 7028."
Ragna said, "Yes. According to his writings he knows us both and we visit him at various times in his life and even safe his life in 1969."
The King said, "That's amazing. So we are visiting him after he has seen us all in the future?"
Ragna said, "Yes. He visited here with his then 10 year old daughter in 7028 already."
The King said, "So by reading his writings we can understand what it is we need to do and the order of it?"
Ragna said, "Yes. This appears to be the case. I made a copy of everything he has written and put everything about us and a being called "His Oneness" and the Galactic Sentience that we both will meet in our futures. "

The King's Eyes suddenly got very big. He said, "So our future awaits us all even now."
Captain Ragna said, "Yes."

The King reached out and took the approximately 2 inch in diameter silver cube of crystal that had all the pertinent information stored on it for the King to look at.  The King excused himself from the two girls who were friends from college and now something more ominous instead but still friends. (At least this is what Elohar hoped).

Gwen showed Elohar her private room aboard the large ocean going yacht. Elohar was a little worried she wouldn't get to spend much time with her parents. Later she found she could spend as much time with her parents as she wanted. However, now she had a bodyguard, one of the Royal Guards.

The King had dinner with his daughter and Elohar. At dinner he said, "There is one hardship that I foresee for you, Elohar." Elohar felt uneasy and asked, "What is that, My King?"
The King said, "It is a very strange request but I need to request this of you. I need you to remain a virgin until your 30s. This will enable you to be more accurate and powerful and be less distracted while you are working for me as a research assistant. I need to you be trained also in how you use your abilities so we can find out as much as possible about what it is possible for  you to do. The reason I need you stay a virgin until you are in your 30s is that you will be instrumental in establishing a new timeline which will save the lives of all the people on the new timeline that won't have died on the old time line we are all on."

Elohar said, "So, all the suffering of billions of people as well as billions of deaths in the 21st century can be averted?"

The King said, "Yes."
Elohar said, "Sacrificing getting married and having children until my 30s I will gladly do to save all those lives!"
The King said, "Excellent. I actually knew you to be a very noble person before I asked Gwen to go get you."
Elohar said, "Thank you, Sire, for your confidence in me."

The King said, "However, I have someone for you to meet."
Elohar said, "Okay".
In walked a man in robes who then introduced himself. He said, "I am known as Meridian and to some as Eridian and other names as well. I will be your teacher in helping you to become all that you can be in this lifetime."

Elohar said, "You look like a very old Jonathan Flow."
Meridian said, "That's because I am who Jonathan Flow evolves into."
The King said, "Even I didn't know that!"
Meridian said, "There was no reason for you to know, your Highness."
The King felt a little scared even though he knew Meridian. For Meridian had been his teacher as well. Everything King Interlaken knew about spirituality, religion or intuitive gifts had been taught to him by Meridian."
Elohar said, "Meridian?"  Meridian said, "Yes. My Child." She said, "Are you alive or dead?"
Meridian said, "I"m somewhere in between."
The King laughed and understood who  Meridian was and why he was the one to train Elohar in this lifetime. Meridian replied further to Elohar, "I'm presently the Guardian of Earth and Earth's heavens for millions of years into the future."
Elohar said, "But how did you get to be that?"
Meridian said, "Truth is much stranger than Fiction."


Meridian said, "Is it okay to finally tell you and these lovely ladies my story, my King?"
King Interlaken said, "Yes. I need to know too."

Meridian laughed like a weight had been removed from his shoulders.
And he smiled and it seemed like light shone through his eyes upon us.
Meridian began telling his story:
"Well. I was born in 1948 on the old timeline."
King Interlaken laughed, "But I didn't tell you about the new one."
Meridian said,"You should have known I would have known all along, my King."
The King said, "Then why didn't you tell me?"
Meridian smiled a sweet smile and said, "Because it wasn't time and because that I wasn't allowed to."
The King said, "I had no idea you had those kind of rules to operate under."
Meridian said, "OH. But I do, my King."
The King said, "Please continue. This will be good. I can feel it coming." The King was beaming in anticipation of maybe finally understanding his enigma of a teacher all these years.

Meridian began by saying, "I was born in 1948 on the old timeline. I didn't know I was special at first because I thought everyone was telepathic like me. But as I moved from 5 and older I began to see that to my horror I was unusual and I found I had to hide my abilities so people weren't bad to me.

My parents helped in this because our religion though Christian Mystic was not mainstream for our times. As I grew to be about 10 years old I got childhood epilepsy likely from a traumatic blow to the head in a fall I realize now. But then I thought I was going to die every time I had a nighttime only seizure. Then my father wouldn't let me take any medicine for it so I had to use mind over matter techniques. So this led to me being even more aware and telepathic and intuitive. So by the time I was 15 I saw God and my whole appearance changed and many young women fell in love with me. And my male friends became jealous of my magnetism to women."

Gwen said, "You've got to be kidding me. You were a ladies man?"
Meridian said, "Yes. As funny as that may seem now women were alwasy falling in love with me all the time after I turned 15. I realized it was because I had seen God and that God had come into me and that all these girls and then women were falling in love with God that had somehow come into me and stayed when I had invited Him. So I became jealous of God and angry that he had done this. I wanted the girls to love me and not just God inside of me. But finally I realized how stupid it was of me to think this way because God is everything. So finally I gave in and said, "God. Without you there is no life. Therefore I accept you living inside me and making all these women fall in love with me and making men jealous of me. I accept your gift and your burden upon me. Show me what you want me to do God."

Elohar had tears in her eyes. and she said, "Remember, I was your mother in that lifetime and held your head so it wouldn't be damaged when you had seizures."

