Friday, September 6, 2013

Precipitation from Clouds usually starts as snow

I was watching the Weather Channel and I learned something that likely wasn't known yet while I was in Grade School or High School yet. It turns out first that water droplets in clouds usually start out as snow. But often this snow has to have something to cause it to crystalize like a micro meteorite from space. These particles are too small to burn up so they hit the clouds and go inside a forming droplet of rain and then this combination crystalizes into snow. So, the next time you look at snow just remember you are looking at something likely from outer space inside that snow flake or snow on the ground. For each snow flake has to have something like this to be able to crystalize around to fall out of the clouds in the first place.

What is amazing to me is something from outer space helps cause snow. What will they discover next?

The weather special on the Weather HD is called "Secrets of the Earth" at 11:42 PM Pacific Time Friday, September 6th.

Also, they said the earth gains around 10,000 tons in weight every year from these micrometeorites from space.

Also, I was thinking later that if this piece of micrometeorite had and life or spores on it the water might also bring it to life as snow or when it melts nearer or on the ground.

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