Thursday, November 28, 2013


There is a saying, "Gratitude is the motor of life" and I agree with this. Giving Thanks tends to bring more the goodness of life into your life. It isn't about pretending to give thanks it is on a deep level being actually thankful for all the goodness and sweetness in your life. It is about being grateful for all your friends and family still alive to be with you now. In the future some or all of them may be gone so be grateful now so you will have happy memories of them later. Giving thanks allows us to laugh and be happy in our lives and this happiness brings more of what makes life worthwhile. If we cannot give thanks how can be muster the courage to stay alive?

So, Giving thanks is about longevity of individuals and families worldwide. And it is about the ongoing happiness of families and friends around the world also giving thanks on this day of Thanksgiving here in the U.S. and all around the world where people celebrate it.

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