Friday, November 22, 2013


What a Blog is to me is one person's research into life. By sharing what worked and didn't work for you in your life especially if you are 40 or older you can help those just growing up into their teens, 20s and 30s and beyond better navigate their lives too.

Though the more removed from people generationally they might feel that you are remote and different but by reading what you write they might also feel kindred and similar to you as well. If you study families for example through Sociology there is a factor I studied in a "Marriage and Family" course in Sociology that might be important to think about. It said that children and their grandparents often have more in common with each other than parents and children do. And it doesn't really matter what generation it is ongoing. For example, I'm sad that my youngest daughter didn't really get to spend that much quality time with her grandparents because they were mostly too old by the time she was growing up or they were dead already.

But, if you are doing ongoing research into whatever thing or things you are interested in likely there are others also interested in whatever you are interested in too. So, for me, it is about passing on one's experience and knowledge in a hopefully useful way to the human race when I compose my blogs. I'm not just thinking about people right now I'm thinking about people hundreds and thousands of years into the future trying to survive and stay alive whenever and wherever they are.

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