Meridian said, "Yes. You were Elohar and I am forever grateful to you for that. Can you begin to understand why I said that 'truth is stranger than fiction?"
Elohar said, "Yes. I'm beginning to see it now."

Meridian went on, "So after I had given my life over to God many good and difficult things happened to me. But I noticed that even though God could be more harsh on me that others, that he always protected me from really serious harm. And even though I wasn't always rich I usually always had enough to eat even in difficult times and I never completely starved. Like, for example, when it came time to be drafed into the army during the Viet Nam War God kept me out of that because of Childhood epilepsy. So the very thing that had almost killed me also saved me from that terrible war.

And even though I was married three times before I was 50 I had three wonderful chidren and raised 2 stepchildren to adulthood and helped two God daughters go  through college. All of them were alive and healthy and led good lives. But even after that my life went on. Even though when I was 25 I thought I would be dead by 25 or 30, my life went on and on and on until one day I wound up here with you."

Gwen said, "So you were married three times and had three kids and stepkids and even God Daughters. Amazing. I thought you were always a celibate old Seer and teacher."

Meridian said, "Nope. I've been around for about 5000 years now."
The King and the Girls were amazed.
The King said, "I had no idea you were that old. I thought you were maybe 90 at most."
Meridian said, "Nope. If you think I'm alive then I'm the oldest man presently on earth."
The King said, "Do you think you are alive?"
Meridian: "I see myself as something other than alive in a body. I really can't completely describe it to you but it works for me."
Gwen said, "Please try to describe it. You are a Methuselah. You must tell us."
Meridian nodded and said, "Well. The best way I can say it is that I live in the heaven realms of earth and I send back through this body all the blessings of all your ancestors who presently live there."
This brought tears to all their eyes.
The King said, "Now I know why you were always my friend and teacher. It finally makes sense with this new knowledge." 
Chapter 3 Elohar: On her way to a New Life

Meridian looked into Elohar's eyes and said, "We have been each other's teachers in many lifetimes. Because of this affinity we have developed through various cultures we incarnated in together you will move very fast. Instead of trying to intellectually train you it will be far easier just to have you sit next to me and meditate. Because, in the end, "One picture from my mind into your aura is worth a thousand words" and "A thousand pictures from my mind to yours---" Well, you can guess just how fast you will catch on to what I'm talking about.

Elohar's body shuddered at how much she was going to change. From a 15 year old girl and now to a 17 year old and now to be taught aurically by the oldest human on earth (if indeed one considered him to be a human still).

Elohar remembered something she caught a glimpse of from Jonathan Flow's mind in 2010. Since Meridian was now an evolution of this same Jonathan Flow that was once her son--- she wondered.
She looked into Meridian's eyes and they twinkled like an old elf's. So she reached into his mind for this memory and he didn't resist. Soon, she found the memory of Jonathan Flow, Meridian's much younger self now age 37 in early 1986. He was in Dharmsala, India with his 2nd wife and their children. A Tibetan friend that had been a monk until he cared for his parents as they passed on by supporting them, took him and his family to see Ling Rinpoche in a stone hut.(the Senior Teacher of the Dalai Lama) had been meditating for 2 years straight in 1986 and wasn't expected to come back to full life again. But his body was not decomposing. No, his body demonstrated that he was a Saint by being like this in the Maitreya Mudra now for 2 years straight 24 hours a day. Young Jonathan Flow felt the blast of Darshan from the heaven realms course through his body and after he could take no more he walked outside and began to cry. All his life he had only known being born, living and dying. But this was something different. Ling Rinpoche had found a way to go to the heaven realms without being dead and to send back blessings for two years now by using his body like a TV or radio transmitter to life on earth and throughout the universe. Jonathan thought this must be very important somehow.

Elohar suddenly came back into her body with a shock. Meridian(older and wiser Jonathan Flow by 5000 years) was smiling a radiant smile and light was coming out of his eyes. Elohar had the tears of Jonathan in her realization too. She said, "Ling Rinpoche created you  to be what you are now by having you come to him and experience the heaven realms in your aura and body radiating from his Maitreya Mudra."

Meridian said, "So very fast. See how quick you move now?"

And suddenly Elohar just lost consciousness. It was just too powerful to not pass out.

When she awoke she felt her whole body and mind reprogrammed directly from the heaven realms. Meridian was right. His method was fast like a lightning bolt straight to  your spine from the heaven realms of earth.

Chapter 4 Elohar: A different Person

At first Elohar was a little scared. She said to Meridian, "You let me do that to myself, didn't you?"
Meridian looked into Elohar and said, "My assignment from King Interlaken is to take you as far and as fast as you are capable without breaking you."

Elohar looked at him and said, "Do you have any idea of what I'm capable of?"
Meridian said, "Remember, dear. I see the past present and future as it was and as it will be."
Elohar said, "How can you contain all that?"
Meridian said, "I don't even try to contain it. I just observe it and I'm aware only of what seems important in any given moment."
Elohar said, "So it's sort of like driving a car or flying a helicopter to school? You sort of watch out for what is dangerous and enjoy the rest if you can?"
Meridian said, "Yes. Pretty much. You just have to try to keep yourself and as many beings as you can out of danger as everything sort of whizzes by at the speed of light."
Elohar said, "Speed of light?"
Meridian said, "Remember I perceive things much differently than you do dear, after 5000 years of human experience and beyond."
Elohar said, "Oh."
Elohar looked inside herself and found now all the memories of Jonathan Flow since his birth until he became Meridian. She said, "Why do I have all your memories, Meridian?
Meridian smiled and said, "So you could walk a mile in my shoes. Things will go much faster if you understand why I'm teaching you in the way I am and the way that I will."
Elohar said, "You are actually very methodical and efficient. I wouldn't have thought you to be such a scientist. I thought you were more of The King's Seer".
Meridian said, "I'm both."

