Thursday, September 19, 2019

In the past Governments have hidden UFOs from the common people

But now, more and more they are sharing more and more about them. Why?

Likely because we are coming to a time when more and more people are going to NEED to know more about them to cope with their lives ongoing. How all this will manifest is anyone's guess.

I think we have reached a "tipping point" where the damage of ignorance regarding UFOs is exceeding the stabilization of "hiding everything" from the common people to stabilize religions and businesses and governments. In other words people need to know that there are multiple time lines here on earth and beyond, they need to know that everyone on earth has "Hidden memories" regarding UFOs etc.

So, in this sense we are sort of like Tagged deer with implanted microchips except that our main microchip is the smart phone we carry which tells where we are within 3 feet through GPS signal wherever we are on the planet.

In fact, you could not make ANY cell phone call if the technology didn't know exactly where your cell phone was in any given moment. How convenient it is for governments, criminals and UFOs to know wherever we are any given moment now. In fact, there is NO moment where they don't know where you are by the GPS on your present cell phone as long as it is on. And some of them share this information whether or not it is on and whether or not it even has a battery on board the cell phone.

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