Thursday, February 19, 2015

Relationships are more important than money in life

Don't get me wrong you can starve to death in some places on earth if you don't have any money. But, even if you have enough money for food, clothes and a blanket, if you have good relationships with the people around you you have everything.

Whereas you can be the very richest person on earth but if you don't also have people you can trust and have good relationships with them you really don't have anything.

A good example of this you see of Mr. Grey in "50 shades of Grey" is a billionaire self made. But, without good relationships and a good education it might not be useful to him at all.

So, just being an educated Billionaire isn't that great and might just be a burden (trying not to lose it all or trying to hire the right people to manage everything and creating checks and balances between lawyers and Accountants and Brokers so you don't have just one person doing everything that might have a weak moment. So, no one stays a billionaire without people he or she trusts at every single level. And for that billionaire to stay balanced he or she needs healthy relationships with parents, siblings, friends, acquaintances. Otherwise, someone like that might just hang themselves in the closet or jump off a cliff.

Relationships are what are important in life not money.

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