Elohar said, "What will I be like?"
Meridian said, "Though I see it I cannot talk to you about that much without changing and rearranging time even further".
Elohar: "But you knew when I went to 2010?"
Meridian: "I knew when you were born that you were my mother come again. So I knew how you would be again and beyond. Also, remember I'm Jonathan Flow. I wrote "Memories" starting in 1980 through whenever. The King had Ragna retrieve these writings, but I still have a copy or two myself embeded in quartz crystal myself even after all these years."
Elohar was amazed and said, "Have you kept writing all 5000 years?"
Meridian: "I haven't always showed much of it to anyone because people wouldn't understand but 'yes' I have kept writing. After my last wife passed away I found it kept me company to write. My children and grandchildren knew I was still alive and kept in touch with me too but eventually that was all a bridge too far."

Elohar: "Meridian? What happens now? Will I be safe?"
Meridian said, "Are any of us really safe? I don't really know the answer to that question, Elohar. However, you and I are here now and that makes me happy."
Elohar said, "I'm happy to know you were once my son. I gave birth to your body in my previous body over 5000 years ago!"
Meridian said, "Yes. You did. But now, I"m all that's left alive if that is what I am from that era. So when people even talk about it now they get it all wrong because they weren't there. You can get a little closer because you were just there when I was only 62 and you had only been totally gone for about 1 1/2 years then."
Elohar said, "Do you want to talk about it, Meridian?"
Meridian: "No. I got talked out about it 5000 years ago. We should move on."
Elohar said, "Okay."

Elohar said, "What was I like as your mother?"
Meridian looked into Elohar and wondered how this might be useful to her now. He decided that it was a bonding experience for the two of them and proceeded on her behalf.

Meridian said, "Can I give you some more specific memories of my childhood with her?"
Elohar said,"Of course. How do we do that?"
Meridian simply walked up to her and put his right thumb on her forehead and and put his fingers and palm over the top of her head."
She said, "This is how you transfer memories?"
Meridian said, "This is how I have done it in many lifetimes."
She said, "Oh."
Elohar said, "You and she were very precious together."
Meridian smiled and said, "It's one of the reasons I"m still alive now. It was a very amazing relationship my mother and I had. She didn't drink or smoke and I don't even think she dated very many guys because she was sort of shy when she was young. She wasn't raised rich and the Great Depression was very difficult for her family even though they always had a place to live during those times. But during the time I knew her all that was already gone and the clearest memories I have of her started in San Diego in 1952. Before that I just remember her singing along with Mario Lanza
Be My Love -
Ave Maria
note: If you haven't heard these two songs by Mario Lanza click on "Be My Love" and "Ave Maria" above.

Meridian said,"I was about two or three years old in Seattle and she would usually play the record and sing along and her voice was just so beautiful in harmony with "Mario Lanza" that sometimes little tears would come down my face from how beautiful their two voices sounded together. When my mother sang in church it would take your breath away."
Elohar said, "So she was a religious person."
Meridian:"I wouldn't say she was a religious person. I would say she was a naturally spiritual person who was very intuitively gifted and who had a great deal of common sense, much more than most people I have met in my life."
Elohar: "So you would say she was very special."
Meridian:"Yes. Just like you but you in this life are much more intellectually gifted than she was. That is why you will go so far. Because of all the work you did in that lifetime as my mother, your soul has progressed into something even more amazing than you were before."
Elohar: "So you have great expectations for me?"
Meridian smiled:"I see what you will become. But I can't do it for you. It must come from the burning in your own heart for it to work at all."
Elohar: "So then you are more a guidance counselor than a teacher?"
Meridian:"I'm both for now. But what I need to know the most is what is important to you? What is your motivation in life? What makes your heart sing?"
Elohar said, "You have to give me a little time. All this has happened so fast I need a night to sleep and to think about it all so I can make some sense of it."
Meridian: "I can give you all the time you need. However, knowing the King he will want us to spend 4 to 8 hours a day learning together. But we can do that anywhere, Elohar. So think about where you want to be that will inspire you. Okay?"
Elohar: "Sounds like fun!"
Meridian: "It will be."

Chapter 5 Solar Powered Helicopters

When Elohar got up the next morning and showered on the King's Yacht "The Awesome" and had breakfast with the King and his family, she spoke to Meridian about learning while flying Solar Powered Helicopters.

The King spoke up. He said, "The one request I would make is that if you are actually trying to learn while flying you both need to be riding a two passenger helicopter on Autopilot."
Elohar said, "Can we be on two single passenger Helicopters? I'm pretty attached to the  one you gave me, Your Highness?"
The King frowned but said, "Yes. If both helicopters are on interlock so both operating systems are in sync so you two can be within 1 mile of each other while communicating through Ear buds or helmet to helmet communications then I'll agree to that. Your learning process, Elohar, Just like mine will be intensive to come up to speed for what I will need you to be, just like mine was intensive with Meridian to come up to speed to eventually become King of Europe and present Head of Earth's governments. I could never have made the transition while piloting my own helicopter. It just would have been too dangerous."

Elohar said, "Then I will defer to Meridian and when he tells me it is too intense to be piloting cover certain material."
King Interlaken said, "I'll agree to that."
Meridian looked pleased with both his pupils and beamed proudly at them both. He was very proud of the King he had trained and very proud and amazed to be training this reincarnation of his mother called Elohar. All three smiled a knowing smile.

As Meridian changed his robes of state for a jumpsuit more appropriate for flying in a single passenger helicopter Elohar was surprised to see Meridian out of his robes of state. As the main advisor to King Interlaken and his senior teacher he had many roles to play for someone over 5000 years old.

