Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Government Shut Down is an alternative to civil War in the U.S.

No matter what Trump says to the contrary, all his actions have brought an extreme one by one reduction of human rights here in the U.S.

So, the government shutdown is actually an alternative to outright civil war like we saw in 1968 to 1970 where young people were shot by soldiers at Kent STate university and young people were beat to death by police at the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968.

The Good news is that we are NOT witnessing young people or people of any age being killed by the police. (This is a very good thing). But, we are slowly losing all our rights as Trump follows the path of his father who was KKK (KU KLUX KLAN).

By now most people realize Trump is promising many things but then he acts in reality like a NAZI like his father. So, even if they don't believe he is a  NAZI they know from his actions he is definitely a White Supremacist by EVERY ACTION (NOT HIS WORDS HIS ACTUAL ACTIONS).

So, we all know by now he is a liar and a White Supremacist by all his actions. So, the Government shut down is actually a majority of the people fighting back in the only way they know how without resorting to violence.

Hopefully, the government shut down will get this anger out of people's systems so we don't have to actually have an actual violent civil war like 1968 until Nixon resigned actually became here in the U.S. where you were watching U.S. citizens be killed by police and soldiers on TV every day.

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