Thursday, December 14, 2017

The end of net Neutrality is the end of Social media equality here in the U.S.

If you have ever read the book "1984" or seen the movie or noticed what Putin's Russian Internet or China's Internet is like "Which is literally 1984" where people go to jail or are outright killed if they put their actual opinions on the Internet this is what we in the U.S. are headed for thanks to Putin and Trump his puppet.

This is actually what begins to take us there with no equal access rights to see or write whatever we want on the Internet.

Here is a good way to put it. Imagine the Internet is a 10 lane freeway and all the biggest corporations get to buy the left 9 lanes of the freeway and everyone else gets in a traffic jam in the slow lane where you wait 10 to 20 times as long to get to the sites you want to or you can't get there at all because of the end of net neutrality. This is what the end of net neutrality really means in real time.

So, only sponsored sites sponsored by the biggest corporations that want you to buy this or that have any power to come up quickly as sites. So, the Internet only becomes a brainwashing place for old Republican White Men who own corporations to try to force you to buy things you don't want and that's all.

So, the time of Social equality on the Internet is over (at least for the United States.

Note the first article I'm trying to quote isn't loading right so whichever articles with word button here you want to read I guess you will have to click on yourselves.

Opinion: The FCC is about to create an 'internet for the elite'


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