Saturday, December 16, 2017

Trump is a living Paradox


Because from a precognitive psychic's point of view his actions create even now millions of deaths around the world mostly through starvation but also through wars and skirmishes by basically ending the world of the U.S.  State Department since World War II.

The State department's job was to prevent wars and conflicts worldwide and to democratize the world worldwide.

However, Trump has ended that for all intents and purposes so people are going to be dying more and more through conflicts and a lack of democracy worldwide now as he tries to set up a dictatorship resembling Erdogan.

But, here's the paradox. This is ONLY in the short run that millions die here in the United States and Worldwide because of Trump both directly and indirectly.

In the long run, he prevents human extinction this century because of all the millions that die because of him because those millions of people don't have children that grow up to be starving drug addicted terrorists who nuke the whole world out of existence or something equally bad.

So, this is why Trump is a living paradox. He is literally HELL for the world in the short run and prevents human extinction in the long run by the present hells on earth he is creating.

So, how does one deal with knowing this is true from past experience?

If you live long enough you likely will see this come to pass here on earth. But, if you are not a precognitive psychic and can't see all the running variables you likely won't know what you are looking at.

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