There was a smile on Meridian's face as his mother's reincarnation and he took off in their single passenger Helicopters from the deck of the King's large Yacht, "The Awesome"

Note: For those of you who have read the Memories series located in 7 web pages and 11 parts

I would have put a word button above instead of a an internet address you have to paste or type yourself in but if I put a word button it changed the type face into something larger for everything I was writing afterward so I decided to do it this way instead.  The real reason for this note is that the King's Time Traveling UFO that Ragna often uses for managing Time from 10,000 BC to 10,000 AD is also called by the King "The Awesome" So on the sea he has "The Awesome" and when the King Travels time to observe history first hand he tends to travel in  "The Awesome". However, when he comes forward or backward  in time on diplomatic missions to present, past or future Earth Governments he travels time and space in a ship the size of the Queen Mary so present day Earth diplomats can visit him in the large Time-Space  ship under the ocean or in a very deep lake. The last visit was in Lake Tahoe within the last few years that I know of personally. So, the Awesome is about the size of a large Motor Home and the diplomatic ship is the size of the Queen Mary. end note.

Back to the story:

As Elohar and Meridian flew towards the shore of the French Riviera Meridian asked Elohar through her helmet com where they were going. Meridian knew something that Elohar didn't which was that the King likely would listen to their transmissions real time or at some time in the future to monitor their progress. Though Meridian hoped Elohar wouldn't say anything to compromise her relationship with the King he knew he could steer the conversation in such a way that he could better protect her. But he would be forbidden to tell her that the King would be listening in real time or at his own discretion.

As they came over the beach of Nice Elohar looked down at the portable homes there. Because of the potential of radiation dust and sand blowing over the ocean from the Middle East and Africa everything was either brought in as tents or trailers or it was stored underground and lifted out of the ground hydraulically that was a home. In this way one could wash off the roof before hydraulically lifting the home out of the ground after leaving the area by the end of the summer or whenever radiation dust was detected on the winds. Some times they could only be on the ocean days, weeks but sometimes they had months. It all depended on the year.

When the dust came "The Awesome" was sailed out of the  Mediterranean ocean and into the Atlantic away from any dust into a safe harbor until the dust settled down and it was safe enough to come back. "The Awesome" had pumps to wash off all external surfaces above water to wash the radioactive dust into the water so it would settle on the ocean floor and not affect humans so much. Obviously, the genetics of undersea life had changed worldwide but not as much as the above sea life.

Meridian spoke clearly into his helmet com. "Where do you want to go, Elohar?"
Elohar: How about my favorite summertime Meadow on the side of the Matterhorn?"
Meridian said, "Oh. I think that would be really beautiful this time of year. That would be spring with all the flowers at that altitude. What are the handling characteristics of these single passenger helicopters at that altitude?"
Elohar said, "I am fine at my weight because I'm young but we could tell the helicopter to increase the angle of attack on the chopper blades if we need to. However, if we do that it will burn up power faster."
Meridian said, "If I put it on automatic before we get to that altitude the artificial intelligence will compensate and  save power and be the most efficient."
Elohar said, "Yes. We'll do that when we go above 4000 feet in altitude."
Meridian said, "Have you checked the weather. Will we be safe from thunderstorms?"
Elohar said, "I'm a pretty spontaneous person, Meridian."
Meridian said,"So am I. That's why I'm still alive at 5000 years."
They both laughed because this seemed funny somehow.

Meridian said, "Shall we follow the Coast towards Italy?"
Elohar said, "Yes. It is incredibly beautiful today. Do you have sunglasses or a sun shield on your helmet."
Meridian: "I've got a sun shield on my helmet that I can use. I brought sunglasses but they are in the storage area now."
Elohar said, "Great!"

As they flew above the coastal cliffs and beaches Meridian thought of a trip he took here in 2009 with his wife and daughters. He sighed and felt suddenly good to be with his mother as a young woman again. It was like he was coming back to life. He actually felt sort of like Lazarus in this and smiled. He was really enjoying flying with Elohar!

The Azure Blue Sea was so very beautiful today. There were many sailboats and power boats that were moored at Monaco which is where the King moored his yacht as well most of the year. As they flew over Monaco Meridian remembered what it had looked like in 2009 in the fall and remembered the Rolls Royce Dealership and Lotus and Lamborghini and Ferrari Dealerships as he walked by them with his family on the way to a dinner at a Monaco Restaurant.

It all looked so very different today in 7015

Note: Remember if you read about Elohar and Ragna that they didn't come to 2005, 1969 or all the other dates in our present world era until their time 7028.

So, as they flew over Monaco Harbor it sent chills up Meridian's spine to remember 2009 once again. But soon, he was just so captivated by the beauty of the ocean and the day and just being with Elohar that the past all faded away into a more manageable place in his heart and mind.

Meridian said to Elohar, "I want us to go on automatic a little. I want to share the ambiance of this moment to get to understand how your abilities function. Okay?"

Elohar felt a little scared. It wasn't every day that you had to share your deepest secrets with a 5000 year old man who was once your son.

She mustered a little courage and said, "Okay."

Meridian said, "I'll try to keep this light, Elohar. I'm trying to establish some scientific parameters of your abilities. First of all, how do you perceive yourself as a being? What are you?

Elohar said, "I don't really know how to answer that. I've always seen myself in a sort of Celtic way, I guess."
Meridian said, "Oh. You were full blooded Scottish when you were my mother. Though both your parents were born in the United States, they were born to Scottish parents who were born in Scotland and so when something bad happened to both famlies, both families returned to Scotland and your mother and father met near Glasgow and then came back to the U.S. after they married.

