Tuesday, March 20, 2018

If I see Good things coming do I write about them here at my blog?

Not usually. Because talking about something I see good happening before it happens often would prevent it. But, writing about bad things I see coming often prevents them too.


I can't totally explain why but it is the way it really is.

So, I write about things I'm concerned about that I don't want to happen so you can pray and act and change the bad things to better things in the future.

For example, Trump plans (if he can) to end rule of law here in the U.S. and basically crown himself king.


Because he believes it is his right to do whatever he wants whenever he wants to like a king.

And no one has any rights at all except for him to rape or kill them.

If I wanted to warn the world about anything in regard to the U.S. this would be it.

If Trump isn't stopped soon he will be King for Life and then Donald Junior would be the next King and then likely Ivanka would be Queen or Barron would be King.

If you don't believe me you should because this is Trump's plan at present.

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