Thursday, January 18, 2018

Trump most likely will be the cause of the next Great Depression worldwide


All the conditions now are ripe for this if Trump isn't impeached soon.


Because the country's economic imbalances are similar to 1929 And Trump is the next Businessman (like Herbert Hoover) who caused the last Great Depression. Both know nothing about how to actually run a government and keep the country on track and peaceful especially economically.


All safety devices to protect the Middle Class from Banks and people like Trump (Billionaires and millionaires) have been removed by REagan, Clinton, Bush an d Obama over the years.

Now, Trump has been removing even more protections from the Middle Class and poor leaving them not having any reason any more to protect the wealthy elite from losses.

In the end The wealthiest people don't control America, the common people do which will be very clear soon they way things are presently going.

If the middle Class and poor are not soon given a piece of the Pie expect another Great Depression in the next 10 years at some point.

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