Tuesday, July 28, 2020

I completely disagree with Barr regarding demonstrations in Democratic Run Cities

The country is like 50 different countries or more. Each area is distinct and individualistic. So, Barr's attitude is every state and city has to function like Cities in the South which might be Republican controlled. This is dangerous to try to impose the will of one part o the country upon another. This creates literal revolutions and will cause states to eventually secede from the union and much violence will proceed from this if Barr and Trump don't stop all this.

Getting people killed in Oregon and Seattle and Chicago and Texas in Democratic ruled areas isn't going to do anything but break our country apart into many different nations.

Once again Trump divides us and makes us vulnerable to Russia, China and other countries by ALL his actions.

We need a uniter to save our country from complete ruin of our democracy in a republic.

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