Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Stand By Me: 1986: The movie

This movie depicts what my life was like a lot during the 1950s. I was sort of like the writer kid and had friends like all the others and was tortured by older boys that sometimes tried to kill me depicted by Keefer Sutherland and the older boys in the Country Gang. I knew of people who used baseball bats to destroy mailboxes like they do in the movie from their cars. But, since they were the same kinds of people who sometimes tortured me like they do the boys in the movie I tried whenever possible to stay as far away from them as possible. The awful kids in the gang were sort of the kinds of people that are now being aborted so you don't see this kind of person as much nowadays.

I think  Stephen King is about my age (65) so he depicts this time in life exactly how it really was which was completely different than the way things are now in the U.S. in almost every way. Growing up then was very dangerous for a young man. You were expected to somehow survive all this and hold your own even at 4 or 5 or 6 years of age. I remember clearly trying to walk home a long ways from school with my same age next door neighbor Danny. However, we were 6 and a 9 year old grabbed us along the way and banged our heads together and made us cry and run away. We were so scared of this boy that we took another route home away from where this bad boy lived. But, the problem was there was no traffic light or stop light or cross walk there so when we ran across a busy thoroughfare we and other people almost got killed. A teacher from our school asked us why we did that who was driving by. We told her about the boy who had banged our heads together. We were told to point him out at school and when we did we never saw him at school again.

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