Thursday, December 21, 2017

Coast Valley Road, Montecito, California

Coast Valley Road in Montecito is quite familiar to me from this article: The Thomas fire is now the second largest in moder... from the Chinese Restaurant I used to eat with my wife's now passed away father to seeing Jack Palance there before he died who was also eating there because likely he lived in Montecito before he passed away. So, whenever my wife and I visit Santa Barbara now we often visit this Chinese Restaurant on Coast Village Road. Down the road from there is a Von's market where most people in the area shop in Montecito. This is by the way only one road up from the 101 Freeway and all this was evacuated from last Saturday until yesterday or so harming businesses who often need this time with tourists.

However, tourists don't come there if they can't breathe and the whole area is evacuated because of the Thomas fire. So, the good news is those businesses are opening up, the bad news is tourists aren't coming to Santa Barbara because they cannot breathe the air because you cannot see the sun unless it is red through the smoke and fire of the Thomas fire for some time now and it is still not over in the hills above Montecito and Santa Barbara.

When we moved into our beach condo between La Jolla and Carlsbad we watched the sun set that day together my wife and I and in the distance to the north we noticed the smoke north of Laguna Beach looking up the coast hanging in the air. It helped to make a beautiful sunset but we were glad we weren't closer because breathing smoke in the air is always hazardous to people especially when cars or houses burn and synthetics like plastics and rubber and metal like burning melting aluminum wheels and carpets make the smoke carcinogenic (cancer causing) to people and animals.

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