Friday, July 24, 2020

Chengdu appears to be the closest U.S. Consulate to India in China

So, the Chinese closing the closest U.S. Consulate to India likely is strategic and might mean warfare on one level or another between India and China is beginning on some level. Xi's style is to confront and to expand China into the seas and lands of other nations.

But, I feel that China is a lot like Russia in this in that there is a Russian Saying which is: "Push the bayonet in. If you feel no resistance keep pushing the bayonet in and don't stop until you feel resistance. If you feel resistance then pull back."

So, until China is likely violently or politically confronted by enough nations, China will also keep "pushing the bayonet into other nations on multiple levels".

China is taking advantage of coronavirus worldwide to expand their power into all nations and seas that they can.

It is a part of Sun Tzu's battle strategies from ancient times where you use pandemics and plagues to defeat your enemies so they cannot get armies well enough to fight you.

So, it doesn't really matter whether China created the virus for this purpose or not because it is using it in that way either way. But, to be realistic the U.S. has always functioned in this ruthless way too in the past historically too.

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