Saturday, July 18, 2020

Captain of your own ship and master of your own destiny

This is, I believe, why my ancestors came to the U.S. in 1725 on a ship about 100 years after the Mayflower landed at Plymouth rock.

So, this is what my father's family has seemed to value all this time. We are not people who would be happy working in a factory at all. We would be happy captain of our own ship or ranch or farm or business owners of various kinds but never really happy working for others because of the basic nature of people in my family always.

Is this good or bad?

I think it is both and neither but speaks to the very independent spirit of most Americans.

But, I can also say that this independence (if it isn't well designed and thought out) is also what is killing people in Florida, Arizona, and Texas right now especially because this same independence if if it is not driven by actual facts only kills in a time of coronavirus.

If you are not well informed and independent both during these times it is likely you may not survive the next 10 years or so because of what is happening with coronavirus and other potential viruses during these times.

People think all this is just going to go away like magic. But if you study this that is very very unlikely even for the next 10 years or so for a variety of reasons.

However, I will say being captain of your own ship and master of your own destiny is one way to survive all this if you are well balanced and well informed through all of this. You have to be well informed and well balanced to come through all this now in one piece.

By God's Grace

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