Sunday, January 14, 2018

I probably won't buy an electric or hybrid vehicle anytime soon but relatives of mine have them

First of all remember I live in California that has 50% of the electrics and hybrids in the U.S. and is reducing all your gas and diesel prices nationwide and to some degree worldwide by 1 to 2 dollars right now by them doing this.

So though I'm not going to be buying an electric vehicle until they likely lead line the entire interior as standard fare on an upper end electric or hybrid vehicle. Another reason I'm not as interested in having a hybrid or electric is I like to travel out in the wilderness where a vehicle has to take a lot of bumps and shocks on 4 wheel drive roads. Electrical connections and bumps and shocks don't go together either well. So, the best places to drive a hybrid or electric would be someplace in the drier areas of the western United States because of this. Moisture, snow and bumps and shocks aren't going to do well with hybrids or electrics. Also, salting roads might eat away at the undercarriage where they store batteries and eat into the batteries and in a hybrid or electric the most expensive thing on board is your batteries and the salt might also cause chemical reactions with the batteries which might cause fires or leaking of fluids through the bottom of the car out onto roads.

However, all this being said I have 4 relatives who own hybrids or electric vehicleshere in California who are convinced this is one of the ways to keep the U.S. going economically by not bankrupting the poorest among us to the point where they can no longer afford to drive cars or trucks or take buses.

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