Sunday, September 1, 2013

Obama: The Unhappy Warrior

Because Barack Obama ran for president to get us out of wars it is very difficult for him to deal with the Syria situation the last couple of years. First, he sees the economics of our nation and how the years since 2001 have drained our nation of resources when they could have been used in much  better   ways. The recovery is feable, the rest of the world (like Europe and China) are doing worse than we are in many ways. So, moving into a war in Syria is the last thing he wants to be dealing with. (In other words why mortgage the house for a war in Syria unless there is simply no other choice). And because Russia is using Obama's ineptness in this present situation against the credibility of the U.S. (even though their own actions in Russia are the main cause in some ways of this suffering now in Syria). So then, Obama is trying not to start a World War with Russia over all this on top of everything else including trying to keep us out of Syria so we can refill our coffers with money so we don't further bankrupt ourselves like we did with Iraq and Afghanistan. (And remember we still are in Afghanistan to this day!)

So, the world asking the U.S. to get involved in Syria is sort of like asking the U.S. to commit economic suicide and (didn't we already do that in 2008?) and the whole world is in the throws of economic suicide now as well.

So, with global Warming and global Climate change now directly affecting literally every nation on earth's pocketbook, we all are much poorer (the average family in the U.S. is now 7.2% poorer than in 2000) in terms of real income on a year to year basis. So, what are we all to do and what is actually realistic to do? IT is not 1950 or 1960 when the U.S. was the fattest it had ever been after being the last big nation standing after World War II. In world war II Russia lost at least 20 million people over 90% of them civilians alone. In contrast the U.S. only lost around 900,000 people with over 50% of those being American civilians around the world.

So, from this you can see the problems we are dealing with in a historical perspective too.

Literally everything has changed since the U.S. was fat and lazy in the 1950s and 1960s. We are no longer who were we then in any way. So, what do we do now? That is the million dollar question everyone must ask themselves realistically. What do we do now?

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