Friday, November 3, 2017


It appears that Bergdahl was mentally ill (demonstrably) when he joined the army and the army didn't help his illness it only made it worse. So, when he was kidnapped by the Taliban he just got worse.

So, the real problem appears to be allowing him to join the army in the first place.This is why he is ONLY going to get a dishonorable discharge and that's all because he isn't competent now, wasn't when he joined,wasn't when he was kidnapped and still isn't and is likely doing worse the way he has been treated ever since he was released from the Taliban.

I don't think it is even useful to blame Bergdahl for all of this. Likely it makes more sense  to blame the U.S. Army and Government for not recognizing Bergdahl's mental illness. He should never have been allowed to join in the first place. So, people upset at him are misguided in thinking he is responsible enough to actually be held accountable for almost anything. The Judge saw this and just dishonorably discharged him. The 5 years he was kept by the Taliban was one of the worst things that was ever done to any U.S. soldier kept as a prisoner that actually physically survived. Only people like Senator John McCain suffered more at the hands of the north Vietnamese than Bergdahl did at the hands of the Taliban. Imagine being mentally ill and actually surviving this in the first place of 5 years being held a prisoner by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

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