Saturday, February 21, 2015

Is Rudy Giuliani Senile or is this PTSD from 9-11 setting in?

He had to be strong for his city and the nation along with George Bush and everyone in authority. However, I have noticed signs ever since then that reminded me a little of PTSD. So, when I heard he was saying Obama doesn't love this country, it just sort of sounded like a PTSD kind of experience that a conservative Republican might have after 9-11 and all he and his city went through. So, though I wasn't surprised when Giuliani said this about Obama I mostly felt sad for him that this ordeal ever since 9-11 had taken this toll on him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had the same hunch. I found your post when I googled "Giuliani" and "PTSD". I have a mild case of PTSD from losing my house in Staten Island in hurricane Sandy. Soldiers go through worse experiences to be sure. An certainly, Giuliani went through worse on 911. This interpretation of his behavior rings true to me. The over the top rage, for instance.