What is an Archangel?
I think I can speak to this because when I was 2 I had whooping cough and they saved my young life.
So, ever since then I have wanted to become like them because they saved me.
Within the last month or so Archangel Michael agreed with me that I should try to write something about him and his band of Archangels.
Maybe the best place to start is my experiences with them my whole life now ever since 1950.
When I was 2 I had my inner sight wide open just like most children tend to at that point. They haven't had to shut their senses down because of trauma or war or smoking or drinking yet.
Also, my mother and Grandmother were Celtic Fae like me and I also have the green eyes of a Seer like Merlin. However, since I have been about 30 or so I tend to get seasick even though I didn't before then. But, I'm okay in a plane or car just not in a sailboat or some ships anymore. But, I still sail with my cousin in Long Beach Harbor one or more times a year where there is a breakwater and I'm usually okay.
So, my mother and grandmother (her mother) allowed me to become a Seer by not telling me I was crazy or wrong when I saw things all my life. They just allowed me to become a mystical Christian who was Celtic Gifted according to the Scottish Celtic Mystical Christian Culture.
So, I saw Archangel Michael appear to me at 2 and they never really left me ever since then.
What many people might not know about Archangels is that one of their primary purposes is to protect the souls of babies and those dying from being harmed while moving into or out of physical life. So, in some ways they escort beings both into and out of physical embodiment and the protect them as best as they are allowed to in his service to all humans here on earth.
So, I have found myself to become more and more like them since I surround myself with them in my life now since I was 2.
Of course there were times like when I was terrified from having childhood epilepsy when I was 10 to 15 that was caused by a blow to the head when I wasn't sure that God existed or not and if he did why was he killing me? But, eventually God had tested me and I asked God to live here in my body with me and then I completely changed my appearance, my childhood epilepsy went away and girls started chasing me around because they thought I was handsome all of a sudden.
This was quite a shock at the time, but if you invite God to actually live inside your body with you I guess this is what you should expect. I think Jesus did this too so I'm not alone in doing this.
However, it is a very overwhelming and terrifying experience and it took about 10 years for me to get used to God living inside my body with me. Because not only is it a strange experience to have 2 of you living in there but you have to get used to having about 10 to 100 times the amount of supernatural gifts as the average person has and you come to view most people as your children that you need to take care of. (This is what naturally happens if you survive this experience) and don't explode or implode from it because you cannot stay in balance). In otherwords a failure in merging with God winds up being insanity or death (usually death).
So, it is sort of like being on rocket fuel until you get used to it and then you aren't really human anymore. But, that is another story.
So, I was about 30 before I felt comfortable in my own skin doing this which makes perfect sense to me why Jesus taught from ages 30 to 33. Besides, the happiest any human being physically ever is is 33. So, he timed this all perfectly. (And so did God).
I'm mostly telling this story for you who actually physically invite God to live in your body with you. Doing this isn't something you just do for yourself. It has to be that you are doing this for all life on earth. I didn't fully understand this when I was 15 but I learned this part later because if I didn't I would have died young. So, in a sense it is a sacrifice you make for all mankind and all life on earth.
Archangels save the souls of babies and old people passing on from Chaotic experiences that might harm their souls.
One of the very hardest things for Archangels to protect souls from is abortion because souls are always harmed by abortion which is why some people who are aborted later come to their same mothers and are sort of emotionally messed up from that experience.
I have never been aborted but a similar experience for me was to die at Nagasaki in that nuclear blast which harmed me as a soul but then again that was my karma from a deep past lifetime as well. So, many things were accomplished by this including I was next born in Seattle where I am right now visiting 66 years after I was born here. And likely because of my visitation by Archangel Michael and his band of Archangels I am allowed to write this now.
I have found my life much about (as an evolved supernaturally endowed adult) helping children being born and helping people leaving their bodies as well since I always surround myself with Angels and Archangels. It's what I do.
I have grown used to now my supernatural abilities continuing to grow throughout my life. I suppose it is sort of like being a supernatural doctor. You become aware of a problem and you attempt to solve that problem wherever and whenever you are. It might be a person or situation right in front of you on a train or plane or even on the freeway or you might even be walking down the street and become aware of something you need to try to fix. So, you do if you can with the help of God and Angels by God's Grace.
Since Archangel Michael has authorized me to write this for him I will try to be true to his tenents.
His words "You naturally will"
By the way I'm not comparing my life to Jesus in any way. What I am sharing is a way for you to help the souls of all mankind if this is your wish.
