Sunday, December 1, 2013

Temperatures Dropping in Northwest

An Arctic Blast is coming into the Northwest where I presently am and this likely will happen all the way down to California where I live as well. It is presently about 52 degrees out here in Portland but they expect it to go down to 20 by Thursday here so ice on the roads might be a problem then and possibly even by Tuesday when it is supposed to be 30.

This arctic blast is coming all the way down into California too and I'm not sure exactly how far south it is going to come. I hope this isn't the beginning of what happened in I believe the Winter of 2012 when it came down all the way out of Siberia and it even snowed in Rome and Israel and the Middle East. Only this time it would be in the U.S. down south to Los Angeles and San Diego possibly?

The coldest weather I have seen since I have been here is about 30 degrees. Yesterday and today it was warmer so going to Mt. Hood and Trillium lake. But even when we were there we saw 38 degrees Fahrentheit and blowing winds which were very cold if you didn't have a hat and coat on.

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