Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Media Addiction

I came to the conclusion today that most of the educated population of the world right now are Media addicts. Take my little test here. Do you own a TV, IPad or Ipad clone, Computer desktop or computer laptop, have one or more smartphones or cell phones? Now how much time a day do you spend without using any of these?

If you were to tell me Zero hours or even 8 hours while you sleep then you are a media addict in the same way that many people are addicted to Alcohol or other drugs. So, media has become a drug for you. However, since many or most of your friends are also media addicts you don't really notice this.

But, what if you didn't use your TV, Cellphone, IPad, Computer (of any kind or Smartphone) or anything that has a battery or plugs into the wall or a 12 volt outlet in your car?

Imagine spending a whole weekend without any of these. What is your reaction? Now, just remember this is what humans were for thousands of years. Even reading books is a recent invention of only about 500 years.

So, if you want to know what it is to be human (the way humans were before radios or telephones) try not using anything electrical but refrigerators, stoves and lights for a weekend. If you have done it what did you think of that? What do you think of everyone plugged into media now?

Then maybe you should see: "The World's End" and then think about that more.

The World's End (2013) - IMDb
Rating: 7.8/10 - ‎18,736 votes
Directed by Edgar Wright. With Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Martin Freeman, Rosamund Pike. Five friends who reunite in an attempt to top their epic pub crawl from ...

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