However, it is very important to be physically and mentally very healthy and balanced before you attempt this because otherwise you are just going to die trying to do this. This is a given.
This is harder than riding a 50 to 75 foot high wave in the ocean on a surfboard ongoing every day until you get to a balanced point somewhere between ages 25 and 35. And even then it isn't easy but you do become more accustomed to a life like this.
You become a type of spiritual warrior in that you refuse to give up ever on any soul including your own.
However, if you are lucky you also become right mindful, efficient and compassionate to all life in the past, present and future throughout the whole physical universe and beyond.
In my own case I had to keep studying my whole life to just begin to keep up with what was asked by me of life once I asked God to live in my body with me. So, this is not a static state but an ever growing state of being also.
And sometimes the quantum jumps are real doozies.
Sometimes it is like "All the rules change" and you feel like you just crawled out of your little eggshell like a baby chicken into a whole new world with completely different rules that you aren't prepared for, so you have to go on a whole new voyage of discovery to master this new world too, so you don't die from the differences.
I suppose in some ways it would be like trying to keep up with all the technological changes on earth in some ways. You really cannot do that well within any 50 year period. For example, I did okay staying up with technological changes from 1950 until about 2005 and 2010. However, now I just try to understand the devices I'm actually using enough to use them before they go obsolete within 2 to 5 years or so.
Sometimes, being a being working alongside God and Angels and Archangels is a lot like this. Things change a lot in all dimensions and realms as people change here on earth too. So, the newer heaven realms are a lot different than the older ones with people from other eras of time and space.
What is it like to meet an Archangel?
In some ways it is similar for me to meeting an officer in one of the United States military branches at Lieutenant or Captain or above. Later: As I thought about this statement even though it is also true in that Archangels are very respectful if you deserve their respect by your thoughts and actions, they are also different in that they can also see deep into your soul and everything you are doing, thinking and feeling all the time they are there. So, even though they might be respectful if you are harming adults or children or other beings they have no problem dispatching you out of your body like a military officer would when authorized to do so.
However, they aren't really angry at souls ever. They mostly are protecting souls from harm both the harmers (who are gaining a lot of bad karma from doing too many bad things) and the victims who are either too young to defend themselves or who aren't able to defend themselves for one reason or another.
So, one way to look at an archangel is that they are busy protecting souls from harming or being harmed. Because either one isn't a good situation for that soul karma wise for a variety of reasons.
They are decision makers as well as trained to carry out orders on their own using their own discernment.
They are extremely powerful and each carry a sword of fire. What is this sword made of?
It appears to be a sword of sacred Fire which re qualifies whatever it touches. I also think it reminds people sort of like Star Wars and Light Sabers too in it's own way.
Another way to look at these swords is that they can return karma instantly. So, let's say someone has been bad or extremely chaotic. They can appear in any time and space instantly and kill that person if they need to.(From their point of view they aren't killing anyone because the souls are still alive.) This would look like a stroke or a heart attack in the person, but primarily the karma is returned to keep them from harming more people than they already have. This is kind of how this works if we are talking about people living in bodies with their souls.
The Archangels also deal with souls outside of bodies in different kinds of ways that I'm not sure would be useful to understand unless you are used to soul traveling outside of your body a lot.
I can hear your minds already saying things like "Why isn't this done in all cases like this?"
Well. The best answer I can give is that karma must go forward for the ignorant as well as the wise and all those in between. Karma is not just about saving the victims from the slaughter, karma is also about the victims learning that they are allowing people to torture and kill them too. So, being a victim is a karmic problem as well as the slaughtering of victims being a karmic problem for all involved.
So, only in very specific circumstances where "Karma is worked out right" can the archangels step in and do their work.
It's sort of the same for law enforcement all over earth. They might know what is going on all sorts of places but they can't do anything until the law allows them to do something about it.
Karma might be over things that have happened a billion years ago in a galaxy different than this one or a billion years into the future that a soul in the present has already experienced today. So, we are talking about millions of civilizations on literally thousands to millions of planets already in the past, present and future, because souls after all can be very mobile over the billions and billions of years or more while they have been in existence.
So, if you were wondering why all bad people aren't dealt with this way this is one of the reasons. In some ways allowing yourself to be a victim is just as bad as being a victimizer karmicly speaking over billions and billions of years.
They are preparing many of you to work with them in the future. This I do know for sure. By God's Grace.
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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