Saturday, September 7, 2013

Trusting your Intuition

This is a very individual thing. Unless you are someone who always tests your intuitive gifts you aren't going to be able to know when to trust what you get. Luckily for me, my gifts are interspersed between physical, mental and spiritual. But, to survive buying into your intuitions you must test them constantly, so you don't die from trusting them at the wrong time.

It's sort of like being a surfer on a big wave, or riding a motorcycle or flying a plane. There are times when you should trust your instincts and there are times when doing that might cost you your life or your limbs. So, it is the same thing with all intuitive gifts including soul travel. If you don't know what you are doing you can die very quickly very easily. So, knowing what you are doing and having good motivations in whatever you are doing towards yourself and all beings will tend to keep you alive and uninjured in all ways. But, you must always be very sure about what you are doing otherwise the end could be in sight in any moment for you.

So, be sure to test your gifts as they occur so you can know if they will keep you alive in various kinds of situations or not.

If you are like me, I am aware of what is happening around me all the time during the day, but often it is all in shorthand because it is all flashing by so fast. But, as I am going to sleep details become clearer of things I need to be aware of. Often people tell me they have similar experiences.

Since as a soul traveler it has become my experience that neither time nor space is ultimately real but only like a Game we all play as souls (a Serious Game). So, in knowing this I have realized that I am not really separate from anything, or anyone in reality that I want to be conscious of.

Someone might say, "What about psychic boundaries?" Well, what might be important to say is if you become a conscious soul traveler if you don't have good ethics to begin with you will not physically survive being a soul traveler. So, being firm in 'Do unto others as you would have done unto you' is really vital if you expect to survive as a soul traveler.

It took me about 10 years of consciously soul traveling to realize that I was literally everywhere and everywhen already. Intellectually understanding this and experiencing this yourself are two very different things. So, just like learning to surf, ride bicycles, motorcycles, planes, sailboats or power boats you have to not go beyond your skill level on penalty of death or injury.

Because even though you might experience this once your realization of it might give you a heart attack and you might die if you aren't prepared for it or aren't young enough to survive this realization.

Albert Camu once said, 'Those who can, Do and those who can't, Teach"

However, in this case those who can, Do, and then after having done this they teach about it because
knowing that it is possible to soul travel all over the universe effortlessly right now like Buddha did 2500 years ago is useful to know. Whether you actually decide to take this path it is important I believe to know it is a possible path for human beings properly gifted and properly inclined.

There is no limit to what God can do through us.

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