Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Potential Consequence of Assad Gassing all Sunni Muslims left in Syria

This was made very clear to me when listening to Congressional Testimony today. There is a very real possibility now that Assad will use his chemical stockpiles to kill every Sunni he can find in Syria if the U.S. doesn't punish him along with France and any other country that wants to join us.

This was made clear in testimony today that this is actually what we are dealing with and this is why almost all families are now leaving Syria at this point because I think they realize this too. So, pretty soon there will ONLY be Syrian Soldiers on both sides and nothing else left in Syria (and maybe reporters from all over the world).

11 cities and areas were gassed all on August 21st during Obama's vacation with one area of the largest Sarin Gassings that killed over 1400 people including over 400 children in just one of those areas. So, since August 21 the number of cities gassed by various chemicals is now in the teens just since that date.

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