Elohar said, "Oh. Then how I perceive things came from that, I guess. That and growing up this time in Switzerland in a sort of Heidi kind of world where we lived high in the Alps because of all the radiation problems lower down.

Meridian said, "Yes. There is a similarity." Meridian was quiet for a while. He thought about renting a motorhome in 1999 when he brought his mother and  oldest daughter and met his son and his friend who were traveling through Europe on a Eurail Pass. They all met in Munich and rented a 6 passenger  5 Speed stick shift Diesel Motorhome and traveled together through Germany, Austria, Switzerland and into Northern Italy where he had found the location of King Interlaken's Palace by intuition. Meridian smiled at how Elohar and Ragna had driven their motorhome (The Awesome) and parked it next to his in front of the Christina Hotel in Aosta, Italy the next morning. It sort of gave him chills to think that this was the lady who had come back through time to visit him and one of the many reasons he was here right now to teach her.

He thought of just how circular or even spherical that time was and the thought sort of spun him out of control. Quickly he realized what was out of control they were in a takeoff zone for an airport.

Meridian said, "We need to drop altitude. We're in a takeoff zone for some airport here." He pointed to the oncoming traffic and she nodded. Their helicopters suddenly dipped to avoid the problem.
Meridian realized that they had talked about switching Autopilot on but neither of them had actually done it. He said, "I'm switching us both on autopilot. That was just too close."
Elohar felt he was a back seat driver of her helicopter and was a little miffed about the whole thing. However, she would get over it.
Meridian said, "I think we should head inland when we get over Menton, Okay?"
Elohar felt included now. She said, "Okay."
Meridian said to the artificial intelligence running the helicopters, "Heli-com?" The helicom answered, "Yes. Meridian. What is it?"
Meridian said, "We want to fly inland towards the Matterhorn from Menton, Okay?"
Helicom said, "Will I be piloting both crafts or will you two be piloting?"
Meridian said, "A little of both, I think. We'll let you know."
Helicom said, "That will be fine. Just let me know what you want to do."

Helicom said, "Oh. Meridian. By the way I want to deploy the weather shield. I'll keep the vents open but I need to generate more electricity from the sun to compensate for your tall heavier frame."
Meridian said, "Okay. Will I be okay at the Altitudes we will be traveling at around the Matterhorn."
Helicom said, "What altitude will that be?"
Meridian said, "What altitude is your meadow and stream at, Elohar?"
Elohar said, I think it's somewhere between 5000 and 6000 feet in elevation."
Meridian said, "Thanks Elohar. Helicom?"
Helicom said, "I heard Elohar. In order to be safe we must fly you directly into the location with no sightseeing at first. Once we land we can deploy the full solar generator. Another option is to visit a generating station built for vehicles like this at the Italian Parks service there before we land at the meadow."
Meridian said, "We need to stop a moment at the parks service generating station. It only takes about ten minutes for a full recharge of my batteries."
Though Elohar really wanted to get to her meadow as soon as possible she knew this was the safe and wise thing to do.

as they landed at the park service recharging station there were people present that Elohar knew. She wondered how to handle this. Meridian sensed her tense up and said, "Do you know these people from College?"
Elohar said, "Yes. There looks to be two of my professors with a Botany class studying the flora and fauna of the Swiss Alps for the summer.

Meridian said, "How did you know that?"
Elohar said as she laughed, "They told me they were going to do this."
Meridian laughed.

So they landed rather quickly and Elohar greeted her friends from college and her professors and as Meridian was plugging in his helicopter she introduced him to her friends Anna Rolf, Ingrid and Jorges. They were pretty impressed as they all knew who Meridian was as the Senior Teacher of the King. They wondered why Elohar was traveling with Meridian. Meridian answered, "The King wished me to escort Elohar up to the Meadows of the Matterhorn so and to teach her what I knew about the flowers there.

Rolf answered this with, "Oh. Why don't you let us join you? We would like to know what you will teach too."
Meridian smiled and said, "Would you like them to join us, Elohar?"
Elohar said, "Oh, Yes. I would like that Meridian."
Meridian said, "Well. Go get your helicopters and we'll go as soon as I recharge mine. It'll be about 10 minutes time. So pretty soon there were 4 new helicopters parked in proximity of their two.
Rolf said, "We already charged ours so we're ready to go whenever you are."

Note: Most of the people who went to college in Zurich were related directly or indirectly to King Interlaken in much the same way that many people who attend Oxford and Cambridge in England are related in some way to Queen Elizabeth present day. So there really wasn't a security problem in inviting them to join Meridian and Elohar.

Meridian started a new conversation and said, "Have any of you had Arcane St. Germain the noted Interplanetary Cultural Anthropologist this year?"
Elohar said, "I have." And to of the others nodded their heads as well.
Elohar went on, "What is that accent of his? It is from another planet?"
Meridian said, "Yes. He had to trim his tongue to fit in when he first came to earth."
Elohar said, "I'm told he's very old but he doesn't look or act like it."
Meridian: "He was my teacher, Elohar, so he's very old, older than me."
Elohar's breath was taken away by this as she suddenly realized things were beyond her ken now.
Rolf said, "How old are you, Meridian if that's not too rude."
Meridian said, "Oh. I have been regenerated at least 3 or 4 times so far."
Rolf said, "So let's see. That makes you at least 200 years old then. I have a great grandfather still living that old maybe you know him."
Meridian said, "I do know your Great Grandfather, Rolf. We used to play golf sometimes."
Rolf said, "Wow. I hope I can live as long as you two!"
Meridian looked into Rolf and said, "I think you will be a part of the government some day, Rolf, and that you will outlive even me, maybe."
The hair stood up on the back of Rolf's neck. He too, knew he was in totally amazing company now.

