Thursday, March 8, 2018

The article below this one I converted from the French Wikipedia to English before quoting it

It is in the French language Wikipedia under the heading "Comte de Saint Germain". Most religious beliefs in the U.S. and around the world are based upon this actual historical man of people who believe in Saint Germain the master. He is considered to have become an Ascended Master in 1684 by those who believe in him. Some of these people also believe he was Francis Bacon, the illegitimate son (one of two) of Queen Elizabeth I. She didn't recognize her sons because she didn't want to be killed like her mother was by King Henry VIII, her father.

As Francis Bacon I was taught to believe he wrote the Shakespearean plays of William Shakespeare because Shakespeare historically could not read nor write in actuality. But, Francis Bacon as Lord Exchequer of London could not be seen writing these plays as he might have been thrown in jail or executed because he was royalty and doing things in regard to acting was unseemly and even women were not allowed to participate in acting then.

How I translated this length of text:

I tried to call up Google Translate online but their word limit is 3900 words and this apparently exceeds that. So, I thought about this and the fact that I have Google Translate resident on my site.

So, I realized that if I changed the language to French on my whole site and then down loaded the full text that if I retranslated the text of my whole site back to English that it would "ALSO" translate the French text of the "Comte de Saint Germain" back to English too.
Actually this didn't work I realized in looking more carefully.

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