Sunday, September 1, 2013

Obama and Clinton

Obama and Clinton are two of the most intelligent Presidents of all time. I think Nixon and FDR and Kennedy and others were right up there too. However, intelligence is a two edged sword. It can work for you or it can work against you and it usually does both most of the time.

We all saw both the incredible Good as well as Clinton's weaknesses in his Presidency. They were all right their under the magnifying glass of the Presidency. Obama is an exceptional President as well but in a completely different way.

With Obama the world and the government has become just so unwieldy that there are no simple answers to literally anything anymore. All governments have been weakened by Globalization incredibly. So, basically all governments are more a bluff or an echo of what they were in the past than anything else. Government (worldwide) is more an illusion now or even watching actors more than it ever was before. Before government resembled how ministers act in church by defining reality for their flocks. It was a much more simple world than we live in now with 24 hour TV news networks, Twitter, Bloggers, Newspapers, online newspapers etc. So, it is to the point where literally nothing that happens goes unscrutinized by millions if not billions of people. It wasn't always like this. In the 1950s, 1960s and even to some degree in the 1970s and 1980s we as citizens of the U.S. and the World only saw the very tip of the iceberg. If it wasn't just on the news one night or in Post, or Look or LIfe or Time magazine then we never knew about it until someone somewhere in the regular media made a big deal about it. So, about 90% of what happened around the world most people never found out about or knew about.

But, it's not like that anymore so this makes governing any nation about 100 times or more difficult because governments are being undermined by this knowledge all the time around the world to the point where governments are becoming more and more a legal fiction than they were before and all the people in the globalized world are like a mob changing everything mostly without thinking of the consequences of their actions. (Because their world isn't big enough to completely understand the effects of the causes they send out worldwide). So there are these almost infinite screams and cries in various directions by the sane and almost sane and by the victims of various atrocities around the world. And unfortunately sometimes people who have a hangnail are listened to more when they are performers than those who are being tortured to death online in some country like Syria. So, the world is still as crazy as it ever was but just in a new way.

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