When the flew to the meadow Meridian talked about how flowers had changed over the last 5000 years and how they had mutated slightly from the ones in the 20th century before the Nuclear Catastrophy in 2001.

note: All these young college students had grown up accepting  the horror of 6 billion plus people dying almost instantly(or horribly within a few months time) 5000 years before and so though all felt charred inside by it,  it was just a part of life just like 70 million dying in World War II worldwide is for people today.

After a time Elohar's four friends went back to their campsite where they stayed for a few weeks in the same area as their summer school professors. This left Elohar and Meridian sitting around a campfire that night.

Meridian said, "You know, my helicom said that if we go up to Gornergrat at around 10,000 feet that they have battery boosters provided for free by the Parks Service. This will triple my flying time ability at these high altitudes. I want to go pick up a booster for my heli and for yours.
Elohar looked at Meridian and realized just how amazing and efficient he really was.

Elohar said, "You really don't like people to know just how efficient and gifted your are, do you?"
Meridian:"Well. I learned as a boy if people don't know what you are capable of, you always win."
Elohar said, "You're really scary aren't you, Meridian?"
Meridian said, "I always survive anything. That's my gift."
Elohar shuddered. She understood more every day why Meridian was the King's senior teacher while growing up. She looked at Meridian and said, "Can I ask a question about Arcane St. Germain who teaches at my college?"
Meridian smiled and said, "Yes."
Elohar: "How old is he really if he is your teacher just like you are the King's teacher."
Meridian: "Honestly. I don't know. He's from another planet and a time traveler. I only know he was born approximately 1,000,000 years into the future on another planet and he is a planet saver.
Elohar said, "A what?"
Meridian: "He's a Planet Saver. You know there is a World Savior like Jesus. Well. A Planet saver is kind of the stage before you get evolved enough to be a Jesus."
Elohar: "You mean he's a living Saint?"
Meridian: "He's a Galactic Saint."
Elohar began shaking. Her whole world was coming undone these past few days. She excused herself and moved into her tent and quickly went to sleep.

In her dreams she saw Meridian and her parents and the King and Arcane St. Germain all sitting in what looked like thrones in a circle around her. She said to them, "I'm really scared. Every thing I  believed is coming apart. I'm afraid I might lose my mind."

Her father spoke first. He said, "Do you remember, Elohar, when you were a little girl?"
She said, "Yes."
He said, "Think of all the different ways you perceived the reality within and around you growing up."
She said, "Okay."
Her Dad said, "Well. This is just another step forward that many don't ever get to make. Okay?"
Elohar fainted in her dream. When she woke up the next morning she was ready to proceed with her new life and future.

Elohar said, "Good Morning, Meridian. I like your tent. It's quite exoticly painted."
Meridian said, "Oh. It reminds me of the late 1960s and early 1970s."
Elohar: "I don't know much about that period of history."
Meridian smiled. "It was about social revolution. Color, Freedom of every kind and of moving back to the land."
Elohar said, "If you say so."
Meridian:"You had to be about 16 to 25 during the late 1960s and into the 1970s to really appreciate what was happening then."
Elohar: "I just like your tent with the Matterhorn painted on it." Meridian smiled. "Did you see the other side with the Crystal palace painted on that?"
Elohar looked on the other side and gasped.
"Did a court artist paint this?"
"No. Actually my Bio-Com did."
Elohar: "You have one too." The only other one she knew about was embedded in the King. She was stunned.
Meridian said, "You have one too since last night."
Elohar said, "That just isn't possible."
Meridian smiled and said, "You don't know Purple Delta 7."
Elohar: "Who's that?"
Meridian said, "You're not ready for that yet."
Elohar: "You're kidding me about all this aren't you?"
Meridian looked very serious for a moment and then said, "Maybe."
So Elohar laughed thinking all this was a joke. Meridian smiled but she was worried a little because he didn't laugh.
Meridian thought to himself, "Just how much can she know without completely losing it?" So, at least for now he realized Elohar's Biocom was a bridge too far. He said telepathically to Elohar's Biocom, "You answer only to me for now. She cannot handle your existence just yet. I'll have to create a meeting sometime between her and Purple Delta 7.

note: Purple Delta 7 first shows up in:

She is also in:

Elohar said, "I just caught you in something of a strange situation. How can you be here and have lived in 2010 in the new timeline?"
Meridian smiled, "Boy. Aren't you smart? I can't of course. The reality is that there are now at least 3 of me manufactured sort of by you and Arcane in the future."
Elohar said: "What?"
Meridian said, "I have two bodies on this timeline, at least. And I have at least one on the new timeline.
note: We are on the new timeline sometimes called Timeline 2 that started 9-11 the second time it happened. On our timeline most of the world wasn't incinerated accidentally that day. On the first timeline it was called the Nuclear Catastrophe because that was what it was, a complete misunderstanding which caused the end of the world as we knew it except for Switzerland and a few other places which didn't fare as well as Switzerland. Remember, Switzerland is a neutral country. It has no nuclear weapons pointed at it and never has from any side. end note.

Chapter 7 Saint Germain (There isn't a Chapter 6 yet in case you were looking for one.)

note. Since Saint Germain is often thought of as Lord of the 7th Ray (the violet or purple ray) I thought it would be fitting for him to be Chapter 7. Also, if you understand Francis Bacon and the Shakespearean Plays and the 7 codes in the original manuscripts and of the Comte. De Saint Germain of the 18th Century  that historical figures often talk about in their writings.

2nd note: But in this following I'm simply explaining Saint Germain more like I have experienced him present day (Present day meaning during my lifetime which began in April 1948) end note.

