Monday, February 15, 2016

Vajrayana is Mantrayana is Buddhahood

a Zen way of putting this might be: "Monkey see monkey do"

Some might not like putting it this way.

Remember when you pretended to be King or a Queen when you were a child?

What if you said (and this is quite likely) "I am a King" or "I am a Queen" and believed it?

Mantrayana is about repeating something like this over and over until your subconscious is convinced of the truth of it.

At a certain point it manifests itself. To a limited human mind this seems strange and paradoxical.

However, no one every accomplishes anything unless they believe they can in the first place.

But then there are many people in mental institutions around the world who believe they are Napoleon or other Kings and Queens but are not.

So, understanding what is real and what is not in any given moment is necessary at every stage of development. So, understanding what you are doing but also understanding what stage is actually manifesting right then is important too.

The concept of "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps" comes to mind.

All truly successful people in the world know about this.

There is potential and then there is actuality.

How do you get from potential to actuality?

This is what Vajrayana, Mantrayana and Buddhahood are all about.

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