Thursday, November 9, 2017

If world leaders confuse the people with lies governments worldwide will collapse

This is the real problem with leaders like Trump that tell an average of 4.9 lies a day since he was inaugurated president. You really cannot believe anything he says. Some of the people who voted for him might be loyal to him despite this sort of thing like the way some people are loyal to friends or relatives who NEVER tell the truth also. But, is this healthy?


Even if someone is lying to you because they believe their own lies like Trump does sort of like a Used Car Salesman does, it's still a lie.

So, no matter how sincere someone sounds it doesn't mean what they are saying is true at all.

We have all known people who told us all sorts of things that we found out later were not true.

We really cannot listen to people like this or it could cause the deaths of ourselves or our children or our grandchildren.

Sincerity does not necessarily mean truth. Sincerity only means sincerity.

People like Trump are deluded in various ways and believing them is only the end of our nation completely and it causes our own deaths or the deaths of our children in the short and long run.

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