Monday, July 13, 2020

One last Chance: It is the title of the latest Time Magazine

Global Warming is probably the actual cause of the coronavirus whether it was genetically designed or arose from Bats. As species go extinct one by one or by the dozens like now worldwide, "Why do people think humans won't go extinct too?" It's ludicrous to think that as species like Bees are going extinct from the neurotoxins in insecticides sprayed on vegetables that this isn't harming people too when bees can't find their nests because of the neurotoxins. Where do you think Alzheimers came from by the way. And when you eat animals who have been eating grain sprayed with neurotoxins you are concentrating the neurotoxins into the bodies and flesh of the animals you are eating. So, when you get alzheimers or senile dementia at 40, 50 or 60 or 70 years of age you shouldn't be surprised when the neurotoxins sprayed upon the food you are eating (the meat) takes away your cognitive functions.

Yes. It's equally as crazy as coronavirus. Maybe the neurotoxins in people's food caused people to vote for Trump in the first place? I suppose it's possible but I'm not entirely sure.

The same kind of ignorance seems to surround Coronavirus that surrounds toxic meat that has been concentrated with herbicides and insecticides in the fields and then fed to the animals where it is concentrated in their flesh people are eating all over the country.

So, when you worry about how people are going to be able to do critical thinking when they choose a president, the answer is that they may not be able to simply because of their diets and the fact that  if they are over 40 or 50 years of age which is when people vote the most, Republican or Democrat or whatever party they might be.

So, the one last chance is to try to stop Global Warming. However, I think it's already too late for this generation. However, if something isn't done now it leads to human extinction within a few hundred years.

Until Coronavirus we were headed towards extinction by 2080 or 2090 from overpopulation combined with terrorism by those almost starved to death this century.

Now we are headed towards extinction from Global Warming and Coronavirus combined as a human race over the next several hundred years.

Either way I'm thinking right now the way things are presently going (but they could also change) we are headed presently towards somewhere between 1 billion and 1 million people left alive on earth by 2100 AD.

But, like I said, this is today but we can change the outcome to whatever people actually choose to do worldwide.

It's not just an American Choice folks, it's a world wide choice.

And this choice is either made by the choices you make or the ones you refuse to make or don't make because you don't realize you have a choice either way.

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