Elohar realized that she was having trouble because she kept passing out. Reality wasn't really working for her. Meridian often put her in her tent after moving her tent into a shadier spot. Meridian decided he should Summon Arcane St. Germain to smoothe out Elohar's transition as he had more training in this area than Meridian.

As St. Germain appeared in a Green sphere given to him 1,000,000 years into the future (when Meridian was much older and wiser) when Meridian trained then young Arcane and told him he would be coming back in time to work in the past. (Often beings alternate training each other by being born again and the one still living training the new child in the Tibetan Buddhist Culture as well).

Meridian smiled as Arcane(St. Germain) appeared and said, "Thank you for coming. I don't want her personality to split from too many new variables in her awareness. First, she was summoned to be a part of the King's Court so this has changed her whole life. Now she has to be made aware of the King officiating over actual time travel from 10,000 BC to 10,000 AD.  This and dealing with all her girlish fantasies and new abilities coming to the fore is proving too much for the girl in the context of what the King has asked me to bring her to."

Arcane(St. Germain) said, "Then you will have to pretend to do what the King asks but only do what is good for Elohar long term."

Meridian said, "How do we accomplish that ARcane?"

Arcane said, "Do you trust me to touch her?"
Meridian said, "If I can witness the event we both cover each other."
Arcane said, "I"m only going to put my thumb on her forehead to integrate all the pieces of her for this 20,000 year segment of time."
Meridian said, "What if the Lemurians become involved?"
Arcane said, "Well. That's there business if she meddles in their designated affairs on purpose or by accident."
Meridian: "So you know they won't harm her?"
Arcane:"Well. If she goes back to their era they will consider her to be an abomination and reorder her mind temporarily."
Meridian: "Won't that hurt her?"
Arcane: "I don't think so. She's pretty strong or she will be by 7028. I've met her then already you realize."
Meridian:"I mostly just move through time regularly now so I have not had that experience yet and won't for about 10 to 15 years yet."
Arcane: "It's okay, Meridian. Everything in good time."
Meridian sighed as he watched St. Germain(Arcane) put his thumb on Elohar's forehead in her sleep.

Elohar's dreams became different sort of suddenly, She was sitting on her bed and a new energy that was violet light or flames started dancing around her room. She watched the smoke of confusion burn out black from her mind and chest. She began to feel peace once more as the black smoke billowing now out of her took all her confusion away. The world began to make sense and all her mental and spiritual and intuitive faculties came into order, She thought to herself, "Why didn't I think of ordering my life this way before?" The question created an answer, "Because you didn't know enough of components to figure this out before." Peace came strongly into her mind and soul. When she woke up she looked out of her tent to see the sun beginning to set on a nearby peak. "How fitting" she thought "My past is completed by this sunset. I begin a new life in the morning. I'm free!"

Elohar looked over at Meridian who was speaking with someone she recognized. Who was it?  "Oh My God!" she thought it was Arcane Saint Germain her professor from college. She felt her hair stand up on the back of her neck and felt faint at first but Saint Germain was ready for this. He realigned her mind stream so she could cope remotely without moving his body in any way to give himself away. Elohar suddenly felt a surge of strength and solidity. This became that moment the new Elohar. She had just grown up. She wasn't entirely sure how but she had just grown up. She would never be just a girl again.

So she greeted her two new teachers in life. They had breakfast made and soon Princess Gwen flew in unexpectedly on her solar powered Helicopter. She said, "I got bored. I hope you don't mind me joining you." Elohar said, "I'm glad to have another female around to commiserate with."
Gwen said, "I thought you might."
Meridian and Saint Germain just smiled and sensed everything was in order somehow.

But Gwen's father had been a little worried about Elohar's progression and had sent Princess Gwen up to spy on Elohar and her progress.

Gwen's mind saw fully into Elohar's mind and saw the disorder that had suddenly been righted and knew that Saint Germain and Meridian had been working pretty hard on Elohar so she wouldn't just skitz out (as in permanent multiple personalities from all the changes). Gwen was always amazed by what these two men (if men is what they actually were) were capable of. But most of all Gwen was just glad that her college friend Elohar was doing as well as she was with these two very old male beings teaching her. Gwen thought, "Father will be very pleased at the results. I wouldn't have believed it possible in such a short time!"

So Gwen and Elohar went off for a hike up a stream with many waterfalls up towards the Matterhorn while Meridian and Saint Germain discussed what was to come next.

Meridian: "I'm amazed how quickly you got her to accept an adult way of seeing all this."
Saint Germain:"It's just a part of my training on New Deva. I was trained to do this kind of thing for young Dragons of Compassion on my planet. Often they would have more abilities than experience to even know how to integrate their abilities into the real world, so unless I did this kind of thing they would self destruct out of complete confusion and their gifts would be lost. They were all kind of like rocket ships or race cars and very fine tuned. So unless someone helped them they would either go crazy or die in some awful way because they just couldn't cope with their abilities in the real world."

Meridian:"In some ways all young people that are gifted are a little like that, Saint Germain. They need guidance to stay alive to be useful to their families, and friends and the whole human race. So the ones who get good guidance from people they respect and love make it and those who don't often aren't around very long."

Saint Germain: "Yes. It's the luck of the draw. Karma. Isn't it? You know, it's very strange for me old friend. You and I are now physically about the same age. But when I first met you, you had already lived over 1 million years here on earth and I was only 27. Then when I was about 35 I was sent to earth by the Galactic Time Guard as a Planetary Anthropologist and I first met you and you were a very gifted young man considering suicide and I had to pretend to be Saint Germain even though I wasn't really him yet. In fact, the future you told me I had to do this. So, right now, you are alive because I saved you by pretending I was Saint Germain even though I hadn't got their yet but by pretending I was him you believed me when I said I was and you survived and because you believed in me being Saint Germain I became Saint Germain both through attainment and experience and time lived throughout the Galaxy. So which came first the chicken or the egg old friend. First, you saved me when I was just 27 in Earth years and then I went back as you directed me and I saved you. But without us both doing all these things New Deva would have ended as a planet and awful things would have happened throughout the universe. But because we kept saving each other through time all these good things happened. It is very Zen like. And I still can't figure out even now whether the chicken or egg came first.

