Friday, July 24, 2020

Medical Experts: Shut down the whole country: Versus "Open the Schools"

I wonder how many people are going to die if the schools are opened some places? I wonder how many children will lose one or both parents from going back to school?

There is no perfect answer to this question because even one death is too much. But, when government gets involved (especially Trump) they might be more and more be guilty of mass murder. How many federal and state officials will go on trial eventually for the decisions they make now that will cost people's lives on into the future?

This might be for some the most important question of all.

Decisions made today might be seen similar to SS Troops still in jail or going to jail or being executed for war crimes during the concentration camps of World War II.

Everyone now is in the fog of the coronavirus war but eventually that fog will clear. What will be left then of people's anger regarding those they lost along the way? Those in positions of power now may wish one day they made different decisions that kept more people alive during the coronavirus. Because it's not going to stay the way it is very long. That's for sure. it could get much better or much worse and likely both at different times.

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