Friday, January 19, 2018

Another poll on which is more important regarding shutdown

Avoid a Shutdown 56%
continue DACA     34%

So people believe that avoiding a shutdown is more important than continueing DACA by a margin 22 % of the public.

However, it is possible that if Democrats don't pursue DACA into a shutdown that 800,000 kids under about 25 years of age will be forced to return to their native countries even they they haven't been there since they were 2 to 5 years of age and don't know anyone there because of this.

So, it all depends where you stand. If you are a soldier who won't be paid or other member of government who won't be paid and are living hand to mouth you don't want the government to be shut down.

But, if you are a DACA child in a PHD program in a university you don't want to be sent back to a country you have never been to in your memory either.

So, either way this is a very hard thing to deal with for both parties.

But, the person I believe that most will suffer during a shutdown is Trump's popularity with the general public because he has no empathy for suffering people at all and this comes through often in his tweets and speeches to the press.

So, the main victim here I believe is Trump's support from the people if the government shuts down.

Republicans and Democrats in Congress have done their jobs but Trump hasn't.

So, the question becomes: "Why hasn't Trump done his job?"

Note; Both this poll and the last article were CNN polls by the way.

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