Meridian looked at Saint Germain and said, "By the way I have been meaning to ask you something for about two hundred years now.
Saint Germain said, "Yes."
Meridian: "How did the Swiss Government reform after the nuclear Catastrophy? It seemed like everyone was dying and I never did get a real understanding regarding how all that came about.
Saint Germain looked very sad. "I don't like talking about it because it reminds me a lot of when I was about 27 years old and I was on Isfahel. But, for you, old friend, I need to share this one more time."
Meridian said, "I don't want you to suffer in order for me to know."
Saint Germain said, "No. I want to share this with you. Someone other than me needs to know the fulness of it.  First of all, After I found you and put you in stasis in a place in the Alps where no radiation could reach you to compromise your genetics, I blipped in and out of time trying to decide what to do it was just so incredibly awful. I had read your accounts during the 20th and 21st Century when you were known as Jonathan Flow of your lifetime as Flame the evolved Octopus whose species originated on Earth. What he relayed through you struck a chord in me and I realized just like Flame did that it was completely up to him to save everyone. So once I realized that I was the only one capable of making a difference I did. Most everyone else was just so reduced by no food, no culture, no sanity, on genetics, no technology not destroyed, no living family that I had to step in and change all that.

So I got people who I tested that were still sane and genetically okay to move to higher altitudes so their dna wouldn't get anymore corrupted. Then I re-established tribes with unified armies to defend against marauders. Then I set up high altitude hydroponics with equipment that already existed on earth. All I had to do was to bring in Galactic Time Guard Semi Truck sized transporters from different locations in the Galaxy to here on earth into the Alps. The Alps were the least harmed by the World Nuclear Cataclysm for a variety of reasons and so I concentrated all my will power and culturally and technically developing skills there. I had to deify myself into a sort of super medicine man deity but in the end civilization was reborn through my efforts and all the ones who believed and made it happen. So, today we have at least once civilization left on earth from which to build as dna becomes more stable worldwide in the future."

Note: A Time Space Displacer can move thousands of people at once unharmed from any location to any location on the same planet, It can also move any object on that planet up to the size of a super oil tanker to something the size of the Empire State Building. The advantage of such a device is that you only need one safe location on a planet. No other location is needed. You simply through GPS types of devices locate what you need and  bring it to a central location where you want the beings or people to be or where you want the devices of all sizes to be. It looks a lot like an entrance to a tunnel but functions more like a portable wormhole that is controlled in such a way that one can designate who or what is to be moved to that location and even what condition it or they  will be in when it or they arrive. end note.

Meridian said, "Wow. I knew it was something like this but I finally had to know enough to be able to ask useful questions over the next however many years I'm alive."

Saint Germain said, "Well. I met you almost 1,000,000 years from now so you still have quite a ways to go, Meridian."

Meridian said, "One day at a time. Otherwise I couldn't do it."

Meanwhile Gwen and Elohar walked while laughing like the brook they walked beside as they climbed in altitude alonside the stream over waterfalls and pools.

Gwen said, "Tell me about 2010 on the new timeline. I'm envious of you."
Elohar: "Is it okay to talk to you about this. Well. I guess it doesn't matter it's on a different timeline and its long past. I can talk about it I think. "

Gwen said, "I don't see the harm either."

Elohar:"Well. After I saw Jonathan Flow. Uh, Meridian when he was only 62---."
Gwen "What!"
Elohar: "I saw my son from my previous lifetime."
Gwen said, "You mean reincarnation is a real thing?!"
Elohar said, "It is for me and was for my son, I believe."
Gwen said, "Go on."
Elohar:"When I saw my son I felt his pain at losing me. I died when I was almost 90."
Gwen said, "Why do you know so much?"
Elohar: "OH. Meridian put his thumb on my forehead and shared his childhood memories with me. Even though it's not the same as remembering my past life fully, it's better than nothing. Besides, because of his memories some of my own memories from that lifetime are flooding back as well."
Gwen said, "Isn't that a little creepy? Seeing the memories of someone 5000 years ago?"
Elohar: "Well. It is a lot different than I expected. I wasn't rich in that lifetime especially when I was a child. Sometimes, we barely had enough food to eat during the Great Depression. And we kept warm with a metal barrel that my Dad made into a wood stove. And the doors had leather hinges on them because we couldn't afford metal ones."
Gwen said, "That's kind of unbelievable for me. Tell me about your experiences in 2010."
Elohar: "Well. I was walking along the Cote D'Azure (French Riviera) on the beach at Nice and suddenly everything faded out and I was in a forest somewhere."
Gwen said, "Don't you get scared when that happens?"
Elohar said, "No. It's more like an adventure. I've never been stranded in a bad place or even stranded at all. I can come back from wherever whenever at any time I want to."
Gwen: "I really can't imagine experiencing all that. It would scare me to death."
Elohar: "Everyone's gifts are different Gwen. You see everyone's mind that lets you."
Gwen:"That's different! I entertain myself by looking into people's minds. Otherwise I would be bored to tears all the time. Besides, if a boy likes me it is quite an advantage, especially if I like him too!"
They both laughed at this and skipped flat pebbles across one of the  larger ponds.

 Elohar is very special to me. She is a reincarnation of my mother who was born in the 71st century. It is now May 2010  and my mother passed on in 2008

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