Sunday, July 19, 2020

One of the more interesting things about Tibetan Buddhism

The Tibetan Buddhist point of view is that physical reality is both real and unreal simultaneously. But also, Dreams and thoughts are also equally real and unreal simultaneously too.

So, whether something is physical or mental or a dream there is a similarity to all these things.

I can personally see the usefulness of thinking this way. By thinking in this way you are not shocked like materialists are sometimes into catatonia or death by difficult physical or psychological events.

There is an equanimity to all things that I find useful in life in that you don't give power to things that are  not useful to give power to. In this way you are master of your universe and not a victim ever if you master this viewpoint.

Especially after having to witness suffering and death so much in India for 4 months straight especially in 1985 and 1986  all the time I was there with my family I see how this point of view is useful to maintain survival in your physical and mental and emotional and spiritual world through any event or events both waking and sleeping or dreaming ongoing in one's life.

Especially in times like these worldwide where we are dealing with horrific deaths and a horrific president who is definitely mentally ill (compared to most people) it is useful to be able to think in this way to maybe come out the other side of all of this (whenever that is) in one piece with all ones mental, and emotional and spiritual capacities intact.

So, it is possible to survive countless deaths with this point of view by praying for the souls as they transit from this world to the next. Because I'm clairvoyant and I can also sometimes help souls on the other side given the right conditions which is useful too.

By God's Grace

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